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  • my name's Gwen.

  • Uhh I'm an alcoholic and an addict, but I guess you already know that in honor of Andrew's departure instead of singing, lean on me yet again.

  • Uhh we have our own version of santa cruz Andrea, I hope you like it.

  • Yes.

  • And now santa booze.

  • Uh huh.

  • Okay.

  • Oh Falcon, I'm so afraid when they find out taking you out of the hospital, Mother and dr Griffin Hartley are sure to come here.

  • What will we do if I can't be miss out with you?

  • If I can't be with you?

  • I would rather be dead.

  • Oh.

  • Mhm.

  • Oh but dear God, the tiny clusters of tumors in my brain.

  • Oh God, the tiny little clusters of tumors in his brain.

  • Somebody help way I have some pills that mm I'm okay, it's okay, I'm okay.

  • It felt good.

  • Hold me Hey Falcon, I knew we'd find you two together, Falcon, darian, your lover is also your sister.

  • No, not possible.

  • It's not moment gender darling, I have some bad news.

  • Your daughter, darian, falcon's lover.

  • And uh sister is also carrying my baby.

  • No, no.

  • Oh God!

  • Out of here!

  • Get out of here!

  • Go.

  • I have no problem getting out of here.

  • Yeah, I'm doing just improvising.

  • They do that on soaps hours.

  • What are you doing just improvising with?

  • Oh, but no, my tumors.

  • It's the Melillo, mellie mell.

  • A gentleman nest, Rusike.

  • Well, whatever.

  • Look, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do.

  • What are you doing?

  • It says in the script that we're supposed to kiss.

  • Uh Andrea.

  • I like you bon voyage.

  • I'm not kissing Gary.

  • Ok, Everybody.

  • Excellent work.

  • Excellent work.

  • That was really good sharing.

  • I really enjoy that, you know, good use of feeling words and all that.

  • Give me more.

  • Give me more, will you?

  • I'm Evelyn.

  • Don't you recognize the hat?

  • Okay?

  • But seeing as you're all addicts.

  • Drug sex, the same story line for 16 years, you know, here are some therapeutic tools, you know, to keep you going.

  • Sometimes you gotta kiss ass before you can kick it.

  • It's the engine that kills here.

  • Not the caboose, make love, not war.

  • Don't ever be someone slogan because you are poetry.

  • Think.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

my name's Gwen.

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