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  • Mhm, please.

  • Over here.

  • Her supper.

  • Over here.

  • In the fountain?

  • Yeah, on the leaf behind the giant waterfall.

  • I see you now.

  • Wow!

  • You're so tiny.

  • Yep.

  • We're wee sprites, me sprites, little folks who roam the land looking for big adventures, But not this big.

  • The boys thought to be fun, to swing on leaves.

  • I said no.

  • They said please.

  • So I said, Okay.

  • And then next thing you know So, Palash, here we are.

  • It was better than a splash.

  • It was a huge carp lose.

  • The problem is, we're not the best swimmer.

  • So could you help us out?

  • Sure.

  • Please hurry before we tip over.

  • Right?

  • Mhm!

  • Wow!

  • Gotcha!

  • That was close, Benji.

  • We should thank the nice girl.

  • Should we give her a Bravo bouquet?

  • Let's do it!

  • Coming in for landing an electric pump.

  • Thank you for saving us.

  • And thank you for the flowers.

  • Wow, That looked fun.

  • I wish I could be small like you.

  • Hey, where'd she go?

  • I'm right here.

  • Right where?

  • Well, how did everything get so big?

  • How did you get so small?

  • I've never seen anyone shrink like that.

  • Unless it was a magic spell.

  • It wasn't a spell, but it was magic.

  • Sometimes Miami like, gives me special powers When I do nice things, like rescuing us from the fountain.

  • Exactly.

  • It must have given me the power to be little like you.

  • Now, I can do all the fun stuff that you guys do.

  • I like being small.

  • Just wait.

  • It gets even better.

  • Check this out.

  • Garden looks a wee bit different from down here, huh?

  • So different.

  • It's amazing.

  • I've seen fields of grass, but never this tall.

  • Um oh, Hill is a mountain.

  • When you're this small, everything looks different when you change your point of view The flower beds, a forest garden is a zoo and that falling rain is only drops up to do in this small new world.

  • There's so much more to see in this small new Nothing like that.

  • He's the man.

  • You, uh, who wants to grow up and be really big?

  • Okay, when it's more fun to pull bolt using a twig, I can ride a robin to a party in this nest or join a band of squirrels on a wild acorn quest.

  • My little friends are sure to be impressed in this morning away Much more to see in this mama where I'm buzzing like a feast Small new world and beautiful to me No, I'd rather be This morning world is taking up for me Oh, wow.

  • Oh, that was a blast.

  • Who's up for another dandy line, Right?

  • Mhm.

Mhm, please.

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