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  • Captain Lang, the target's in sight.

  • Target 8-5-2-3?

  • Paint the target.

  • Chief Luo,

  • our target, The Church of Almighty God's figure with the mobile number ending in 8-5-2-3,

  • is in sight. (Great.)

  • Maintain surveillance, and when it's time, make quick arrests. (Yes, sir!)

  • There are people in various sects who love the truth

  • and are able to recognize the voice of God.

  • When they hear Almighty God's word, they feel that it's the truth,

  • that it reveals the Bible's mysteries.

  • They determine Almighty God's word is the voice of God.

  • They're all eager to study the true way.

  • More and more people are accepting.

  • God's sheep listen to God's voice.

  • It's true.

  • It's imperative we make every effort to supply those who wish to study the true way

  • with the words of Almighty God, so they may hear the voice of God.

  • God's entrusted us with this task.

  • That's right!

  • Unfortunately, many new believers don't have their own books of God's word.

  • Truly, we must send them some books of God's word as soon as possible!

  • There are many new people in the church

  • who'd like a full set of books of God's word. (Indeed.)

  • We've depleted our supply of books of God's word.

  • Some new church members haven't received

  • even the most basic reading of The Word Appears in the Flesh.

  • We must quickly transfer a batch of books of God's word.

  • Okay! Somehow, I'll find a way.

  • And now let us pray together! (Good.)

  • Hey.

  • Really? Oh.

  • Sister, we need a lot more this time.

  • If possible, around two thousand or so.

  • That's terrific! OK.

  • Goodbye!

  • BC sector.

  • Tag her.

  • That's her, subject 8-5-2-3!

  • Amen!

  • I'll take a look.

  • Oh no, the police!

  • Pack separately! Hurry!

  • What are you doing?

  • Move! (Go!)

  • Who authorized you to break into my house?

  • Don't move!

  • Don't get smart!

  • Get down! Hands on your head!

  • You've no authority to arrest us. What law did we break?

  • You—(Don't be slick, you old witch!)

  • Move it! (Aunt Wang!)

  • Aunt Wang!

  • You are all the people's police.

  • How can you beat us at will?

  • Down! (Get down!)

  • Come here, come look. We have 8-5-2-3!

  • Not for nothing did we all break our backs.

  • We've finally caught this big fish!

  • A big Church of Almighty God leader.

  • Take her there.

  • Get up!

  • Down!

  • God, please guard my heart. Give me faith and strength.

  • I want to stand firmly and witness for You.

  • I won't betray You like Judas!

  • Captain, we found this.

  • Is that it?

  • We looked. That's all we found.

  • Take 'em away!

  • Level with me,

  • what is your role in The Church of Almighty God?

  • Are you a main leader?

  • Who are your leaders then? Answer!

  • We actually have no need of a confession from you.

  • To tell you the truth,

  • we've been monitoring you for three months.

  • We know all we need to know about you.

  • You used to be a newspaper reporter.

  • You're now a leader of The Church of Almighty God.

  • Is that correct?

  • Whatever job I hold in the world or duty I perform in the Church,

  • is it against the law?

  • Isn't religious freedom explicitly stipulated in the national Constitution?

  • My belief is within the law.

  • What authority do you possess to monitor me,

  • or to arrest believers of God?

  • What authority?

  • Listen up. In China, belief in God is a criminal offense!

  • You of all people should grasp

  • that the Chinese Constitution does not represent the CCP's policy.

  • Your belief may align with the Constitution,

  • but it violates CCP policy.

  • So your faith is an offense.

  • The Communist Party's policy is law!

  • You mean to tell me you never figured that out?

  • The CCP is an atheistic party.

  • Atheism and theism by definition conflict.

  • How could the incumbent CCP tolerate belief?

  • Man is created by God, so is everything in the universe.

  • God rules over all, including humans.

  • Man's belief in God is just and proper.

  • What right does the CCP have to deny citizens religious freedom?

  • On whose authority does it deny believers their right to life?

  • Why are believers of God not allowed to live in the land of China?

  • Jiang Xinyi, you need to grasp the situation.

  • You must grasp that the CCP hates most God's appearance and work

  • and believers of God like yourself.

  • It especially hates the truth in the Bible and The Word Appears in the Flesh.

  • These are the two books that the CCP hates most.

  • Without both of these books,

  • believers of God would be no more.

  • Citizens would follow the CCP.

  • That's why the CCP will not ever tolerate you believers!

  • Within China, believing in God is a dead end,

  • especially for followers of Almighty God

  • who are more formidable than those of Jesus in witnessing for God.

  • For that alone, we must deal with you more severely!

  • When you're home and secretly meet,

  • the CCP will arrange for sub-district offices, village committees, and neighbors

  • to monitor you,

  • and then arrest you.

  • To those of you with particular influence,

  • we dedicate personnel to track and report real-time intelligence on you,

  • and to round you up whenever you congregate.

  • When you leave home and are in exile,

  • the Party will offer bounties for your quick arrest.

  • You will be captured sooner or later.

  • Even when you have fled overseas,

  • the government can use diplomacy and other means to extradite you.

  • We'll drag you back at all costs for immediate torture and imprisonment.

  • Why is the CCP so willing to invest this much manpower as well as money

  • on suppressing religion?

  • Its goal is not only to ban and eliminate every religion,

  • but to exterminate and eradicate all who believe in God!

  • "Troops won't be withdrawn until the ban is done!"

  • Abolishing the work of God and the church of God and making China an atheist domain

  • is the CCP's religious policy!

  • Now that I've said this,

  • do you still dare to talk about reason and law with the CCP?

  • Now that I've explained the policy of the Communist Party,

  • how do you feel?

  • Is there anything else you don't understand?

  • From all that you said, I grasp it.

  • All of the CCP's insane suppression of Christians

  • is meant to abolish religious beliefs and make China an atheist domain.

  • Do you really think it's possible?

  • Has any country become an atheist domain?

  • In the whole world, I don't know of one.

  • No existing power in the world can abolish people's religious beliefs.

  • Communist governments have always wanted to ban religious beliefs.

  • Have any succeeded?

  • Not only did they fail, there are more and more believers of God.

  • What do you think that's all about?

  • This proves that God is the Master of all.

  • It is the Spirit of God at work!

  • Is man able to ban it?

  • If the ruling party keeps acting against God,

  • isn't it going against Heaven and the natural order?

  • Enough!

  • We're interrogating you, not you interrogating us!

  • Judging by what you have said,

  • you're definitely a church leader, and a big one at that!

  • You'd better start talking if you don't want to be tortured!

  • I warn you,

  • today we'll let you tell us who your leaders are and where the church money is.

  • This is your chance to make up for your mistakes.

  • But if you dare to refuse to answer honestly,

  • don't expect to walk out of here alive!

  • Captain Lang.

  • Look at this one.

  • Who is she? What's her name?

  • Is she or is she not your leader?

  • She's my friend.

  • Is it a crime to chat with a friend in a park?

  • Tell us!

  • Your "friend" in the photo, is she the one you called "sister" on the phone?

  • Did you ask her for 2,000 books of God's word?

  • Did you think by contacting secretly and speaking in code, you'd get away with it?

  • You underestimate the Chinese police force!

  • All of our surveillance equipment was imported from the U.S.;

  • it's the world's most advanced equipment.

  • No matter how you talk on the phone,

  • we can recognize your voice,

  • and we can spot when you're speaking in code.

  • We've mastered the codes you most frequently use.

  • You'd like to escape from our eyes? Not a chance!

  • We'll give you the opportunity to explain now.

  • This is your chance for leniency.

  • If you're stubborn and refuse, don't blame us for what comes next.

  • Our instruments of torture aren't for the weak of heart.

  • With us, the tightest lips will loosen and sing us all a tune.

  • Your monitoring tools are certainly advanced,

  • but you are misusing them

  • in blocking and banning the work of God as well as arresting Christians.

  • What law have we broken?

  • What could God's incarnation to save mankind be guilty of?

  • Why do you want to ban God's work of salvation for man?

  • What other country has their police monitor Christians like this?

  • You spent so much money to buy such sophisticated surveillance equipment

  • to monitor, track, and arrest Christians,

  • but is it even legal in the first place?

  • If the CCP rules by law and respects human rights,

  • why do believers feel the need to talk in code over the phone?

  • Isn't the CCP the root of all this?

  • The government violates the citizens' right to religious beliefs

  • and deprives believers the right to life,

  • then turns around and convicts them for violation of law and order.

  • Isn't this a case of the thief crying "Stop thief"?

  • Explain to me who is violating the law;

  • is it believers or you?

  • Hey.

  • Your words reveal that you still don't grasp the CCP.

  • Why is the Chinese Communist Party so against God as well as God's work?

