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  • Hi, I'm Buddy, Valastro, the cake boss.

  • I'm so excited to introduce you guys to the newest member of the Carlo's bakery.

  • Familiar.

  • Come on in here.

  • G got a You don't understand.

  • I'm your biggest fan.

  • I've been watching my whole childhood.

  • I'm going to cry.

  • I it means the world to meet you and to be here.

  • And I've been waiting for my summer internship for like my life.

  • I am a huge fan of you and I'm so excited to have you finally at my factory year so that we could do some bacon.

  • Mhm.

  • Mhm.

  • All right, so buddy, what is my first mission as your summer intern?

  • So, I gave us to blank canvas cakes here and we're just gonna have some fun.

  • We're gonna do some maybe some pipe flowers.

  • Maybe we could put some moulded flowers.

  • Okay, We're gonna have a lot of fun.

  • But before we start, I mean you look great, but I think you need something a little.

  • Okay, wait, I'll be right back.

  • Official official Oh my goodness.

  • You got an official chef being honored.

  • I'm going on right now.

  • This is yours.

  • Get you in this harrow.

  • Thank you.

  • You got All right, well, biggest mine.

  • Okay, it's good.

  • I love it.

  • Okay, let's do it.

  • Uh huh.

  • So first things first, I want to make a little room.

  • Here are these are these the sugar flowers?

  • Those are sugar flowers, which we can make.

  • We have some of these little the little rose nails, Right?

  • Yeah, great.

  • Doing this one.

  • This one's up on.

  • Also, I find like frosting videos on instagram to be very soothing.

  • Yeah, no, totally listen.

  • You tell me what you want to learn and I'll teach you want to learn everything there is to know, but we don't have time for that today.

  • So All right, okay, so now I did like a little cute cone.

  • Right?

  • Yeah, so now we're going to come home with this.

  • This is a lily of the valley to okay, I'm just gonna go up, but at the end, yeah, I kind of just kind of try to inflict my wrist build, yep, that's it a little higher, a little bit more.

  • And now you're just gonna pull lines up and let them, yeah.

  • Oh, you're good.

  • You're good.

  • You I like it.

  • Send it again if we wanted to, we would never be able to put this on a cake like this.

  • Now you gotta go on each wing.

  • Good.

  • Oh my God, they're terrible.

  • No, it's not Okay.

  • No, no, no, that's all right.

  • There's nothing in cake decorating that we can't fix.

  • That's what my dad is cute.

  • This is a high level piping flower techniques.

  • This is not bad.

  • All right, so look, I look at it, it looks beautiful.

  • Thank you.

  • It looks not next to yours, we'll just keep in mind.

  • No, no, no, no it looks it looks really good.

  • Okay thank you.

  • Now we gotta do we gotta do a rose.

  • Right?

  • It's got to do it rose.

  • I'll do one and then you start so you keep going around so you keep it in the same position down and squeeze until you get around to doing it backwards and the other way beat you got your good, good.

  • Okay now that's good.

  • Okay, okay now we're gonna go now I angle it out a little bit.

  • Yeah, wow.

  • Okay so now I need to angle more.

  • Yeah but you, the years building.

  • That was pretty good, jake you bud after.

  • Oh did you get did you get a really good rose though?

  • I did.

  • It was good though.

  • You saw it right, It was great.

  • It was great.

  • All right.

  • Around two.

  • Oh, so we got our pipe flowers, right?

  • Yes.

  • And I have I have my shirt button now now.

  • Yeah.

  • You look past the training, the flour treatment.

  • Really still more training.

  • You ready?

  • So we're gonna do some painted flowers because I know you love to paint, do cake decorating to me is different than baking because this is more of a creative order.

  • Bacon is more of a scientific formula that you have to kind of, you know, you have to have fun with.

  • But I like to bake anything.

  • I mean, I just feel like there's a sense of satisfaction.

  • The thing that I like probably the most of my lobster tails because it's such a hard thing to do.

  • And I had a lot of fun learning it with my dad years ago and it's our top selling pastry.

  • I mean honestly, if I was going to the electric chair, that would be that that would be the one that that would be the one that, you know, put you over the top.

  • My oma, my grandma on my mom's side was at our farm with us a few summers ago and it was her last birthday that she had and I baked her a carrot cake and I just did like a simple white with like yellow daisies piped all over it.

  • And she said it was the best case she ever had in her life.

  • So I don't know if it's like the most complex we decorated one, but it was the most meaningful.

  • So All right, G your training wheels are off to a great job.

  • Thank you.

  • Let's decorate these cases.

  • Okay.

  • All right, let's do it.

  • Let's do it.

  • Uh huh.

  • Oh, I'm just gonna do what I feel because if I overthink it, then obviously I'm gonna be nervous.

  • So I'm just gonna pretend like it's a normal day baking without buddy next to me.

  • What was going to see how it goes?

  • It is this is another day at the office when I found out that you were a fan, I was like, so I was like honored.

  • You know, it was just such as it really was.

  • And then we got a call and you know the fact that we're able to make that cake for you really touched my heart.

