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  • How you doing now?

  • Is this start a lot of thing.

  • This is still pretty new for you.

  • This is very exciting.

  • This must have been a dream of yours for a long time.

  • Yes.

  • Yeah.

  • Was that the Groundlings in Los Angeles doing improv?

  • It there another place.

  • And how did your family must be over the top?

  • Crazy.

  • Thrilled that you're doing something alive?

  • Yeah, they're They're very excited.

  • It still hasn't quite hit them.

  • I think that I'm on the show that I actually have a job.

  • I mean, they watch it, but they're sort of still can't believe it.

  • Yeah, like when I when I called my dad to tell him that I was coming on your show is like, I'm so excited I'm gonna be uncommon.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • And he was, like, Always like, That's so great.

  • He's like, For what?

  • Mhm.

  • I'm gonna I'm gonna be a guest on the show.

  • I No, I can't believe it.

  • He was like, oh, alone by yourself.

  • Why would they have you?

  • That's not right.

  • Your dad has to get behind this thing.

  • He must be a big fan of Conan.

  • Uh, he loves you.

  • Yeah.

  • That's great.

  • Uh, who's just Conan O'Brien, anyway?

  • That's all pretty late.

  • Uh, now you started out in Los Angeles.

  • I did the same thing.

  • I graduate from college and I went right to Los Angeles to try and get into show business.

  • You started in L A.

  • As well?

  • Yes.

  • I was actually in school in Arizona and I moved to L.

  • A kind of quick decision.

  • I didn't tell my parents.

  • I'm leaving.

  • Um, moving to l.

  • A.

  • Um, So it's like you ran away.

  • No, no, I was in Arizona and I just wanted to go.

  • And I was scared to tell my parents, so I just didn't, um And then I went out there and I got a job at, um, the Hollywood Hot Dog Company.

  • The Hollywood Hot dog company.

  • What is the Hollywood hot?

  • Is that like a hot dog stand?

  • No, it's a restaurant.

  • It was a restaurant.

  • It's not there anymore.

  • But it was in Beverly Hills, and it was like a little I'm surprised it failed.

  • It's a restaurant that's called the Hot Dog Hot Dog.

  • It was like gourmet hot dogs.

  • And what's a gourmet hot dog?

  • I'm just curious good pork.

  • This hot dog is made with the finest pork.

  • Do they take it?

  • They open up a little silver tureen.

  • Incredible.

  • So and did people are people excited for you working at the hot dog company?

  • Well, the yeah rumors kind of went around back home and had moved to L.

  • A and that I worked at a hot dog stand in the city that I had my own hot dog stand.

  • So I declare that I was like, No, it's it's a It's a hot dog restaurant, and it's very different.

  • You don't understand, man.

  • Fancy sauces.

  • And Jon Lovitz came in one.

  • So fancy sauces.

  • Yeah, like a ketchup sauce.

  • A sauce made of mustard seeds.

  • Yeah.

  • Um, so you work for a long time at this restaurant?

  • And how did you break in?

  • Did you break in commercials?

  • I did do some commercials.

  • Yeah, because you know, when you moved there, have to have your head shot in your resume, and my resume was there was nothing on it.

  • It looked like a flyer, like just my name.

  • And like, two things.

  • Um, well, some people list all kinds of skills on their resume When they want to be an actor or comedian.

  • They say crossbow, you know, good at running.

  • And I can I can hide.

  • I've things like that.

  • Yeah, but that can also get you in trouble, because my it was my second commercial audition, and my agent called me and she said She's like, Oh, I got this audition came in, but I need to know are are you a dancer?

  • And I was like, Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm a dancer.

  • Um, I'm not a dancer.

  • Um, and she knew that because she said, Are you sure we'll tell you?

  • The way you answered, the question would be a giveaway.

  • Are you a dancer?

  • Yeah.

  • Dancing that thing you said I do.

  • I do it every day.

  • Yes, I went.

  • I went to the audition, and it was a room full of dancers, and they had their leotards on and their hair and buns.

  • And I had, like, sweatpants, like running shoes on.

  • I know you like showing up for the Rocky audition.

  • Yeah, it's like doing little stretches like to second quad stretches while they have their leg up there.

  • Um and I went into the room and it was terrified, Very nervous.

  • And And the woman was like, Okay, well, this is a promo, and you are going to be a flame.

  • So we want you to start out, crouched down and kind of like, do a turn.

  • They wanted people to act like they were aflame.

  • What was this ad for?

  • They don't know.

  • It was like a promo for something.

  • Flame broiled burgers.

  • We can't show you an actual flame, so we'll show a woman dancing.

  • Right?

  • That's very strange.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • So I got I, like, got down on the ground and I, like, had my hands over my face to be very dramatic flame like Larry Flame like, And I just It was like, three seconds.

  • I just basically just, like, stood up and and just put my arms out.

  • I remember the flame.

  • So I went like that.

  • And then at the end, I just wanted to finish it off.

  • So it's just like, Yeah, I did it.

  • This is more a mushroom, I think, than plain.

  • I think I would do this if I was a flame.

  • I was.

  • What is that turning you on?

  • That's a flame right there.

  • That's a wildfire plane.

  • That's what I would do.

  • I didn't do that.

  • I'd have gotten that part.

  • I'll tell you right now, I've been in a leotard doing this.

  • I never would have gotten this job.

  • Your life.

  • Yeah, I would've just all fallen apart from me.

How you doing now?

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