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  • 3 ways to specialize

  • I will teach you to kill

  • Another dog horn descends into the legendary battlefield

  • No one can come to my girlfriend's house tonight

  • light

  • This hero is arguably the most assassin

  • Anything from 0 to T0

  • More penises than Pan Yin Su Li

  • But are you really acting it or are you really doing it?

  • Do not panic

  • Here are three tips

  • It also has everything in mind

  • After reading it, you will become a professional like SS

  • Best

  • Let's understand the skills the easiest

  • How to order

  • Which hero is the most suitable to suppress which hero

  • Which hero is pressed?

  • have fun

  • We turn to everyone

  • The best clothes

  • The best route for this hero is jungle

  • Because he is one of the fastest people to make it through the forest

  • Besides, he ate regular attacks

  • Because the jungler is the one who eats the usual attack

  • So in our jungle clothing

  • I chose the wild bow

  • But don't start

  • Just shut him down

  • 3 times

  • Close first and move on to the second level

  • Next second

  • We're out of speed shoes

  • The attack speed is the same

  • Very tasty

  • The third is general attack

  • Do you want to fight critically?

  • So it came with a holy sword

  • Increase your own critical attack damage

  • You also have your own critical level

  • This time you can place yourself

  • Close the 3rd wild bow for him

  • Because of this time

  • You the most

  • Stack 20 layers

  • After Sanye Bow finished

  • Then to ours

  • After giving him the swordsman spear

  • Just a storm

  • Storm's double blades

  • Can equip our heroes

  • There are no magic shoes

  • Resistance

  • Controlled problem

  • Attack speed

  • Critical bonus

  • After the end

  • Take the gladiator for example

  • Close and make a cloud blade

  • Lastly, add another awakening armor

  • there she is

  • If the younger brother thought he had small equipment it was troublesome

  • No need to manage small appliances

  • Follow the sequence in the top left corner

  • It's okay too

  • From the point of view of our deep meaning

  • The left side is

  • angry

  • Why don't you wake up

  • I need this critical level

  • Attack speed is also needed

  • Choose from

  • If you get angry early

  • There is a lot of equipment for attack speed

  • Can have both

  • So the left side of the Upanishans was furious

  • In the middle, the elf was half and half

  • After that right is standard equipment

  • Only dragon claws

  • Increase physical penetration

  • After that

  • It's a magic pattern

  • Use the curse of death

  • Be this hero

  • Can continue to attack

  • Play the magic line effect at the same time

  • The following words

  • The most important is enhanced recovery

  • Others are used to increase attack power

  • This hero could most likely shoot

  • success

  • Finish talking about the best clothes for the Upanishads

  • After that

  • Those are our three skills

  • What's the first way to specialize

  • The first way to specialize:

  • [Good foreplay]

  • Before talking about the first specialization trick

  • You must use the simplest one

  • Explanation

  • Tell everyone

  • What is his specialty

  • Otherwise, he couldn't understand

  • But I didn't read the manuscript

  • But in the simplest language

  • The passive side

  • Our hero is very simple

  • Depending on the range of attacks

  • And adjust yourself for ranged attacks

  • Proximity

  • One skill is one

  • Something like

  • Slightly similar to Razz's second skill

  • This is hawaquan

  • After playing

  • There is a small displacement

  • But we are skills

  • But there are two scratches

  • There are two breaks in one shock

  • For the second skill,

  • For one of your enemies

  • A little bit like this big knife baby trick

  • The side of the big movement

  • To give yourself a special effect

  • Once opened

  • In 3 seconds

  • If you kill one of the targets

  • The damage the target does against you

  • Never change

  • Gives you all the blood

  • But it should be noted

  • Your long range general attack

  • And one of your skills

  • You can mark enemies

  • When you are in close quarters

  • Basic attacks deal actual damage to enemies

  • And real damage

  • Passive based on the number of print line layers stacked

  • The highest is the 5th floor

  • After talking about this skill group and giving a brief introduction

  • Start specializing in 3 tricks

  • The first way to specialize:

  • [Good foreplay]

  • certainly

  • This hero

  • Then eat his general attack

  • How should I use basic attacks

  • To do the best damage

  • And let yourself in

  • Perfect entry

  • There are two ways

  • Before entering

  • The most basic is

  • First long attack and 5 basic attacks

  • You have collected the 5 best passives

  • During a general attack at the same time

  • Keep getting closer

  • You are logged in again

  • in this case

  • You can follow up basic melee attacks

  • Hit the maximum amount of actual damage

  • Then or how to enter (continued)

  • The first two basic attacks

  • Long range general attack

  • Next skill

  • Kata Skill

  • There may be one

  • Forward like razz

  • And your first skill is just fine

  • If both segments are reached

  • 3 layers can be stacked directly

  • Hence, two long range general attacks

  • Add skills to achieve everything

  • Complete your skills

  • There is also a follow-up

  • Jump 5 passive layers

  • This allows you to advance as a hero

  • It can also allow you to have a fully stacked passive

  • In close combat

  • Easily takes the best damage

  • This before entering the field

  • How do you do a good introduction

  • Create the perfect entry for you

  • Use your own basic attacks to perfection

  • This is the first way to specialize

  • [Super Foreplay]

  • The second trick of specialization

  • This is important

  • Talk about combos

  • [Bright Infinite Link]

  • Complete combo

  • All officers

  • Take it all out

  • Please delete it immediately

  • Please write down

  • This has been studied for a long time

  • Please tell everyone the whole formula

  • What is that

  • aa1123aaa

  • aa are the first two general long-range attacks

  • The first word trick in this area of ​​expertise

  • Then at 11, there is one skill and two stages just mentioned.

