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  • If you have clicked on this video, you are probably looking back at the last few months

  • and asking yourself, what went wrongAt the beginning of the year, you have set

  • many new year resolutions. You promised yourself that this year is going to be different, and

  • by the end of the year, you are going to be a completely different person.

  • But that doesn't seem to happen anytime soon. I don't really like setting up goals because

  • the problem with setting up goals, especially huge goals is that, it really depends on how

  • you feel at that particular time if you can achieve it or not.

  • It's the beginning of the year, you feel like you have plenty of time, and pretty much every

  • goal seems achievable, but a few months down the road, you realize that you actually don't

  • have that much time in the first place. So what I like to do is focus on the right habits.

  • Instead of setting up a goal of achieving 100K subscribers by the end of the year, I

  • would rather set a goal of uploading videos twice a week, and it doesn't really matter

  • how many subscribers I will get by the end of the year. I might get more, or I might

  • get less but uploading twice a week seems like a more achievable and practical goal

  • than getting 100K subs. That's why I build tiny little habits that

  • I practice every day. Setting up a goal to read 50 books a year sounds way more exciting

  • than reading a book for 15 minutes every day, but the second goal is way easier and practical

  • to achieve compared to the first one. So here in this video, I will share with you

  • 12 tiny, little habits that you can implement right now. You can easily incorporate them

  • into your life, and I guarantee you that they will have a far bigger impact on your life

  • than your new year resolutions. So give this video a thumbs up and let's start

  • with the first one. 

  • Stretch for 10 to 15 minutes every day  

  • Believe it or not, but the speed of your blood circulation is one of the decisive factors

  • whether you will achieve your goals or not. Your blood flow is what makes your body function,

  • even your brain. It delivers oxygen and nutrition to your brain and removes waste. In fact your

  • brain consumes 1/4 of your blood, and if that blood flow slows down, you start feeling lazy,

  • your energy level drops, your willpower depletes, you might even have difficulty falling asleep

  • at night or stay focused. What people don't understand today is that

  • our bodies were not meant to sit all the time. We are like animals who suppose to run, jump,

  • hunt, and constantly move but what we do instead is sit all the timeeight hours at work

  • and then a few hours in the car and so on. What happens over time is that your muscles

  • could move especially around your neck and slow down blood flow to your brain and make

  • you less productive, but by being more active or stretching at least 15 minutes a day, you

  • can avoid that. 

  • 2. Focusing on finish the task and not working long hours.

  • So here is how people work. You sit in front

  • of a computer, but before you start working, you have to check your phone, see what's happening

  • in your insta feed. Once you work for a few minutes, you checkout YouTube. Maybe right

  • now, you should be working, but you are watching this video.

  • I am not really sure at this point. Should I tell you to get back to work or watch this

  • video till the end but what I can certainly tell you is that you can boost your productivity

  • by giving this video a thumbs up. Wasn't that smooth?

  • Anyways, working for long hours is a waste of time. What matters at the end of the day

  • is the results. So try to work less but more productive.

 3. jog every morning 

  • There is a long list of benefits when it comes

  • to jogging. It strengthens your immune system or helps you live longer, but that's not why

  • you should turn it into a daily habit.   How you start your morning sets the tone

  • for the rest of the day. If you start it with something productive like 15 minutes of jogging,

  • it will be much easier to move to another productive task while when you lie for an

  • hour before you get up, chances you will be lazy to do something productive are very high.

 4. Journal every morning

  • Before I start working, I make a short to-do list where I write 3 to 6 things I have to

  • do for the day and always keep the list in front of me. If I accomplished them, I would

  • consider the day successful. It could be analyzing a company, conducting an important meeting,

  • or writing a script for a video. First of all, I have a clear plan to follow

  • for the day, secondly, after finishing each task, I feel motivated to finish another one,

  • and at the end of the day, if I accomplished most of the listed tasks, I feel a sense of

  • accomplishment, that I haven't wasted my day and did something productive and that pushes

  • to keep going. 

  • 5. Don't do or say anything when you're angry. When you get angry, you stop thinking rationally.

