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  • Hey, Lily!

  • Hi.

  • How are you?

  • I'm very well, thank you.

  • Good to see you.

  • Now, do you have a collection of t-shirts?

  • Last time you were here, you had a great t-shirt shirt on.

  • And now, you have a Andy Warhol t-shirt on.

  • Yeah, I have quite a few t-shirts.

  • Yeah.

  • Is that a thing that you collect--

  • I painted it myself.

  • I designed most of his art.

  • A lot of people don't know that.

  • I didn't know-- yeah, a lot of people don't know that.

  • So you were in his factory?

  • No, he was in my factory.

  • I see.

  • I see.

  • Have you ever met Andy Warhol?

  • Did you ever meet him?

  • Well, there was--

  • Ron Galella, the paparazzi guy, he has a big old book put out.

  • Yeah, I have that book.

  • And I have a picture of myself dancing--

  • I have no recollection--

  • With Andy?

  • With Andy.

  • You have no recollection?

  • No, I have no remembrance whatever.

  • And do you know, I don't even remember Ron Galella.

  • Well, he was kind of in the background taking pictures.

  • You might not--

  • That's true.

  • But was it Studio 54, or something?

  • I don't even remember going to a studio 54.

  • I wasn't such a hip person that I was out cohabiting and doing

  • things with--

  • Well, apparently, you were.

  • Yeah.

  • That's how hip you were, you don't remember it.

  • Do you remember-- they just had a documentary on Studio 54

  • recently.

  • It was really--

  • I was not in it.

  • No, you were not in it.

  • No.

  • Then you wouldn't have remembered that, anyway.

  • So last time you were here, you were with Jane Fonda.

  • Yes.

  • And we got rid of her.

  • We thought, we'll just have you by yourself.

  • 'Cause she's just pulling you down.

  • So you're doing Grace and Frankie right now.

  • And you're shooting it right now, right?

  • Yes.

  • Yeah.

  • And do you work out with-- does she--

  • because she seems like she would make people work out with her.

  • Well, she does kind of lord it over you.

  • I mean, she's incredibly well fit--

  • She is.

  • --for her age, and even not for her age.

  • For someone who's 20 years old, she'd be well fit.

  • Yeah, she is.

  • So she's-- yeah, I have worked out with her.

  • And I faked it very well.

  • When she's not looking, you just kind of--

  • Yeah, well, I usually--

  • in the old days, when we were on 9 to 5,

  • I would drag my mat out of vision

  • of the mirror, the big mirror.

  • And I would kind of like--

  • and you'd-- you have your fingers drag the floor so it

  • keeps rhythm.

  • And, yeah, she thought I was-- and she never stopped.

  • Yeah.

  • So she worked out even then, in 9 to 5?

  • Absolutely, she's been working out for--

  • Do you work out, though?

  • Occasionally.

  • What do you do?

  • I do planks.

  • Mm-hm, yeah, well, that's good for your core.

  • How long can you hold a plank?

  • Couple hours.


  • OK.

  • I don't think you're doing it right.


  • So, well, good for you for doing it for several hours.

  • So is this happening, the 9 to 5?

  • Are they still working on redoing that movie?

  • They are.

  • They're writing it at the moment.

  • That's fantastic!

  • That's going to be--

  • Jane and I were just chatting about it recently.

  • And we hope that we live to see it.

  • Yeah.

  • Because it would be really great,

  • especially this day and age, to do that.

  • And we're very advanced in years.

  • So--

  • Yes.

  • --I said to her the other day, I wondered which one of us

  • would go first.

  • Uh-huh.

  • Did you take bets or anything?

  • No.

  • No, but that's a good idea.

  • Well, no one's going to be able to pay.

  • It's the point.

  • Don't worry about it.

  • Yeah, no.

  • You're both in great shape.

  • Yeah.

  • So she already turned 80.

  • And you are about to turn 80 this year.

  • In September.

  • Yeah, in September.


  • How old are you?

  • I'm 61.

  • Oh.

  • Yeah.


  • But I like it.

  • I like getting older.

  • I don't mind it.

  • Yeah, well, I don't either, as long as I'm walking.

  • Yeah, walking and healthy.

  • That's why it's good to do the plank for a couple hours.

  • So Jane said she was going to throw you a big birthday party.

  • Do you think she will?

  • Uh, yeah, I think she will.

  • Yeah, I think she will.

  • And we're thinking about making it, I could celebrate my--

  • 'cause she always does big fundraisers when

  • she has a big age.

  • Yeah.

  • Of course, she has funds for which to raise for raisers.

  • I usually have to get people to give stuff

  • to whatever I'm raising it for.

  • But I think I'll do it for the LGBT Center here in LA.

  • Good.


  • The one they're building.

  • They just built one.

  • I saw you at it.

  • Huh?

  • The one they just built.

  • Yeah, oh, yeah.

  • That's fantastic.

  • Well, they built that big housing, 225 units,

  • kind of incredible.

  • Yeah, it is incredible.

  • That's great.

  • They never had anything like that before.

  • No, no, it was remarkable.

  • Yeah, it is.

  • All right, so let's talk about Laugh-In.

  • So it was 50 years ago that you did Laugh-In.

  • And that was a huge show at the time.

  • And that was your big break, right?

  • Yeah, it was.

  • Did you audition for that?

  • Or did they see you somewhere?

  • Well, they saw me on Merv Griffin.

  • I did an old rubber freak monologue

  • about eating rubber objects.

  • People do do that.

  • And I pre-date-- there's a woman on YouTube who eats rubber.

  • She eats the foam out of foam couches and chairs.

  • And she prefers the yellow foam.

  • But I pre-date her by a good 40, 50 years.

  • Do you think she got the idea from watching you?

  • I don't think she was born then.

  • OK.

  • Because there is a television show about people

  • who eat weird things.

  • So I know.

  • I've heard about that.

  • I was fascinated.

  • Because it's a condition called pica.

  • And back then, there wasn't that much literature about it.

  • Right.

  • And so I was very drawn to microbiology,

  • a oil-solvent solution called xyloderm.

  • No, that's not it.

  • I forget what it's called.

  • It affects your brain.

  • Wait, what do you mean, you were drawn to it in--

  • I mean, when I had a microbiology class,

  • we would get a little tiny lab bottle like that,

  • with real thick glass.

  • And you'd just have a dropper.

  • And you'd drop a drop on the slide.

  • And then you look at a slide, an oil immersion.

  • And I used to just go and fill my bottle up.

  • I'd fill up my nearby mate's bottle.

  • And I'd sprinkled it all over my books.

  • And I would just sit there inhaling it during the lecture.


  • Because it was just--

  • it was euphoric.

  • It was so wonderful.

  • Well, now we know why you don't understand or remember

  • Andy Warhol.


  • And I graduated from there to rubber tubing.

  • There used to be a place near my house

  • where I'd have to stand in the doorway and wait for the bus.

  • And they must have made rubber tubing.

  • The windows were opaque.

  • I couldn't see.

  • But I could smell the rubber tubing.

  • And I wanted desperately to eat it.

  • And that's what pica is.

  • Yeah.

  • OK, we're going to take a break.



  • We're going to call the nurse on the lot and see what she's--

  • I am so tickled.

  • I can't stop--

  • All right, we'll be back.

Hey, Lily!

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