  • Once done, use the second skill directly

  • Two skills

  • It's like a big trick for a baby knife

  • Jump to the opposite body

  • Finish with a big step

  • At this point, the other side was already a remnant of blood

  • But he can still do damage

  • So you made a big move

  • Continued damage to the other side

  • You harvest them straight away

  • Then it becomes nothing

  • After big strides

  • Three more basic attacks directly

  • Why

  • Because this is after the second skill

  • good point

  • Two skills

  • When hitting an enemy hit by a skill

  • He shortened the cooling time

  • The most important is the second skill

  • There are three basic attacks in the future to speed up attacks

  • So

  • do not understand

  • It does not matter

  • Don't forget to move

  • aa1123aaa

  • Everything must die

  • Use a combo

  • Everything is dead

  • And it's over

  • You will not be beaten by residual blood

  • This is the second specialization initiative

  • [Bright Infinite Link]

  • After that

  • Specialize in the third trick

  • Third trick in the area of ​​expertise:

  • [Undead Bright]

  • Before specializing in the third trick

  • Everyone said

  • So many essences

  • Tell everyone in a few minutes

  • Not subscribed yet

  • Subscribe

  • Also order the little bell

  • And love it

  • Let's have a look this time

  • Can you break 500 likes?

  • Dear sister

  • Just waiting for you

  • Welcome

  • The third trick of specialization

  • Indirectly

  • Has begun

  • [Undead Bright]

  • This is your last loading time

  • Except for what I just said

  • After the second skill, you can enter non-major moves

  • You are actually this big trick

  • Don't use it just yet

  • What is direct use?

  • One skill enters the game like your Sani

  • Just use it first

  • It is not foolish to think that I am trying to enter the market head-on

  • Further damage

  • Come back to me directly

  • Not really

  • Because there are only 3 seconds

  • Kill the enemy

  • The amount of blood deducted from the other side will be returned

  • Is 3 seconds enough

  • Men shouldn't be too fast

  • Only 3 seconds after birth

  • Who can resist this?

  • Are we going to take big steps?

  • Almost too late to play

  • Great move only after the battle

  • Good

  • This is also possible

  • And very good

  • But the best

  • In the medium term

  • What is the medium term?

  • All skills are opposite

  • Half paid but not yet paid

  • For example, if you fight Maros

  • He drew his sword and used a second skill

  • But he hasn't jumped

  • Or the magic of thunder

  • The second skill is used

  • But I haven't drawn a knife yet

  • Half used opposite skills

  • At the midpoint

  • You made great strides

  • So you can absorb the firepower

  • Otherwise, it really is the final deadline

  • You have just started a big step

  • Limited firepower

  • Can be completed in the medium term

  • Absorbed shooting force

  • Crop the opposite

  • Shed blood

  • I will return it again

  • Not satisfied

  • Which hero is the most suitable for him in the latest version?

  • The first is this

  • Cress

  • While holding the spirit of the sword

  • I really need Kreis's knockback

  • To relieve pressure is attacked

  • The second word is

  • Alice

  • During our assault

  • Alice doesn't just give us speed

  • And it also allows us to upgrade the shield

  • And silence the opposition

  • To secure a better space

  • Which hero is pressed?

  • The first

  • Floren

  • Kombo Floren

  • You have to rush to release the enemy at close range

  • Although flexible

  • But we can attack a distant area of ​​damage

  • Do not leave a place to hide it

  • And we still have a big step forward

  • For Floren it is very difficult

  • Reap us in team battles

  • The second hero is pressed

  • Zhao Yun

  • If you press Zhao Cloud

  • I really like walking ghosts

  • Use the attack range

  • The advantage of the hand is that it is easy to fly directly

  • But which heroes suppressed him?

  • The first is this

  • Hai

  • Flexible shooting game

  • Always take the initiative

  • And plunge into us, relying primarily on our feet

  • It's easy to get to the big step

  • Have to endure everything

  • Hit our second hero

  • this is us

  • dawn

  • Hugh

  • But the explosive power is close

  • And a bigger damage coverage

  • We'll be a little passive

  • Thank you for watching

  • I am MADWoWo

  • If you like movies

  • Do not forget to subscribe, like and share

  • Thank you for watching

  • Until found

  • Until found

3 ways to specialize

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B1 US skill attack trick damage specialize basic

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    OVO的昱鈞 posted on 2021/06/03
Video vocabulary