  • It was the coolest cake ever and it was a surprise and no one at the time knew I was pregnant when my first big pregnancy craving was bagels like a bagel every single day and everything bagel.

  • So first I was just like shocked and blown away by how beautiful it was and then my friend literally goes but he made it and I burst out into tears.

  • I am an emotional person but not over like people that I watch on tv which late night were you on and you did the whole, I'm buddy and I'm the boss, like a felon you were and you were doing the whole thing and I was like you gotta be kidding me, I'm but I'm the boss, this is Carlo's bakery, Carlo's bakery every day.

  • Thousands of cakes and pastries goes out these doors, this is the crew, this is the crew.

  • Mia familiar and then they call me buddy, I'm the boss, you know it so give me a rundown of the family holiday so we usually like have conversations throughout the week like who's making what?

  • Got it and then we spend most of the day cooking either together or I mean everyone lives pretty close on the farm, so it's like together, but that's awesome.

  • Separate.

  • And then we come together, we eat play games.

  • You know, you got to invite me over to the farm to cook.

  • We would love to come there and I'll uhh we'll do some good cooking.

  • That would be awesome.

  • You're doing good.

  • That was the next thing I was gonna do.

  • I don't know what you connect the dots online.

  • I think.

  • Okay, doing good.

  • Cool.

  • You're gonna do mine.

  • I am loving this.

  • I feel like it's coming together.

  • I'm still, I feel like finding my style, but we're getting there.

  • I think that she's doing amazing.

  • I love she's moved on to burst embroidery, which is which is like a high, high level.

  • So she's doing great.

  • I'd be honest with you.

  • I'm a little I'm a little disappointed because we're both so into our cakes.

  • I want to just sit down and talk like we're like, we have a conversation because no, but the thing is, is like, people don't realize this.

  • And you know what the funniest is.

  • Again, you've done a lot of like television.

  • You go to a morning show, you're going to do an interview.

  • Well, when I got to do an interview, they're like, all right.

  • So we want you to decorate a cake And answer these 17 questions while you're doing it.

  • Yeah.

  • And this is the bullet points.

  • Yeah.

  • And I'll never forget.

  • It was a Halloween and I was on the today show.

  • Yeah, I did a whole Star Wars team and they had these two walks that were like cracked out and bothering me and I was trying to concentrate on the cake.

  • And I was like early in my career and I'm trying to be like, hell, I didn't know what to do.

  • I was it was so funny, but when you got to decorate and talk, it's very hard.

  • Don't realize that like because you're, you're a piece.

  • Like I could see it in you right now.

  • Like I could see that you're in the zone, you're in that in that world of I love it.

  • You're doing good, right?

  • It's the best.

  • So my most memorable cake, I have to that really stand out to me.

  • Okay.

  • The first was a transformer cake because I was like, that was ever made.

  • Yeah.

  • And I've only cried twice in my life about cake.

  • Yeah, transformer was one.

  • Okay.

  • And this last season of Buddy verse stuff.

  • Our finale cake.

  • What was it again?

  • It was like this nuclear dinosaur.

  • Oh yeah, I was gonna say dinosaur but I didn't Yeah, I think I just couldn't believe that we're able to do it.

  • But the most memorable cake for me was the life size sculpture and my wife And the reason.

  • My God.

  • Yeah, I remember that one.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • I feel like this was an earlier season, but I don't know why I just popped up in my mind.

  • But the fire station where it was like fully lit up and smoking the building.

  • We're going to have you on an episode of I would love and die too.

  • And also if you ever like, I don't know if you and duff do like a special guest episode done where you can't use a baker, yep, done deal, you're gonna be on my team.

  • You gotta be team buddy, but I won't talk dog obviously.

  • Okay.

  • So I would do, But you're doing leaves, I'm going to leave is my board if you want to leave.

  • So he could, I'm gonna do this.

  • I don't know what this is, but I'm doing it a little later valley.

  • Yeah.

  • What I did before.

  • So this is look to you like this watches gonna drop under the cake.

  • So you let it, you squeeze you let it hang.

  • Uh huh push it on your cute.

  • How do I do as a border?

  • Just as a border?

  • Know that you didn't know that was for the border.

  • Sorry, this color, but use this colossal, I'll put a different tips.

  • This is a, you want to do a shell.

  • Oh, do you want to do?

  • So its shell is like this.

  • Okay.

  • I like that.

  • That's cute.

  • I can do that.

  • Okay.

  • I can't do it that speed round.

  • Yeah.

  • Hey listen, I'm not just saying it, but you're doing an amazing job.

  • We got a whole summer, so because it's just day one day one, don't you worry about it?

  • You guys have a nursery in this place.

  • Playroom harper's is my last cover before I quit my job forever, love.

  • I gotta say pretty damn good.

  • I think you did a great job.

  • Thank you.

  • I love it.

  • Give me a hug.

  • This was the best thing ever.

  • Congratulations on that cover.

  • Thank you.

  • That's how you do a Hoboken style bucket list.

  • Yeah.

Hi, I'm Buddy, Valastro, the cake boss.

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