  • It's because Christians like you believe in God's word and not in the CCP's word.

  • In the eyes of the CCP, you are its enemies!

  • You violate the CCP's policy,

  • which is worse than committing a crime!

  • According to the past policy, it should be treated as counter-revolutionary.

  • Even though the saying of counter-revolutionary is banned,

  • since you violate CCP policy,

  • you are now the CCP revolution's target.

  • The CCP will completely ban and eliminate you all.

  • Am I being clear in what I explain?

  • What you have said clarified everything

  • and helped me understand the CCP.

  • The CCP is quite determined to oppose God and to fight against God to the end.

  • What I don't understand is:

  • What good does it do for the CCP to be the sworn enemy of God?

  • By resisting God, will the country be more prosperous?

  • Will the people be happier?

  • Within the Age of Law, God proclaimed to man:

  • Since ancient times, all who act against God are punished.

  • The persecution we endure for belief in God is only temporary.

  • The punishment for resisting God? That is eternal.

  • God's disposition is unoffendable.

  • Dammit, you dare try to spread the gospel and witness for God here?

  • Do you not know who we are?

  • We're devils committed to fighting God!

  • We don't accept what you stand for.

  • We're the disciples of Satanist Karl Marx. We are atheists!

  • If God were real, I'd still deny Him.

  • I'd rather perish in hell than accept God!

  • You preach gospel and witness God here? You are courting death!

  • Want to talk heavenly justice?

  • Then! Talk! Heavenly! Justice!

  • Still want to talk?

  • All right.

  • Today, Jiang Xinyi,

  • I am going to help you clearly see who's the true master of your fate.

  • You will see if it's truly God, or if we're the master of your fate.

  • Hang her up now!

  • You like that? You're comfortable now?

  • You'll get the full treatment if you don't tell us all.

  • Let me tell you,

  • we've countless ways of fixing "godized people" like you.

  • Want to bear witness and pledge allegiance to God?

  • Want to be a remarkable witness to Him?

  • I will let you be a Judas, a disgrace to God.

  • First I'm going to post your pictures online.

  • Then I'll post you have sold out your church and become Judas.

  • I will ruin your name.

  • Everyone in your church will forsake you!

  • When I am done, you won't be able to clear your name. There'll be no chance of it.

  • Let's see how you'll face the people of your church.

  • I well know the evil you are capable of.

  • Framing the innocent, spreading false rumors,

  • these are just a few of your tricks.

  • But God is righteous.

  • God examines everything.

  • God knows whether or not I am Judas.

  • Your words don't count!

  • Bitch, start talking!

  • Who is in charge?

  • Dammit, I said talk!

  • Talk! You better talk! You better talk now!

  • Who is your leader?

  • Where's the church's money?

  • Are you talking or not?

  • Where is the church's money?

  • Almighty God, the CCP devils are too malicious!

  • God, I beg You to give us faith and strength.

  • Right!

  • Yes, yes.

  • You are right. Yes, Secretary Chen.

  • The Eastern Lightning case is of utmost importance.

  • I have arranged for my best men

  • to shock-interrogate the key elements of The Church of Almighty God.

  • It should be effective.

  • Please rest assured, sir!

  • Fine. Yes, yes.

  • Good-bye.

  • How many days has it been?

  • There's still no progress!

  • The provincial department is invested in this case.

  • If you don't get a confession soon, you and I will have a problem!

  • Chief Luo,

  • these people of The Church of Almighty God are really tough cases—(That's enough!)

  • No excuses!

  • What do you want me to say now?

  • I said it long ago.

  • People of The Church of Almighty God are tough.

  • The interrogation methods we currently use simply do not work at all on them!

  • It's true. You're right.

  • May I ask, what should we do?

  • It's clear, torture alone does not work.

  • Let's try some soft tactics.

  • Get President Yuan and Director Du of the Legal Education School.

  • Use brainwashing techniques to convince them.

  • I've no doubt they will talk.

  • That is a smart move!

  • President Yuan, here's Jiang Xinyi.

  • Captain Lang, how could you treat Ms. Jiang like this?

  • President Yuan, you don't understand, she

  • What'd she do? She only believes in God.

  • Why beat her like that?

  • Quick, uncuff her!

  • Find a room where Ms. Jiang can rest. (Yes.)

  • Ms. Jiang, your treatment was uncalled for.

  • Just try and get some rest now.

  • Tomorrow, I'll come again.

  • God, the police suddenly changed their attitude toward me.

  • I do not know what kind of tricks they're playing now.

  • God, may You enlighten me, guide me, and give me wisdom,

  • so that I can see through Satan's tricks.

  • Xiao Jiang, did you sleep well last night?

  • Let's chat a bit.

  • Xiao Jiang, please rest assured,

  • we're not here to interrogate you.

  • Just to have a little chat.

  • If something's wrong, you can tell me.

  • I will do my best to help you.

  • Yeah, if you have something to say, go ahead and say it.

  • Our president's kind-hearted.

  • I don't have anything to say.

  • We believers in God have no common language with you atheists.

  • I'm afraid we couldn't hold a conversation.

  • Come now, you can't really think that.

  • You're a journalist, I head a school.

  • We're both intellectuals.

  • So there must be some way we can still talk.

  • Speaking from the heart, I feel such sympathy for you.

  • You're a highly educated person,

  • and you used to be a respected journalist.

  • It's quite an achievement!

  • You must know that journalists are called uncrowned kings,

  • who are able to wield tremendous influence.

  • Your pen can make a leader or an enterprise popular.

  • It could make someone famous overnight.

  • Journalists are favored by leaders at all levels.

  • Do you agree with what I've just said to you?

  • A journalist's in a visible position.

  • There's frequent contacts with leaders and opportunities to advance.

  • We call it a "strategic vantage point."

  • The sky's the limit for a journalist who goes along with the Communist Party.

  • A journalist is in a much better position than we are.

  • Listen, you're an intelligent and wise person.

  • I just don't understand,

  • how could you give up such a profession and choose to believe in God?

  • Look at yourself right now,

  • instead of being a widely respected journalist,

  • you're a prisoner for believing in God.

  • Isn't it so demeaning?

  • Getting locked in jail, ruining your future, all for your belief in God,

  • it's really quite a tragedy.

  • Don't you agree?

  • Today, I am here to help you.

  • All you need to do is tell us everything you know,

  • sign a letter of repentance, and promise not to believe.

  • We'll let you go home immediately. You will be free.

  • In addition, I'm also willing to speak on your behalf to your unit

  • to reinstate you as a reporter, and to groom you for a most promising future.

  • What do you think of this?

  • Xiao Jiang,

  • our president has influence with the provincial government.

  • It is truly a blessing that he is willing to help you.

  • You should seize this opportunity.

  • President Yuan,

  • you're a government official, and I used to be a Party reporter.

  • We both have life experience.

  • In this dark and evil age of ours, where is the light?

  • Where is the justice?

  • How can one lead a meaningful life?

  • I often think about these questions.

  • I used to naively think that as a reporter I could work for the people and speak for them

  • by writing articles that would accurately depict some important social problems they face.

  • But as I became older, I understood.

  • While the CCP is in power,

  • all news media are run by them, and merely serve as its mouthpiece.

  • There'd be no chance to speak for the people.

  • Reporters have no choice but to spread lies,

  • sing praises for the CCP, and deceive the public.

  • If any reporter dares to cross the Party and to report the truth,

  • fairly speaking for the people,

  • that person will be sanctioned.

  • The reporter could be fired, thrown into some prison;

  • the reporter might even be killed.

  • Among all journalists, this fact is an open secret.

  • Those reporters who disapprove dare not voice their indignance.

  • This harsh reality was painful and left me feeling confused.

  • As they say, "Good begets good, evil evil."

  • There's bound to be divine punishment for CCP's followers.

  • Having read the words of Almighty God,

  • I've discovered the truth in Almighty God's words.

  • In the last days,

  • God's incarnation is for the cleansing and salvation of man,

  • to deliver man from sin.

  • This is an excellent chance for mankind to be saved.

  • If man rejects truth and follows the worldly trends of sin,

  • he will surely be destroyed in the catastrophe.

  • When I was a reporter,

  • I would do unconscionable things to attain fame and status.

  • I deceived the people for a living.

  • I was indicted by my conscience.

  • My heart was in deep pain, without peace.

  • If I followed the Communist Party,

  • my future would certainly be punishment in hell.

  • And so I resolved to accept God's work and give up this job.

  • I decided to believe in God and take the proper path.

  • President Yuan,

  • if you don't know the existence of God, nor understand faith in God,

  • you can read the word of Almighty God.

  • The truth and God's existence will become quite clear to you.

  • You will then understand where man came from and where he'll go.

