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  • Hi, my name is Nick DiGiovanni and this is everything I eat in a day.

  • The first thing I do when I wake up is I really like to make this smoothie. It's super simple.

  • I just toss in a banana, a little bit of yogurt, maybe some oat milk.

  • I actually used to use regular or almond milk, and now I've switched over to the oat milk again, the super creamy one that I absolutely love.

  • And then I put a bunch of peanut butter powder and a little bit of cinnamon in there, sometimes with some chia seeds and it's a really tasty way to start the day.

  • I don't usually sit down for a typical breakfast, so that's why I decided awhile back to just go for the smoothie.

  • I actually like both coffee and tea, but when I get coffee, I pretty much always get decaf.

  • I'm big into a decaf mocha, but typically it's tea, and I really like this hot cinnamon spiced tea that I have all the time, which is also herbal.

  • So pretty much every morning after I finish the smoothie, I start filming food videos, whether it's for TikTok or Youtube.

  • And the TikTok videos, I'll just start banging them out one after the next, but the Youtube ones pretty much take the whole middle section of the day.

  • The craziest part about lunch for me is that it can be anything at any time and some days I don't even know till actually get there.

  • I'll pretty much try to snack on whatever I've made.

  • But sometimes those things aren't exactly something you can sit down for. For instance, when I made candy canes around the holidays.

  • Other times though, it's just this big, giant burger that I can sit down and eat after I finished filming.

  • One of my go-to snacks is definitely pretzels and hummus and I specifically like this kind of extra-cooked pretzels, they're just a lot darker and have more flavor in my opinion.

  • Once in a while, I do have a sweet tooth and I'll get things like fruit snacks, but I've also just gotten really into this candy recently that doesn't have a lot of sugar in it, so that's a lot better to satisfy my sweet tooth that way now.

  • And the last little thing is I'm definitely into trying to find little snacks that are pretty seasonal.

  • So right now I've been needing tons and tons of white peaches.

  • Oftentimes my dinners are just a bunch of scraps in the fridge that are gonna go bad and my favorite thing to do with them is turn them into some sort of soup.

  • So what I'll do overtime is I'll save up all my Parmesan cheese rinds, and I'll save up the ends of onions and other veggies,

  • and most importantly, I'll save a giant bag of all the chicken carcasses and different bones that I use from different videos.

  • And if you toss that all into a pot and pretty much just cover it with water and let that cook overnight, it makes the most amazing broth that you could ever imagine.

  • And after that you can turn it into whatever you want.

  • So by far and away, my favorite thing to then make from that is this Thai chicken noodle soup.

  • My favorite things to get at restaurants are just really unique combinations of things I've never tried before.

  • So the most recent thing I had that I loved was the salmon sashimi dish that had a bunch of cinnamon oil on it and it was probably one of the most delicious ways I've ever tasted salmon.

  • I definitely get very hangry, but I'm very transparent and open about it.

  • So the second I get hangry, I tell people that I'm hangry.

  • For some really weird reason, I've never liked peas.

  • They're actually totally fine right out of the garden when they're fresh and crispy, but I cannot stand cooked peas.

  • In terms of bigger restaurants, my favorite food city might be Chicago.

  • But to me, there's also something about finding those really kind of small, niche restaurants, let's just say a little lobster shack on the water in Maine.

  • And personally, I find those really hard to beat.

  • My crowd-pleaser recipe that I make probably has to be this egg yolk raviolo.

  • We've got this really big ravioli, a super nice nest of ricotta cheese made with a little bit of nutmeg, and then inside, an egg yolk that when you cut into that ravioli just burst all over the plate to kind of make a sauce.

  • That for me is something very, very special.

  • I've always been kind of obsessed with chicken pot pie.

  • So when I get a really buttery, flaky, creamy, delicious chicken pot pie, that's pretty hard to beat.

  • That's everything I eat in a day. Make sure to check me out on Youtube and TikTok, and thanks for watching.

Hi, my name is Nick DiGiovanni and this is everything I eat in a day.

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