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  • That's yeah, it's alive.

  • It's alive.

  • Yo yo yo you boys, little apple here with grapefruit, good morrow and today we're doing the shock.

  • Terrific trick or treat challenge.

  • I choose three.

  • Sorry, grapefruit, take it from me.

  • It's a little more complicated than that.

  • We have all these bags and neither of us has any clue what's inside.

  • Could be anything.

  • That's right.

  • But we do know this much.

  • Half of them are treats and half of them are tricks at the risk of sounding overconfident.

  • I'm exceptionally good at sniffing out tricks.

  • I've never been pranked my entire life.

  • What about yesterday I meant to sit in.

  • That will be kush.

  • And what about last Tuesday?

  • Yeah, I meant to run face first into that brick wall painted like a road and last month I meant to give my life savings that Nigerian Prince.

  • It's nice guy.

  • Okay then I guess you're gonna dominate.

  • Why don't you go first?

  • Little apple, 1st 2nd, it doesn't matter where I go, be the same result.

  • Okay, then I'm gonna choose the biggest bag, man.

  • Oh man.

  • Oh man.

  • Oh man.

  • Oh man.

  • Here we go.

  • And inside is another bag.

  • Another bag.

  • The old bag in the bag frank.

  • Looks like you fell for a classic trick.

  • Hey.

  • Well, I'll say I had open like so many bags just to get this one smelly old $100 bill.

  • What?

  • Not at all.

  • Bill in there.

  • Yeah, they got to be pretty good.

  • Huh?

  • Yeah, that was definitely one of the trick bags meaning that I am winning.

  • I knew I didn't stand a chance against you.

  • You're just too good at this sort of thing.

  • Well I love to disagree.

  • But I can I select this bag what's inside?

  • Looks like a creepy looking and treat us.

  • Some guy who's so far away you are, but never deeper.

  • Another what now?

  • Look at you, my eyes.

  • No, I don't want it.

  • I contact orchard dang it.

  • Oh my grapefruit.

  • Hey, grape out.

  • Oh my, We got him back a little apple.

  • I can't believe you're still alive.

  • I thought everyone I knew had been long gone by now.

  • How long was I in the nether realm?

  • 20 years, 50 years.

  • Not even close.

  • I knew it.

  • I was down there shoveling volcanic rocks for centuries, wasn't I?

  • I built an entire city.

  • Little Apple and entire city had a party hot rocks and the worst part was another demon kept using the word I when he shouldn't that be.

  • Who's So it awakens.

  • I'd another demon build i a city of bag but prisoner, you're gone for like two seconds.

  • What's that now dude, we're still in the middle of the trick or treat challenge, wow.

  • Yeah, definitely picked a trick, didn't I?

  • I guess so.

  • Although you did just get to live for hundreds of years.

  • So I think who was scoring this one has a treat.

  • Oh yeah, yeah, there was a certain treat motif to my lengthy stay in the nether realm.

  • There was some nice moments like that time.

  • I didn't have to work for two weeks because I was recovering from back with birds to my entire body.

  • I'm fine.

  • Okay, so it sounds like I've got some catching up to do.

  • I'm gonna choose this bag.

  • Seems like a solid choice.

  • I would have chosen personally, but back back.

  • Oh yes, that one definitely counts as a trip.

  • Glad Ellie attacking me.

  • You're the one who open the bag.

  • Whoa.

  • How long were they in this bag?

  • They left a whole bunch of bad poop in here, huh?

  • Okay, good.

  • At least you got tricked somehow even though they didn't know what you doing there?

  • Oh nothing.

  • Just selling this bat poop.

  • It's really expensive.

  • You know, it is a big time.

  • Say did the bats get any poop on you?

  • If so?

  • I'll pay a pretty penny.

  • They didn't get poop on me.

  • Not only just a little bit in my mouth now.

  • Down.

  • Goodbye.

  • Hey, cheer up grapefruit.

  • You're still in the lead.

  • Yeah, you're right.

  • I guess I am.

  • Okay.

  • Hand me that teeny tiny one over there.

  • Can't wait to see what Oh wait.

  • On the plus side.

  • At least you want.

  • Oh that is nice.

  • I'll keep that in mind whenever I built another city for my way.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Mhm.

  • Mhm.

  • Yes.

That's yeah, it's alive.

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