  • You will know how to live so as to be praised by God and to be blessed.

  • Forgive me, but you've only believed for ten years.

  • You're still considered a rookie.

  • I've lived a very long time and studied religion for decades.

  • I can tell you with great confidence,

  • in this world of ours, there is simply no God,

  • nor has there ever been any Savior.

  • The belief of God is just too vague.

  • It's simply impractical.

  • We are both educated people;

  • we should look at the issues according to facts and science,

  • and believe the theories of Darwin, or even of materialism.

  • Do you agree with me?

  • Why is it you feel that you have to believe in God?

  • We communists believe in atheism and the theory of evolution.

  • You must know that Darwin's theory of evolution

  • is one of the most important theories in the history of science.

  • According to Darwin,

  • it's conclusive that everything on Earth was created by the work of nature.

  • Man's an accidental product of nature's process of biological evolution,

  • man had evolved from the ape.

  • There's a sufficient theoretical basis.

  • This shows that God did not create man.

  • What's written in the Bible

  • are but myths and legends that aren't to be taken seriously.

  • If I may, I advise you to study materialism and evolution.

  • They're truly practical and will remove your doubts.

  • I believe, when you're able to see it clearly,

  • you will have the correct understanding of religious beliefs,

  • and free yourself from the illusions of blind faith at long last.

  • Only by following the CCP, will you have a future.

  • The CCP's an atheistic party.

  • It believes in materialism and evolution.

  • But what is the result?

  • Both materialism and Darwinism are rejected by most.

  • More and more people accept God and return to Him.

  • Increasing numbers believe that the word of God is the truth.

  • The world has now reached the end of the last days.

  • God's work is at the final step.

  • God will make visible all of His deeds,

  • so that people in the last days

  • will see that all things in heaven and earth are created and ruled by God.

  • As in when Almighty God says,

  • Come now, you even witness the word of Almighty God here?

  • You'd like to preach the gospel to us?

  • Don't you see what kind of place this is?

  • Just now, you said you were not here to interrogate me.

  • You said you're here for a heart-to-heart talk.

  • That's why I communicated God's word with you, so we could have that talk.

  • I took you at your word, and shared how I feel.

  • Are you unhappy about it? (You!)

  • Hey!

  • In fact, I'm pleased you confided in us and that you take us as friends.

  • Please go on.

  • Since the creation, God's done three stages of work.

  • He's expressed many truths in every stage of His work.

  • The whole Bible is a record of God's work in both the Age of Law and the Age of Grace.

  • Then Almighty God performed judgment in the last days,

  • expressing truths for the cleansing and salvation of mankind,

  • most of which has been recorded in the book called The Word Appears in the Flesh.

  • Though we don't see God's spiritual body,

  • we can see all the words God expresses in every age when He appears to work.

  • It fulfills the words of the Bible:

  • Since mankind was corrupted by Satan,

  • God's been speaking and working in order to save mankind.

  • In the Age of Law,

  • God worked in Israel to issue His law and commandments,

  • to guide mankind's life on earth.

  • In the Age of Grace, God became flesh as the Lord Jesus,

  • and did redemptive work within Judea.

  • Almighty God incarnate appears and does His last-days work in China.

  • God's word recorded within the Bible and in The Word Appears in the Flesh in the last days

  • is the proof that God both speaks and works in the world to guide and save man.

  • If it were not for God's Spirit,

  • how could one speak such powerful and authoritative words?

  • Man is unable to see the Spirit of God,

  • but can hear the words He expresses.

  • This is enough to prove

  • God's Spirit has been speaking and working to guide and save mankind.

  • Man can only believe in God according to God's word.

  • When man is sincerely praying,

  • he can feel the Holy Spirit's work and the existence of God.

  • You've not read the Bible and God's word or prayed to God.

  • You have not believed in God,

  • so you cannot feel the existence of God.

  • In the last days, God became flesh as the Son of man

  • in order to speak and work among people.

  • All words expressed by Almighty God

  • are the truth with authority and power that He alone could utter.

  • This proves that it is the Spirit of God that speaks,

  • and the Spirit of God that is realized in the flesh to appear and do His work.

  • Once I read Almighty God's words in The Word Appears in the Flesh,

  • I could clearly feel that these words came from God.

  • It was God speaking directly to mankind.

  • That's why I accepted Almighty God.

  • After experiencing God's work for many years,

  • I've felt the authority and power of God's word,

  • and I've felt the Holy Spirit's enlightenment.

  • I saw God's wonderful deeds.

  • Within my heart,

  • God's authority, power, omnipotence, and dominance are overwhelmingly real!

  • It can be said those with a heart and spirit

  • can see the fact of God's existence and God's dominance over everything

  • from all that God has created and all the truths He's expressed.

  • The fact that every prophecy and every word of God is being fulfilled and achieved

  • makes it obvious that only the word of God is the truth.

  • All of mankind must see God's omnipotence and dominance.

  • Well now, what you've said sounds considered and reasonable.

  • But I have never seen God.

  • I have never seen how God works, nor how He dominates the world,

  • for it's hard for me to recognize God and accept Him.

  • From having studied religious beliefs for many years,

  • I think that religious belief offers spiritual sustenance,

  • it is merely a way to fill mankind's spiritual emptiness.

  • Didn't believers of God ultimately die like the rest of us?

  • No one's able to verify who went to heaven and who to hell.

  • To me, religious belief seems unrealistic and quite vague.

  • With scientific development and human progress,

  • religious belief will most likely be abandoned and cast aside.

  • We all need to believe in science.

  • Only science can uncover the truth and reality.

  • That no one can deny.

  • Although science has not denied God,

  • it hasn't witnessed God's existence.

  • If science should find proof that there is God and that He dominates all,

  • then we too will believe in God.

  • All of us communists just believe in science.

  • Only through the belief and development of science will society progress.

  • Science can solve many real problems of human societies.

  • What does belief in God offer people?

  • Other than temporary spiritual comfort, what else is it good for?

  • It solves no practical problems.

  • What I'm saying is belief in science is more realistic than belief in God.

  • We all have to believe in science.

  • Mr. Yuan,

  • atheism holds science above all and places great faith in it,

  • to the point of deeming science as truth, science as faith.

  • But if science were the truth,

  • why have so many of its theories been refuted and disproved after existing only briefly?

  • This shows that science is not the truth at all.

  • Can science solve human society's most serious problems?

  • Can science solve human corruption?

  • Can science solve the darkness and evil of the world?

  • Can it help people know God?

  • Can science bring happiness and peace to mankind?

  • Now that science has been fully developed, what are the consequences?

  • Science has not brought happiness and peace to mankind.

  • It's brought wars and disasters that threaten to destroy man.

  • The environment's been destroyed.

  • Wholesome food, unmodified, is now rare.

  • Isn't this all true?

  • With the development of science,

  • humans increasingly believe in science, and in turn deny and resist God,

  • which is leading to mankind's growing catastrophe.

  • Just as Almighty God says,

  • When man advocates and believes in science,

  • he'll naturally deny the truth and God.

  • What'll the outcome of that be?

  • When man believes in science he'll naturally refuse to accept God's work and salvation,

  • and even resist God.

  • When man's left God, there's no room for God in his heart,

  • so man won't have God's blessing.

  • Now that mankind advocates science, evil, and follows worldly trends,

  • the gap between mankind and God grows wider,

  • the whole world grows ever more dark and evil and ever more against God.

  • The increasingly frequent struggles and wars

  • have brought a variety of disasters to mankind.

  • Be honest, do you think science can save man from evil and sin?

  • Can science help man escape the catastrophe in the last days?

  • Can science secure a good destination for mankind?

  • These are major issues related man's outcome that science cannot solve.

  • This is enough to prove science is not the truth,

  • science cannot save man.

  • Almighty God's expression of truth in the last days is for man's salvation.

  • If mankind receives the judgment and cleansing of Almighty God,

  • it can get God's protection amid the catastrophe,

  • and then survive to be brought to God's kingdom.

  • This is God's promise.

  • Whether or not man accepts the word of God,

  • he will see God's words fulfilled by the time the catastrophe has ended.

  • And it will be too late for regrets.

  • Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhou,

  • so, the pastors and elders of the religious community

  • tell me that you believe in a man, and not Jesus Christ.

  • You witness this man is in fact the returned Lord Jesus,

  • or Almighty God appearing to work.

  • Are you aware the Communist Party has condemned Christianity and Catholicism as cults?

  • Yet you witness that the Lord Jesus has returned as Almighty God.

  • Is this not foolishness?

  • How can the Communist Party spare you?

  • The CCP designates Christianity and Catholicism as cults,

  • and the Bible as a cultist book.

  • This is a widely known fact.

  • You must be aware of it.

