Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Hi again, welcome to I'm Adam. In today's video, I want to talk to you about social media. Now, all of you are, I'm sure, are aware of social media. There're the big companies like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Social media has basically taken over almost everyday life for a lot people, so today I want to give you some vocabulary that you might need in order to be able to talk about social media or understand people who are speaking about social media. So, the first things I want to look at are - I want to look at a couple of pronunciation issues, and I want to look at people, people you need to know who are on social media and who affect everyday social media use. So, the first thing I want to talk about is Twitter and tweeter, okay? Twitter is a big company that you can send, you can post short messages and photos and videos, etc. And when you send out anything on Twitter, that's the company name, so Twitter is the company, and a tweet is the message or the picture or video that you send out. And a person who uses Twitter is called a tweeter, okay? Someone who tweets. So, it - ee. A very slight difference, but it's important to understand. If someone is talking about a tweeter they're talking about a person. Anyone who makes videos on YouTube is a youtuber. Now, generally speaking, when we talk about youtubers, we're talking about someone with a following, someone who has a lot of subscribers, or a lot of followers, a lot of people watching their videos. Right now, there are about - there's millions of people making YouTube videos, you can't call all of them youtubers. The ones who are a bit more well known are youtubers. So, I'm a youtuber, let's put it this way. And all the other EngVid teachers are youtubers. Now, someone on YouTube or Instagram or Facebook or any social media platform, and it's very important to know this - all these social media sites are platforms where people can engage each other. So, a person on a social media platform who is very, very popular and many people following and many subscribers, we call this person an influencer, okay? Some people say "YouTube star", star, okay, so maybe very popular, but the more important word is influencer, because this person has the power to influence a lot of people. So, advertisers and, like, a lot of big companies, they try to get in touch with these influencers to help them promote a product or sell a product or an event or information, etc. So, influencer. So next, we have trolls and haters, okay. Very similar but subtle difference between the two. A hater is just like the word says, a person who hates. So, there are people who go online and they look through social media sites and look at posts and pictures and whatever, and they just put something negative. They put some sort of bad comment - "I hate you.", "You look ugly.", "You're stupid.", "You're this and that". These people have absolutely nothing else to do, okay? They're sitting at home, they're bored and - "What should I do? Ah okay, let me write some bad things to this person". Why? Because it's anonymous. What does anonymous mean? It means nobody knows the identity of this person. So, a hater is basically somebody with nothing to do, who is bored, gets online, and writes bad things. The best thing to do with haters is ignore them. If you're putting things on the internet, if you're posting things on your Facebook page, on your Instagram page, on your Twitter page, whatever, and somebody comes and says something negative, let it go. Just move on. It doesn't matter. Don't worry about what this person says. Even this person doesn't care about what he or she is saying. But then you have a troll. Now, a troll is generally similar to a hater, will usually come and write something negative, the difference is that the hater, once he or she has written something, they just forget about it. A troll is trying to get a reaction, which - this makes a troll a lot more dangerous, okay? A troll will come and say something that he or she knows will annoy you or irritate you or make you angry or make you sad, but he or she is hoping that you write something back, because then they can write something bad again, and they want this exchange. Again, the best thing to do: ignore the trolls. And you'll hear if you listen to the news or you read newspapers, you hear about "trolling", this is the action of what a troll does, you'll hear about people trolling each other, famous people trolling each other. They're acting like little children. Ignore them, ignore the trolls on your site, move on. Both of these people are considered cyberbullies. Cyberbullying is a very, very serious social phenomenon. Very dangerous; it's making a lot of people angry, it's increasing the suicide rate in many cities and many countries. It's very dangerous but also very difficult to fight because of the anonymity, because these people are anonymous, so in many cases you don't know who is doing it. You have a lot of, especially teenagers, who are doing bad things to themselves because of cyberbullying. If you see it, do something. Act against it, write against it, try to stop it, but ignore it. That's the main thing if it happens to you, ignore it, move on. Now, again, if you're on social media and you have a lot of people who come and visit your page or your site or whatever, these are called followers. They're essentially your fans. And when we talk about all of your fans or all of a person's fans, that is called the fanbase. These are all the people who are following you, who are fans of your content, okay? And that's what social media is all about, it's about content. It's about articles, it's about vlogs and blogs, etc., about things that people put online to share with other people. I'll talk more about that as well. Now, a very cool part of social media is something called a flash mob. It used to be very, very popular a few years ago but it still happens every now and again. A flash mob happens when somebody puts on their social media feed, their social media page, that they want people to come to a specific location at a specific time and wait for a signal. And when that signal happens, everybody who got this message will get together and start doing a dance, okay. They've practiced this, it was all shared through social media, they know the song, they know the steps, they know where everybody should be, and these are all strangers who got together to have fun and it's actually a very interesting and very cool sight, okay. So - there's good and bad to the social media thing, but we'll get more about that. Now, you can often hear about social media campaigns. Now, what is a campaign? A campaign is an effort to do something, to achieve something. So, you'll have a lot of campaigns like educational campaigns, ad campaigns, where they're pushing a certain piece of information to get people to buy something, to act on something, to go somewhere, take some action, etc. But a very interesting and becoming more and more popular campaign is called crowdfunding. So, there's a site or there're applications called Kickstarter or GoFundMe, where people have a very good idea and they need money to make this idea come alive, so they create a crowdfunding page, they create a crowdfunding campaign, and people from all over the world send them a little bit of money, and they collect all this money, sometimes it can be very huge quantities, and they take this money and they can pursue their product. Now, some people start companies, some people invent a new machine, new technology, etc., so it's a very positive use of social media. However, there are also a lot of scams. A scam is like a trick to try to get something from you, so a lot of people will get on these sites and say, oh, you know, "My wife, she's pregnant, but she has cancer and I need a surgery for her but I don't have money, will people please help me?" And people are nice, they're generous and friendly, they're helpful, they send money to this person, but this person is not married, is young, has nothing going on but, you know, just taking the money and going on vacation. So, you have to be very careful about the places you send your money to. Be very, very careful where you're sending your money. Now, crowdsourcing is very similar to funding, but it has nothing to do with money. Let's say I want to start a new website and I have a very, very good idea for a service to provide people. The problem is that I have all the content, but I don't actually know how to build a site. I don't know how to make functions on the site. So, I can go to crowdsourcing sites, especially social media sites, and I can ask people to help write the code or look for people to do the coding to help me build this site and create my vision of the website. So, crowdsourcing is getting people to help you with actual work, with tasks, with their knowledge, with their skills, which is actually a very interesting thing. A very good thing. And now there's also something called Creative Commons. So, what social media has done is it connected the world. It made everybody be able to reach basically everybody and work together. So, Creative Commons, a lot of people are sharing photos and videos and articles for free, and they say you can use this information, you don't have to pay me anything, there's no license, if you want to use this picture in your website, go ahead, it's free. So, you get a Creative Commons license. I'm going to go to black because I lost my red [marker]. So, you get a Creative (Commons license. You can go to some website where they have some kind of really beautiful pictures and, of course, there are websites where you have to buy the picture and they're a little bit expensive. There are Creative Commons sites where you can take the picture and use it and you have a Creative Commons license, it means it's not copyrighted. It's free for everybody to use and share, so it's a very nice thing. Now, very common, very popular thing to do on social media is a blog, which is a web log, and that's basically people - you know, it started off as people just writing their ideas and thoughts and whatever.