  • Your emotional response would most likely turn things worse

  • Try to remember at least one incident where you reacted emotionally to something, and

  • it ended well. You can't because there isn't. Whether you are in an argument with your partner,

  • parents, or some stranger in the street, always wait until you calm down before taking any

  • action. 

  • 6. Spend your most precious time wisely

  • When you wake up and had enough sleep, your productivity is at your highest level. Don't

  • waste that precious time on the least important things. Playing video games, talking to your

  • friends, or cleaning your house is something you can do during any time of the day, but

  • without enough willpower, you can't do creative work.

  • So start your day by working on the most important thing, and as your willpower starts depleting,

  • you can move to other things that require less willpower.

 7. Don't argue with anyone

  • It's important to have your opinion but spending

  • your time to convince people that you are right is a waste of time unless you are running

  • for office. It's absolutely normal to have two opposite opinions on the exact same matter

  • because our opinions are not always defined by the facts or the reality on the ground,

  • but how we view the facts does also influences our opinions. And since each of us grew in

  • a different family, with different friends, and different experiences, we perceive everything

  • the way we feel is right, so don't waste your time arguing why people.

 8. Break down every task into small steps

  • When I started going to the gym, I use to

  • procrastinate. Going to the gym means I have to get my stuff ready, drive to the gym, change

  • my clothes, work out for over an hour, take a shower so on. The task seems so big that

  • my brain would push me to procrastinate, but if it's something small and quick, it's way

  • easier to deafest procrastination. That's why always break the task in front of you

  • into many tiny tasks. It will be much easier to accomplish it

  • If you have to study, don't think about reading the entire book or studying for the next 2

  • hours. Promise yourself to study for 15 minutes or finish just one chapter. The moment you

  • start studying, it gets easier to keep it up.

  • 9. stop comparing your life to others 

  • "In a forest of a hundred thousand treesno two leaves are alike. And no two journeys along the same path

  • are alike." ~ Paulo Coelho People always compare themselves to others.

  • If he has achieved something by a certain age, then you should too, but the truth is,

  • you are a different person, and your circumstances are different. Your journey is going to be

  • different. So stop looking at others and focus on how you improve your life based on your

  • circumstances

  • 10. always find time to spend with your closest friends 

  • I remember when I desperately wanted to achieve something because I was doing terrible financially.

  • I disciplined myself, and for four years in a row, I worked for at 12 hours a day without

  • taking a single day off. I achieved a certain level of financial freedom,

  • but then I realized that I had no social life. All my friends with whom I built a strong

  • connection for years disappeared because they were tired of inviting me since I would always

  • say that I am busy, so I can't. But what's the point of all of that money when you have

  • no friends to talk to? Friends and family are even more important

  • than your financial success. No matter how busy you are, always find some time to spend

  • with them.  

  • 11. read a book for 15 minutes a day  

  • Nowadays, most of the information we consume is from the internet, online articles, YouTube

  • videos, social media, etc. But let me tell you a secret. Over 90% of the content on the

  • internet is for entertainment purposes because there is a competition for views and clicks,

  • so one way to get trustable, reliable information is from carefully written books. You don't

  • have to read hundreds of books but 15 minutes a day is enough if you do it every single

  • day.  

  • 12. Do what you enjoy  

  • People usually settle for jobs that pay well, even if they don't enjoy it. And that's normal

  • because, at the end of the day, you have bills to pay, especially if you have a family to

  • feed, but life is too short to only take care of your needs. You should also enjoy and do

  • stuff that deeply satisfies you. If you enjoy your job, then you are lucky. If not, find

  • at least a few hours a week and do what brings you maximum pleasure, whether it's a side

  • hustle or a particular sport. Remember, in the age of the internet. Everything can be

  • monetized. So once you get good at it, you will find ways to monetize it

  • Here you go. These 12 tiny habits are easily

  • implemented but will have a tremendous impact on your life. Don't try to implement all at

  • once, but rather one by one. In fact you don't have to master them all, even a few of them

  • is enough.  

  • If you have enjoyed this video, make sure to give it a thumbs and if you are new around,

  • make sure to subscribe and turn on your notifications. Thanks for watching and until next time

If you have clicked on this video, you are probably looking back at the last few months

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