  • If the CCP dares to condemn and deny the world's orthodox religions,

  • why couldn't it condemn Almighty God's appearance and work?

  • If the CCP could declare the Bible is a cultist book,

  • then why would it consider tolerating The Word Appears in the Flesh?

  • Public security agencies have confiscated many copies of this book.

  • Many people are studying it.

  • I don't understand it.

  • Why must you people believe in Almighty God?

  • Why insistently witness that Almighty God is Christ of the last days?

  • We've come to understand everything about His family background.

  • He is an ordinary person, just as Christianity's Jesus is.

  • Jesus was the son of a carpenter, and had parents as well as siblings.

  • He was just an ordinary man.

  • Yet the entirety of Christendom worships Him like God.

  • The Almighty God that you people believe in is also a man like Jesus,

  • yet you insist that He is God.

  • This is quite inexplicable.

  • You both endured so much pain for believing in an ordinary man.

  • So, is it worth it?

  • I hear that many followers gave up families and careers for Almighty God.

  • I'm curious what is there to gain from believing in God like this.

  • What is the basis for you to believe that He is God?

  • You believers of God are quite incredible.

  • In my whole life,

  • I've never seen any proof of God's existence at all.

  • Yet all of you pronounce this ordinary man to be God.

  • Just what is the basis for this assertion?

  • Is it that He changes the weather, performs miracles and wonders?

  • Does He ascend to heaven?

  • Can you please clarify?

  • We know, the CCP's an atheistic party that doesn't recognize God in heaven.

  • How could it recognize the incarnate God?

  • So we're not surprised by the Party's reaction to our faith in the incarnate Christ.

  • Not a single bit.

  • There are many religious people who only recognize God in heaven,

  • and not the incarnate Christ.

  • So they are eliminated by the work of God.

  • For millennia, God's done three stages of work to save man,

  • and God uttered many words in each stage of His work.

  • Mankind only came to accept God's work because of God's utterances.

  • By the last days, the Lord Jesus' gospel has spread all over.

  • Ever more people believe in God, over two billion all together.

  • Is it possible you have overlooked this fact?

  • Churches are seen everywhere in democratic countries.

  • The Christian, Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox churches

  • all believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • You must at least know this.

  • The Lord Jesus Christ is the incarnate God.

  • For two thousand years,

  • countless people have been following and witnessing for the Lord Jesus.

  • The Lord Jesus only appeared to be an ordinary person.

  • Why is it so many believe the Lord Jesus is the Savior and the appearance of God?

  • If you do want to know what the appearance of God is and what Christ is,

  • you must read the Bible,

  • and see how the Lord Jesus preached and worked,

  • and how the Holy Spirit witnessed for Him.

  • Then you'll know why people believe in the Lord Jesus.

  • Incarnation itself is a great mystery.

  • Christ of the last days, Almighty God, has expressed

  • all the truths for the cleansing and the salvation of mankind,

  • and unveiled all mysteries in the Bible.

  • Not believing in God or reading Almighty God's word,

  • how could you know the mysteries about God?

  • Do you want to understand just what incarnation is?

  • If you want to understand

  • let's communicate about Almighty God's word

  • and see what Almighty God has said.

  • Do you think we can?

  • We're trying to understand this. You can go ahead.

  • Almighty God's also uttered that

  • Almighty God has revealed the mysteries of incarnation in these few brief passages.

  • When we hear the word of God,

  • we immediately grasp what incarnation is all about.

  • Only God incarnate can express the truth for man's cleansing and salvation.

  • Can you deny it's the appearance and work of God?

  • Are the world's famous and great people able to express the truth?

  • Aside from the incarnate God, no one can express the truth.

  • The One who can express all truths for mankind's cleansing and salvation

  • is naturally Christ and the appearance of God.

  • This is beyond a doubt.

  • Our belief in Almighty God is due to all the truths

  • that Almighty God has expressed for man's cleansing and salvation,

  • and His judgment work in the last days.

  • So we believe that He is God incarnate

  • and the Lord Jesus who has returned in the flesh in the last days.

  • That's the base for our belief in Almighty God.

  • I know that

  • you who believe in Almighty God do so 'cause you've read Almighty God's words,

  • and think Almighty God's word is the truth and the voice of God.

  • So, you witness Almighty God is Christ of the last days, the returned Lord Jesus,

  • who's done judgment work in the last days.

  • This is the basis for your belief in Almighty God.

  • I believe followers of Almighty God don't believe in a man lightly.

  • However,

  • communists have never recognized the existence of God or His dominance,

  • let alone the word of God as truth.

  • The word of God is the truth to you, not to us. Not at all.

  • We believe that Darwinism and science are true.

  • That's the reason we condemn your belief.

  • Clearly, we are on two extremely different paths.

  • Yet leaders within the religious community don't accept the Almighty God you believe in.

  • How can you explain that?

  • It's no surprise some leaders within the religious community resist Almighty God,

  • for most people only believe in the God in heaven,

  • just a few people can accept and know the incarnate God.

  • Two thousand years ago,

  • when the Lord Jesus appeared to work,

  • didn't all the chief priests, scribes, and the Pharisees of Judaism resist the Lord Jesus?

  • They even gave the Lord Jesus to the Roman governor to be nailed onto the cross.

  • Both times that God has appeared in the flesh to work,

  • He has expressed many truths

  • and done work for man's redemption and salvation.

  • Though many recognize God's existence,

  • they do not know about the incarnation of God.

  • The greatest mystery, that of incarnation, they can't ever fathom.

  • Each time that God appeared to work in the flesh,

  • many were revealed and eliminated.

  • Almighty God incarnate both judged and revealed people by voicing truth in the last days.

  • Upon hearing the truths expressed by the incarnate God,

  • those who love the truth recognized the voice of God.

  • They realized it was God's appearance and work,

  • so then they accepted Christ and obeyed Christ.

  • For those who do not love the truth,

  • though they recognized the authority and power of God's word,

  • their preconceived notions led them to resist,

  • since the incarnate God looked like an ordinary man.

  • And so, these people who detest the truth were revealed and eliminated.

  • The people that God saves are those who love the truth and in turn accept the truth.

  • The people that God reveals and eliminates loathe and hate the truth.

  • This shows God's omnipotence and wisdom!

  • God's disposition is found in the manner of His work.

  • The incarnation of God is truly a great mystery.

  • It's not easy to penetrate!

  • Many people have stumbled over this.

  • This is how I view it and accept it.

  • Having heard what you said, belief in God seems yet more profound.

  • You stated incarnation is a great mystery,

  • many believers in God can't fathom it.

  • Communists don't recognize God and don't acknowledge the word of God as truth.

  • Therefore, your witnessing for God, especially witnessing for God in the flesh,

  • is what we cannot tolerate.

  • Of course we have to condemn and oppose it.

  • Were it not for the expression of truth by God in the flesh,

  • could so many people follow God?

  • That's why we most hate the incarnation of God, and the truth expressed by Christ.

  • Don't you know that?

  • There's one more matter that I have never been able to understand.

  • The One you believe in is Almighty God,

  • and you read Almighty God's word,

  • you pray in the name of Almighty God,

  • but according to what we know,

  • your Church of Almighty God was founded by a man, whom you obey in all matters.

  • By your testimonies, this man is a priest, a person used by God,

  • in charge of administrative matters.

  • I am quite puzzled by this.

  • Who was it that founded The Church of Almighty God?

  • How was it begotten?

  • Well, can you explain this?

  • Director.

  • I didn't expect you to know a bit of The Church of Almighty God.

  • You know the One we believe in is Almighty God,

  • and read Almighty God's words, and pray to Almighty God.

  • So why say The Church of Almighty God was made by a man?

  • I don't know where that idea comes from.

  • The One we believe in is incarnate Almighty God, not a man.

  • Most of the words Almighty God spoke are in The Word Appears in the Flesh.

  • And since you haven't read this book yourselves,

  • you can't truly understand The Church of Almighty God.

  • From the Chinese Communist government's spreading rumors

  • that The Church of Almighty God was created by a man,

  • it proves the CCP doesn't understand The Church of Almighty God at all.

  • They don't even understand how The Church of Almighty God was formed,

  • yet they insist that it was created by a man.

  • It's very absurd, right?

  • Don't you think that's at all preposterous?

  • Let me ask you: Who then created Christianity?

  • Who created Catholicism?

  • Eastern Orthodox, Catholicism, and Christianity

  • were all made by the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus.

  • Though the apostles made churches everywhere,

  • that doesn't mean Christianity was made by the apostles.

  • The churches in every age were begotten by the appearance and work of God.

  • The Age of Grace brought churches from the Lord Jesus' appearance and work.

  • The Age of Kingdom brought churches from Almighty God's appearance and work.

  • Without God's appearance and work,

  • could the apostles have made churches all by themselves?

  • Those who joined the church believed in God.

  • It wasn't the apostles they believed in.

  • So you can't say the churches in any age were founded by just man.

  • Even when the churches were established,

  • the apostles built them in the name of Lord Jesus.

  • The apostles didn't say the churches came from them.

  • That's a known fact.

  • Why doesn't the CCP speak according to the facts?

  • Why distort the facts so blatantly?

  • Isn't it ridiculous?

  • Almighty God appeared in the last days to utter the truth.

  • When Christians of all sects who love the truth heard the voice of God speak,

  • and saw God's appearance and work,

  • they returned to Almighty God and were brought before His throne,

  • and that created The Church of Almighty God.

  • Many people established churches everywhere,

  • but do we say these establishers are the creators of the church?

  • The Church of Almighty God was created because of Almighty God's appearance and work.

  • That's a fact. No one can deny that.

  • Quiet! You've said enough.

  • Even if that's true, we won't agree.

  • Since we're all atheists,

  • we must continue to condemn your belief.

  • We say what we want to say.

  • You don't have the right to plead.

  • Think about it.

  • When we go and condemn your faith, can we speak with facts?

  • It may be fact, but while you say one thing,

  • we as communists say another.

  • Whether the incarnation of God is true,

  • we must condemn Him as a man.

  • Whether you like it or not,

  • there will always be those who accept our side.

  • And that's enough.

  • That will achieve what we want.

  • Also, though The Church of Almighty God believes in Almighty God,

  • you all seem to obey the work arrangement

  • and organization of a man who's like your manager.

  • No matter what kind of figure,

  • we can only say The Church of Almighty God was created by him.

  • Whether or not you all like it, that's what we'll say.

  • The CCP is loud, and you're not.

  • When we say so,

  • there are many people who are bound to believe us.

  • Whether or not you accept it, agree or not, doesn't matter.

  • Because our goal has been achieved.

  • Xiao Jiang.

  • After hearing what you've said,

  • it appears that I haven't seen through your faith in God.

  • What you said makes sense.

  • When I get a chance,

  • I'm going to read The Word Appears in the Flesh as well,

  • although I have a word of advice.

  • Even if I were able to spare you,

  • the Communist Party will not be lenient with believers in God,

  • because you go against the atheist Communist Party.

  • So the Party deems believers in God as enemies.

  • Central leaders decide to ban all house churches,

  • especially The Church of Almighty God.

  • I advise you to face reality.

  • Look at all the prisons our country has.

  • Who were they made for?

  • Can you still not see the truth?

  • They say a wise man submits to circumstance.

  • Your belief in God under the CCP simply isn't possible.

  • If you insist on belief, then your outcome is jail, or death.

  • Are you aware of the consequences?

  • I say this only for your own good.

  • You say your words are for my good. That's not true.

  • For us who believe,

  • we follow the path of God's salvation,

  • which is completely contradictory to your path of Marxism and Satanism.

  • You want to pull me from the path of faith to your own path of demise.

  • It's entrapping and harming me.

  • How can it be for my own good?

  • Almighty God's appearance and work

  • is entirely for the cleansing and salvation of man.

  • You don't accept the truth, but resist and condemn the work of God.

  • You're seeking your own demise.

  • Mr. Yuan,

  • though you're not a believer, this you should know:

  • Through all history,

  • every country and race that acted against God or resisted God

  • were destroyed by God.

  • The people of Sodom who resisted God

  • were killed by the fire cast down from heaven.

  • The Jewish people crucified the Lord Jesus, leading to the subjugation of Israel.

  • The CCP will incur God's punishment

  • for resisting Almighty God and brutally persecuting Christians.

  • Just as Almighty God says,

  • Enough! Shut up!

  • You really are "godized."

  • You won't compromise. You can't be redeemed. You'll get thrown in jail.

  • Xiao Jiang.

  • I genuinely wanted to help.

  • If you still follow Eastern Lightning, you'll not only go to jail,

  • your husband will be dismissed by his unit,

  • and your children cannot enter the university.

  • How will they live from now on?

  • If you are sentenced and die in jail, it's not my fault.

  • I've said all I can.

  • You should think it over.

  • Afterward, give me an answer.

  • This Jiang Xinyi is not a simple person.

  • She understands a lot.

  • She must've read The Word Appears in the Flesh a lot.

  • She is certainly "godized."

  • Yes. That's how followers of Almighty God are.

  • They really can't be underestimated.

  • The word of Almighty God seems powerful.

  • How many years have they believed?

  • It's a deep-rooted belief.

  • Converting them won't be easy.

  • Call Pastor Feng immediately.

  • Get ready for the second conversion phase. (Yes.)

  • Oh, Almighty God, I thank You.

  • You guide and protect me in overcoming the deception and temptation of Satan.

  • God, no matter how they treat me next,

  • I'll only choose the truth and righteousness.

  • I'll stand firmly on Your side.

  • Xiao Jiang, your belief in God is quite pious.

  • I admire you.

  • I'd like to know more about believing in God.

  • That's why I've invited Pastor Feng here.

  • He's believed in God since childhood, studied theology,

  • and been a pastor for more than twenty years.

  • You're both believers of God with a common language.

  • Let's explore it together

  • to see which is the correct and viable path to believe in God.

  • Sister.

  • President Yuan said that you're persistent in the way you believe.

  • You've endured arrest, persecution, and torture for adhering to your faith,

  • without denying God.

  • That is admirable.

  • But I feel sorry for you.

  • What is the point of all this suffering?

  • The Bible says,

  • With years of belief, you should know what that means.

  • The Bible was inspired by God after all.

  • I believe we believers should obey those in power.

  • That's how I perceive it.

  • Pastor Feng.

  • You interpret Paul's words differently than how we interpret them.

  • I've been persecuted for as long as I've believed in God,

  • and do not understand

  • I believe, Paul's words are not what the Lord Jesus meant.

  • Because the Lord Jesus never said to obey the higher powers.

  • Nor did the Holy Spirit.

  • Believing should mean obeying the Lord's word.

  • The word of man should not be taken as the truth and word of God.

  • After years of praying and seeking,

  • I finally see that the CCP is an evil group.

  • To obey the CCP is to betray God.

  • We all know the CCP is atheist,

  • openly denying and resisting God since it took power.

  • It labels that Christianity is a cult, and the Bible is a cultist book, burning copies,

  • and arrests and persecutes Christians.

  • Christians have been beaten to crippled or death,

  • and families are shattered.

  • They even pursue overseas,

  • using economic and political means to extradite Christians who fled to other places.

  • The CCP has too many crimes against Christians for us to count.

  • Tell me,

  • can God allow His chosen people to obey such a sacrilegious and evil regime

  • that's blatantly and perversely against God?

  • If we obey the CCP, aren't we on Satan's side?

  • Since it resists God and tries to stop us from believing in God,

  • it is God's enemy.

  • To obey the CCP, isn't that just betraying God?

  • Christians of years past were persecuted and martyred

  • for following, witnessing the Lord.

  • Did they obey those in power?

  • Was their martyrdom punishment for resisting the ruling power?

  • Would Paul dare condemn the Lord's martyrs?

  • I don't think he would.

  • When it comes to Paul's words, what was their basis?

  • Is it possible that Paul didn't realize those in power resisted God?

  • That's why Paul's words give me some doubts.

  • I question when Paul says

  • Neither the Lord Jesus nor the Holy Spirit said this.

  • I suspect that many of Paul's words are man's intent.

  • So I wouldn't accept them as the truth.

  • I only obey the word of God and follow according to His word.

  • As for the words of man, including the apostles',

  • they're just a reference.

  • I would only accept words that are consistent with the truth and the word of God.

  • Otherwise, I would not.

  • That's how I see it.

  • Sister Jiang.

  • Your Bible perception is very pure.

  • I read it that way once too.

  • However, I saw the cruel reality.

  • If you continue this, you will be persecuted.

  • You will suffer. You'll be in danger.

  • The Communist Party is a revolutionary one.

  • If you disobey, it will end your life.

  • So then, how should you deal with this under the circumstances?

  • If someone believes so firmly even when they are tortured,

  • they could lose their life.

  • How could you believe in the Lord if you aren't alive?

  • It took me a long time to come to terms with this.

  • If you defy the authorities, it doesn't work in China.

  • The Lord is merciful.

  • He knows the situation, understands how it is.

  • He would not ask too much of us.

  • The Lord wants us to not be disgraceful of Him.

  • So I joined the Three-Self Church.

  • With the government's support,

  • we can have peace in belief in the Lord.

  • Your way of believing brings persecution, coercion, detention, imprisonment, martyrdom.

  • Could that be the right path?

  • Here in China,

  • you must be willing to join the Three-Self Church to believe in God.

  • There is simply no other way out.

  • There are many in the Three-Self Church who are loving and pious.

  • Can you say they really don't believe in the Lord?

  • Believers in Almighty God witness for God and spread the gospel

  • even after facing persecution.

  • Even when you are jailed,

  • you refuse to be like Judas, and stand up for God.

  • Honestly, I think it's very admirable.

  • On the other hand,

  • regarding what we seek in our belief,

  • don't we all just want a peaceful and a nice life?

  • We of the Three-Self Church are prudent.

  • We glorify God and are patriotic.

  • We don't offend the authorities or betray the Bible.

  • We worship the Lord openly in church.

  • We never have to hide or live in fear.

  • That's the best of both worlds, right?

  • And I think your experience could make you a great asset to the Three-Self Church.

  • You could soon become a pastor, or even have a say in politics.

  • You would have fortune and success.

  • By then, you'd be able to preach at any church you want.

  • Now, isn't that better than being underground,

  • risking your life every day to believe in God?

  • Pastor,

  • it is hard and dangerous to believe in God in China.

  • But if we go by Paul's word, obey the CCP, and follow the Three-Self Church,

  • we would be safe, but would we have the praises of the Lord?

  • Would we get into the kingdom of heaven?

  • I think not.

  • Those words clearly show us,

  • we should take the narrow way that leads to eternal life.

  • The Lord also said,

  • To go by Paul's words and obey authority,

  • is that the strait gate, the narrow way?

  • Is that bearing the cross in following the Lord?

  • If we all obey those who are in power under the CCP the devil,

  • aren't we becoming people who betray God?

  • Then who would be left to spread gospel and follow the will of God?

  • How can you receive the praises of the Lord by believing in this way?

  • The Three-Self Church is a fabrication of the Communist Party,

  • completely controlled by the government.

  • It doesn't speak truth in the Bible, or about obeying God.

  • It's all patriotism, making a fortune, and benefiting the people.

  • This proves to me that it's actually a false church,

  • an accomplice of the CCP suppressing house churches,

  • and monitoring house church activities.

  • They even help the government arrest brothers and sisters who witness for God.

  • This is Satan's instrument of alliance.

  • Pastor Feng,

  • when those in the Three-Self Church obey the government,

  • are they obeying God or obeying Satan?

  • Can God commend the puppets that help serve Satan?

  • Can those cowards who live under Satan's domain enter the heavenly kingdom?

  • And now, the Lord Jesus returned.

  • He's the incarnate Almighty God,

  • uttering truth and performing judgment work

  • for the cleansing, salvation, and perfection of man,

  • to bring them to God's kingdom.

  • In God's appearance and work in the last days believers will have a test,

  • in which they will be revealed,

  • as the Lord Jesus prophesied:

  • Almighty God's appearance and work reveals all people.

  • The tares and the wheat, the good servants and the evil ones,

  • those who love truth, those who hate truth,

  • they've been revealed by God's work in the last days.

  • Now is the time to determine man's destination.

  • If man lives ignobly, in fear of the CCP's coercion and persecution,

  • without receiving Almighty God's work,

  • what would the outcome be?

  • Can they receive the Lord's praise?

  • Pastor Feng, I'm interested in seeking.

  • How did you receive it?

  • Hearing you speak now, it seems your belief is quite profound.

  • I really should study it well.

  • But Pastor Feng here has been teaching the Bible for decades.

  • He knows what he's saying.

  • Xiao Jiang, don't you agree?

  • You see he's just so modest.

  • His language is unimposing.

  • According to your words, that is piety.

  • I believe you should learn more from him.

  • Ask him about anything you don't understand.

  • He can guide you to the right path to believe in God.

  • You should listen to what he has to say.

  • Sister. Your idea of the right path is very good.

  • With the Lord Jesus' words, it's consistent. I agree.

  • But you say that the Lord Jesus has returned as the incarnate Almighty God.

  • That I don't understand.

  • You also know

  • for years the Communist Party has been convicting and arresting you all.

  • Most pastors of the religious community condemn Eastern Lightning.

  • If Almighty God is truly the Lord Jesus' return,

  • He'll surely meet opposition from the CCP,

  • but why would the religious community condemn as well?

  • If the Lord really returned,

  • He should have appeared to the pastors and elders,

  • so that they would be the first to be raptured.

  • But that's not what happened.

  • Eastern Lightning isn't just condemned by the CCP,

  • because even pastors and elders in the religious community resist and condemn them too.

  • What's the problem?

  • Can you explain this to me?

  • Pastor Feng,

  • you're questioning God's appearance and work in the last days

  • because pastors and elders resist Almighty God.

  • That's normal.

  • When the Lord Jesus appeared to work,

  • not only did the Roman dictatorship resist and convict Him,

  • Judaism also condemned the Lord Jesus.

  • Was the Lord Jesus then not the appearance of God?

  • Are you sure that everything condemned by the religious community is not the true way?

  • Since you believe that

  • anything condemned by the religious world is not God's work,

  • I ask you, was the Lord Jesus God's appearance?

  • Was the work of the Lord Jesus the appearance and work of God?

  • Since the leaders back then resisted the Lord Jesus,

  • what's your basis of belief in the Lord Jesus?

  • Pastor Feng, you're familiar with the Bible.

  • So why did the Lord Jesus curse the Pharisees?

  • Pharisees represented who?

  • Didn't they represent the religious leaders?

  • Revelation predicted the demise of the religious world.

  • What did it mean?

  • It shows religious leaders are resistant to God.

  • They all act against God; they deny and resist Christ.

  • Don't you admit that's true?

  • Why is the religious community so devoid of the Holy Spirit's work?

  • It's enough to show God hates and curses that whole community.

  • God wants those who really belong to Him to come out of religion,

  • to leave the city of Babylon, and come to God.

  • That's God's intention.

  • If you don't believe it,

  • look at the prophecy of Revelation, how the Lord Jesus cursed the Pharisees,

  • and you will understand it.

  • The Lord Jesus cursed the Pharisees, you're right.

  • And Revelation also predicted the fall of Babylon.

  • I know all of this.

  • However,

  • you say that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus

  • who has returned to perform judgment work in the last days.

  • Is that based in the Bible?

  • Believers in God know

  • the Lord Jesus will return by descending with the clouds for all to see.

  • And so far, we haven't seen the Lord Jesus descend with the clouds.

  • So I'm certain that the Lord has not yet come back.

  • Sister Jiang, I don't understand.

  • Why do you say Almighty God is the Lord Jesus who has returned?

  • How can you be sure that God will appear in the last days incarnated as the Son of man?

  • Can you tell me that?

  • Pastor. You often teach the Bible.

  • You should know it more than me.

  • But my belief in Almighty God was founded on examination.

  • I've read many words of Almighty God, and found that His words are the truth,

  • unveiling mysteries of the Bible.

  • The expression of Almighty God is the voice of God.

  • My acceptance of Almighty God is based on the prophecies of the Lord Jesus.

  • The Lord Jesus mentioned "the coming of the Son of man"

  • and about

  • This clearly shows that

  • in the last days, the Lord will return as the Son of man,

  • and will still speak to man.

  • When man hears this voice, he will greet the Lord.

  • Almighty God's appearance fulfills the prophecies of the Lord Jesus.

  • The Lord's word is that He will return as the Son of man in the last days.

  • The Son of man refers to a regular man with normal humanity.

  • It means the incarnation of God.

  • If it were the spiritual body of the resurrected Lord Jesus,

  • it couldn't be the Son of man,

  • because the Lord Jesus' spiritual body can fade in and out and penetrate walls.

  • It won't follow normal physics.

  • It isn't flesh with normal humanity.

  • Pastor, am I right in saying this?

  • Because the Lord has returned as the Son of man,

  • like the Lord Jesus in the past, appeared as an ordinary normal person,

  • people resist Him for they don't realize He is God.

  • If the Lord came down in a spiritual body, it'd be a great sight.

  • People would go all prostrate.

  • Then how would the Lord suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation?

  • Wouldn't the Lord Jesus' prophecy fall short?

  • So then, the Lord's return as the Son of man in the flesh in the last days is true.

  • How would you receive it, Pastor Feng?

  • Your understanding is justified and biblically sound.

  • But then I can't equate the appearance and work of God with expressing the truth.

  • If one has the revelation of God,

  • can't they express the truth as well?

  • The prophets expressed God's words.

  • Does this mean they're God's appearance also?

  • Sister Jiang,

  • you have to be careful when accepting God's appearance and work.

  • As the Bible says:

  • The Lord said in the last days there would be false Christs and false prophets.

  • So then, we can't just believe anyone who witnesses the Lord's return in the flesh.

  • You understand?

  • How do you know you're not being deceived?

  • Pastor.

  • Hearing your words, you're so afraid of being deceived

  • you can't accept the work of God in the last days.

  • Many people warned me when I was studying the true way.

  • They read me the same bit of scripture you did.

  • But this passage only tells us to be cautious and avoid being deceived.

  • It doesn't refute the Lord's return in the last days as the Son of man.

  • It doesn't prove Christ won't appear to work in the last days,

  • because the Lord Jesus clearly stated,

  • If we interpreted this part as Christ would not appear to work in the last days,

  • and we would be deceived by false Christs,

  • it would be a big mistake.

  • Pastor Feng, you should also know

  • in the years around when God appeared in the flesh in the last days,

  • false Christs and prophets appeared, deceiving people everywhere.

  • But when this happens,

  • how do we determine it's God's work and appearance?

  • How do we discern the false Christs?

  • The words of the Lord Jesus are very clear.

  • From the Lord's words, we can know this:

  • When the Lord returns in the last days He'll speak.

  • Those who hear His voice will have greeted the Lord.

  • So then, we must listen to God's voice to determine God's work and appearance.

  • The Book of Revelation said,

  • For the appearance and work of God,

  • one must seek the words of the Holy Spirit to the churches.

  • When we find a church where the Holy Spirit speaks,

  • there we find the Lord's appearance and work.

  • When I discovered the words expressed by Almighty God are the truth and the voice of God,

  • I accepted Almighty God.

  • Without God, who could express so much truth?

  • That was enough to prove that it was the appearance of God in the flesh to man,

  • because man is corrupt and without truth.

  • Even those saved by God and ancient saints could not express it.

  • Believers in God can't express the truth, even with biblical knowledge.

  • Satan can perform miracles, but not express the truth.

  • Though a prophet can speak the words of God,

  • he's only repeating the words.

  • The words he conveys are very limited.

  • His function would cease without God's instructions.

  • He has no truth by himself.

  • Nor can he do God's work.

  • He is only a man.

  • Therefore, in seeking the Lord's work and appearance,

  • be sure that Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.

  • Only He who expresses truth is the appearance of God.

  • If he can't express the truth, even if he makes miracles,

  • he is not the appearance of God.

  • I have thought about this for a while.

  • I determined,

  • since Almighty God expresses so many truths, He's the appearance of God.

  • Is there anything wrong in my conclusions?

  • Well, Pastor Feng. Let's hear your side of this.

  • Sister Jiang.

  • Hearing what you say, it's clear that you're thoughtful and assertive.

  • You see,

  • I now believe you're not foolishly deceived into believing in Almighty God.

  • You haven't believed for long, but you understand the Bible so well.

  • I admire that.

  • It seems the truth can be found in the words of Almighty God.

  • When I get a chance,

  • I should really read The Word Appears in the Flesh,

  • and look into His work in the last days.

  • President Yuan, I must go.

  • I have things I need to do.

  • Wait, pastor

  • These believers in Almighty God are so stubborn and hard to convert.

  • I used to think people who believed did not have knowledge or education.

  • I did not expect them to speak so insightfully and powerfully.

  • It's like we weren't interrogating.

  • They were doing it to us.

  • If this went to international court, we wouldn't have a case.

  • Luckily this is China,

  • where we can interrogate them as we want.

  • Our voices are louder.

  • No matter what we say or do to them, they just take it.

  • Director Du was right.

  • These people they've been godized.

  • Although their appearance seems to be soft and weak,

  • all of their words are justifiable, reasonable.

  • We can't underestimate these people.

  • They know too much.

  • I think when it comes to transforming the criminals we can do a little.

  • When it comes to the faithful of The Church of Almighty God,

  • trying to convert them?

  • Waste of time.

  • Even though a few wrote letters of repentance, saying they'd stop,

  • once they got back home, they'd believe again.

  • Doesn't that mean our conversion work has failed with them?

  • Interrogation didn't make instant results.

  • This matter helps me understand

  • that when it comes to faith, people never change.

  • Every person's faith and their path seems almost predetermined.

  • Ideological education or brainwashing don't make much difference.

  • I see religious people of different factions. They all take different paths.

  • Those who choose to accept Almighty God enjoy reading The Word Appears in the Flesh.

  • They say it's the voice of God, the truth expressed by God in the last days.

  • They truly follow Almighty God.

  • Some people choose to believe in Jesus and hold onto the Bible.

  • Some people choose the Three-Self Church and the government.

  • They base these decisions on personal knowledge.

  • Within the religious community,

  • the factions don't compel or impose on each other.

  • Is there any way we can alter their choices?

  • The Chinese Communist Party has been instilling atheism in its people for years.

  • What does this achieve?

  • Even the communists themselves don't believe in the words of Marx and Lenin now.

  • How do we make the believers of God into atheists?

  • Believers in Almighty God say that most Chinese people don't have a faith,

  • that they're empty inside and seek the excitement and pleasure of sin.

  • How long can humans survive in that way?

  • After listening to their words,

  • I see it's sensible and thought-provoking.

  • It makes me think:

  • How can The Word Appears in the Flesh be so powerful

  • that it gives believers in Almighty God so much faith?

  • The Communist Party has fiercely suppressed Eastern Lightning,

  • capturing, maiming, even killing them as we please.

  • But with The Church of Almighty God,

  • the people still spread the gospel and witness God.

  • Is it really like how they say,

  • Almighty God's words have authority and power, and grant them faith and strength?

  • This is truly incredible.

  • No wonder central leadership is mad,

  • trying to ban The Church of Almighty God as soon as possible.

  • Maybe the power of the book The Word Appears in the Flesh is too great.

  • Countless people all over the world are starting to study this book.

  • No wonder leadership is anxious.

  • We must come up with a way.

  • Brainwashing and conversion don't work on them.

  • Isn't there another method?

  • I think these people require some special means.

  • We'll have to play "good cop, bad cop."

  • Since we can't fight them on their ideological point of view,

  • we should completely break them down, physically and mentally.

  • We can use tag team around the clock, and deprive them of sleep.

  • We can interrogate them like this for several days.

  • They can't handle it.

  • Once their endurance reaches their limit,

  • they'll give up, and they will collapse.

  • Our focus now is not converting them,

  • but having them account for it.

  • This gives us the important people, letting us catch the key figures in the Church.

  • A clean sweep.

  • That's the most important thing.

  • Captain. Contact Mr. Shi of the criminal police force.

  • Move Jiang Xinyi and them to the base.

  • Introduce them to our special treatment.

  • Sir. Will do.

  • Chief Luo.

  • We'd like to see the details of Jiang Xinyi and the others,

  • and take a good look at them.

  • So, you're 8523?

  • Do you know where you are right now?

  • This is a place for interrogating major criminals.

  • When someone comes here, we can do what we want with them.

  • If you were to disappear, no one would know.

  • Now, the smart thing to do

  • would be to level with us about your belief in God.

  • Otherwise, things will get bad.

  • My belief is reading Almighty God's words, gathering, praying.

  • But there's nothing else to say.

  • Oh? Oh? So that's it?

  • Then let's try something different.

  • Okay. Let's make her "fly the plane."

  • Let's see how she likes that.

  • Talk!

  • You think you're tough? Talk!

  • Are you gonna talk or not?

  • How's that feel? Not too great?

  • Still no?

  • Well, I've got something better.

  • Damn.

  • Captain?

  • It's fine. She'll live.

  • Look how helpless you are.

  • But you're still playing tough.

  • We have plenty of other tools to get you to talk.

  • If you were smart you would confess.

  • I … I …

  • I have nothing to confess.

  • Damn!

  • Come on, talk!

  • Confess!

  • It seems if I don't go hard on you you won't take me seriously, huh?

  • I thought you said God was a Master of your destiny?

  • How come your God's not helping you now?

  • If I want to let you live, you live.

  • If I want you dead, you'll die.

  • Your God can't save you.

  • Don't mind her.

  • Don't worry.

  • No one makes it through this one.

  • Let her wake up. For sure she'll talk.

  • She's pretty tough. Only you can handle it.

  • God, I can't take it anymore.

  • God, save mesave me

  • God, my life is in Your hands.

  • Whether I live or die, I will never give in to Satan.

  • Captain, she's awake. (Really?)

  • Oh?

  • Well. Thought about it?

  • I thought it over.

  • Coming here, I do not expect to walk out alive.

  • Yes?

  • Chief Luo.

  • Jiang Xinyi?

  • Okay.

  • Got it. I'll send her over now.

  • Miss Jiang. Was it hard these past couple of days?

  • You know what they did.

  • So why do you even bother asking?

  • Certain things are just out of our hands.

  • That's how the Communist Party treats believers.

  • In my heart, I feel sorry for what happened.

  • I want to help you.

  • Your case can change based on your choice.

  • It all depends on your attitude.

  • If you work with me on these issues and clarify the church's affairs,

  • I'll let you go home.

  • How does that sound?

  • I will talk to the leader in a bit.

  • If you're willing,

  • you can work for the magazine affiliated with Public Security.

  • It's a good opportunity. A good job.

  • Many people couldn't even bribe their way in.

  • You'd be lucky.

  • Listen, you can count on me for it.

  • Think it over carefully.

  • I appreciate your kindness.

  • But to sell out the church and my brothers and sisters for me,

  • I refuse to do that.

  • After believing in Almighty God and reading many of His words,

  • I know the truth.

  • I know what is good and what is evil.

  • I know what kind of life has worth and meaning.

  • Almighty God leads me to the right way.

  • I need to do this as a person.

  • I can't give up my principles.

  • Mr. Yuan.

  • You know why the CCP represses and persecutes believers in God.

  • It doesn't fit with the will of Heaven and the conscience of man and the law.

  • I've fallen in your hands now.

  • Whether I live or die, I won't sell out my brothers and sisters or betray God.

  • That's just who I am.

  • Nothing you do will change my mind.

  • Miss Jiang, why are you so obsessed with this?

  • You should consider your situation.

  • What's the consequence if you keep this up?

  • I've offered to help how I could.

  • If you don't work with me, I can't help you.

  • Yes?

  • Oh. Good. Understood.

  • Someone else is here to meet with you.

  • I think this will be good.

  • Mom! (Xiaoxiao!)

  • Xiaoxiao. (Mom.)

  • Mom. I miss you.

  • Xiaoxiao, tell me.

  • Who brought you here?

  • Mr. Yuan. Why did you bring my daughter?

  • What do you want with her?

  • Miss Jiang. I knew you had suffered so much.

  • I thought it'd help.

  • You must have thought of your daughter.

  • I only have good intentions.

  • Since your arrest,

  • do you know how much suffering your daughter has gone through for that?

  • Teachers look down on her. Classmates bully her.

  • Even the neighbors talk.

  • I imagine how hard it must be for her.

  • Painful, damaging for a child.

  • If not for your own sake, you should think of your daughter.

  • How can you have the heart to watch her suffer like this?

  • Mr. Yuan.

  • Who are the ones who caused my daughter pain?

  • Why are our families facing all this rejection?

  • Who are the ones who caused this?

  • This country resists, discriminates, ridicules, defames Christians and also God.

  • This proves what?

  • Isn't this whole generation evil?

  • The CCP acts out against God, persecuting innocent Christians.

  • It shows the CCP is behind these tragedies.

  • Why does nothing this discriminatory happen

  • in other nations that have freedom of religion?

  • Why is China dark and evil?

  • It's because of the Chinese Communist Party!

  • But you turn around and shift all the blame onto the Christians.

  • You're all just distorting the facts, making up lies.

  • Don't you feel ashamed about what you say?

  • Leave the country if you want to believe in God.

  • China has the Communist Party.

  • While they're in power, no one shall believe.

  • If you believe, you will be arrested and go to jail.

  • You're asking for trouble by being resistant.

  • There's nothing we can do.

  • Would any of this have happened if you didn't believe in God?

  • You should think carefully about it.

  • If you refuse to cooperate,

  • you're not the only one who will be punished.

  • Your family will be implicated.

  • Your husband will be dismissed too.

  • Your daughter won't be able to get into college.

  • She'll have trouble finding a job.

  • Do you have the heart to watch their futures crumble before you?

  • Think hard about it.

  • You say China is the CCP's world.

  • While they're in power, no one shall believe in God.

  • I don't get it.

  • Why won't they let people believe in God?

  • Why do they suppress and arrest all the Christians?

  • What law have we violated? What crime?

  • Why do you treat Christians this way?

  • Director, can you answer this question?

  • The CCP persecutes those who believe by any means,

  • even depriving them of their right to life.

  • Even their families are not spared.

  • In China, belief means your whole family is implicated too.

  • By frantically persecuting Christians and acting out against God,

  • what future does this Party face?

  • Injustice results in demise.

  • And evil will be punished. (Silence!)

  • Jiang Xinyi, you really are uncooperative.

  • Aren't you afraid of going to prison?

  • My mom believing in God is a good thing.

  • Why do you want to send her to jail?

  • Okay. Take the child.

  • Xiaoxiao, don't worry about me.

  • Be good and listen to your dad.

  • Xiaoxiao. (Mom.)

  • Xiaoxiao!

  • Mom!

  • Xiaoxiao!

  • Mom!

  • I know you want to be virtuous by believing in God.

  • That's not the problem.

  • In China, the CCP's in charge.

  • You don't follow the Party.

  • If you keep believing in God, for whatever reason,

  • what did you expect would happen?

  • You should know that

  • the Communist Party detests God's work and appearance the most.

  • You believers receive the brunt of it.

  • When you witness the appearance and work of Almighty God,

  • spread the word of Almighty God,

  • isn't this defying the Communist Party?

  • The Communist Party's plan for Christians is extermination and eradication.

  • If you just believe in the vague God in heaven,

  • the Communist Party can turn a blind eye.

  • But if you keep witnessing the appearance and work of Christ in the last days,

  • they can't tolerate that.

  • The Party is most afraid of the Christ Savior's appearance and work.

  • When the Lord Jesus was born, Christians' Savior,

  • how did King Herod react to this?

  • Why did he order to kill all the male babies under two years in Bethlehem?

  • Because the King of Israel, the Savior, came.

  • The dynasty would change.

  • It was a huge event.

  • When you say Almighty God, Christ of the last days, appeared to do judgment work,

  • don't you think the Communist Party sees the severity?

  • You underestimate the Party.

  • Don't you think the Party knows religion?

  • They know exactly why Christ the Savior comes in the last days.

  • So the Communist Party wants to exterminate The Church of Almighty God, eradicate it.

  • Under the reign of the CCP,

  • you insist on witnessing for Christ.

  • This is an act against the Party. It's a dead end.

  • Don't you understand all this?

  • Mr. Yuan. You are so right on this subject.

  • That is the cause.

  • You do understand the history of Christianity.

  • When Herod heard Jews' King was born,

  • he ordered to kill male babies under two years in Bethlehem.

  • That's plain history.

  • When the CCP saw the Savior come, Christ of the last days, to speak and work,

  • it launched massive suppression and arrest campaigns,

  • trying to exterminate Christ, ban God's work.

  • It's the very same thing King Herod did.

  • Don't you remember what happened to him?

  • He died as punishment for resisting God.

  • Today, the Communist Party acts hostile to God.

  • What will happen to them?

  • I'm sure that you already know.

  • Since I have chosen to witness for Christ in the last days,

  • no matter what suffering or pain I encounter,

  • I'll keep going without hesitation.

  • Don't waste your time on me.

  • The reason we preach and witness for Christ of the last days

  • is so that more people gain the truth from God,

  • stop sinning, and receive salvation from God,

  • to survive the disaster of the last days and be brought to a good destination.

  • This is the most righteous cause.

  • It's the will of Heaven.

  • But the CCP arrests and persecutes Christians,

  • forbidding them from accepting Christ of the last days.

  • Isn't this a perverse act against Heaven?

  • Can any country that acts against God survive for long?

  • Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by a fire cast down from God.

  • The Roman Empire, how did they perish?

  • When the Jewish nation resisted and convicted, crucified the Lord Jesus,

  • what was their fate then?

  • Those who resisted God had all met God's punishment and destruction.

  • That's how it is.

  • Don't you believe this?

  • The CCP so insanely resists God and persecutes His chosen people.

  • What awaits is God's punishment and retribution.

  • You

  • Jiang Xinyi, you're too godized to help.

  • You're a hopeless case.

  • People like you should be locked away in prison forever.

  • Chief. I don't think we can get anything else from them.

  • Can't we turn them over to the court?

  • Let them sentence them to a few more years in prison, right?

  • What good does that do for us?

  • I want the Church's cash! Their funds!

  • And The Church of Almighty God's leaders!

  • That is what we need!

  • Sir.

  • Didn't you see the testimonies they wrote?

  • They believe that suffering in prison is for overcomers,

  • and they'll get into the kingdom of heaven!

  • Godized people,

  • even a hundred years locked away in jail, wouldn't change their minds.

  • Just send them away.

  • Yes, sir.

  • The defendant Jiang Xinyi has been found guilty

  • of "organization and use of cults to undermine the implementation of the law"

  • and hereby sentenced to twelve years in prison.

Captain Lang, the target's in sight.

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