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  • - Only a pregnant woman would like this.

  • - Baby wants Snickers and mustard!

  • - If this baby pops out now because it gets mad at me...

  • - [Sarah] You feed them through this hole.

  • - Well, I'll be happy, 'cause then the baby's out.

  • (Sarah murmurs playfully)

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Hi, I'm Sarah.

  • I'm a video producer with Buzzfeed and I'm pregnant.

  • I've asked my pregnant coworker, Cheska...

  • - Hey, I'm Cheska, and I'm in my third trimester.

  • - To try weird pregnancy cravings

  • that we found on the internet.

  • Thanks internet.

  • - Ever since I got pregnant,

  • I have thought about food differently,

  • only because I'm just paranoid about

  • what to eat and what not to eat.

  • Sushi's not safe for pregnant women.

  • I miss sushi a lot, actually.

  • The first... (groans)

  • - When you're pregnant, it's almost like every meal,

  • you're at a Michelin star restaurant, okay?

  • Food tastes that good.

  • So I'm really interested to see

  • what these pregnancy cravings are.

  • - I've heard of pickles and peanut butter,

  • but I'm not too familiar with odd cravings,

  • so I don't know.

  • - Before Cheska and I dig in,

  • we should talk to BuzzFeed's preeminent mom

  • and former pregnant person Hannah Williams.

  • - Hi, I'm Hannah, and if you've seen any of my videos,

  • you might have seen me make my family

  • eat my weird pregnancy cravings, and it was so much fun.

  • Some of the weirdest cravings I've ever had

  • were raw meat and raw dough.

  • I still don't understand why.

  • But there are some foods

  • that I did have when I was pregnant

  • that opened my eyes to stuff that I like to eat.

  • - I'm excited to try food. I'm just excited to eat.

  • All right, let's do this.

  • (hands slap)

  • Sauerkraut and pizza.

  • I'm looking forward to this.

  • - This isn't something I would choose,

  • but who knows, maybe I'll like it.

  • - Sauerkraut is good on savory things.

  • Pizza is savory.

  • (murmurs approvingly) Yeah, this is good.

  • - It's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

  • - It's cheesy.

  • It has a little bit of acidity from the sauerkraut.

  • - It reminds me of sausage on pizza,

  • and that's something I would eat, so...

  • - It has everything.

  • - Since I think I'd actually eat it, I've got to give this

  • an eight out of ten. - Ten out of ten.

  • I feel like this should be a thing.

  • I feel like this shouldn't be an odd pregnancy craving.

  • It's not that odd to put sauerkraut on pizza, I don't think.

  • - [Sarah] Here we go: pickle sandwich.

  • - You know, sandwiches are sandwiches.

  • Some sandwiches are good, some sandwiches are bad.

  • I think I will like it.

  • (toast crunches)

  • - Okay.

  • - It's not bad, but it's not great.

  • - It's like another vessel for eating the pickle.

  • - I do feel that if you're really into it,

  • you would add more pickles.

  • I just put like two slices; it's not enough.

  • - "Pickle sandwich" doesn't sound good to me,

  • but eating it, it's just like, Oh, I like pickles.

  • Of course I like a pickle sandwich.

  • I guess this one gets a nine out of ten for me.

  • - Actually, I'd give it a seven.

  • The more I eat it, the more I'm like, this is okay.

  • - The things you eat, at a certain stage in your pregnancy,

  • they start to flavor the placenta.

  • This experience could make my baby like weird things.

  • And if that happens, that's on you, internet.

  • - Oh, I love Cheetos.

  • - [Sarah] Flamin' hot Cheeto.

  • - Strawberry yogurt: good.

  • I'm not sure about them together.

  • - I think I see what's going on here

  • with the salty and sweet.

  • I might not have thought of it, but maybe it's still good.

  • - It might surprise me, so let's see.

  • (Cheetos crunch)

  • Oh, that's not bad.

  • Actually, that's not bad at all.

  • (Sarah murmurs)

  • The smell is sweet and salty

  • with a little bit of spicy Cheeto dust smell.

  • - I haven't had flamin' hot Cheetos

  • since I've been pregnant.

  • - I thought it would be weird,

  • but it's like the sourness of the yogurt

  • and then the...

  • the savoriness, saltiness of the Cheetos.

  • - These two don't sound like they should go together,

  • but it helps cut the hot heat in a way that I get.

  • - Yeah, I like this a lot, actually.

  • (laughs) I was surprised.

  • - Still not one I would probably get a ton.

  • So I'm going to give this one a seven out of ten. (crunches)

  • - [Cheska] Sauerkraut and Reese's peanut butter cups.

  • - I love Reese's peanut butter cups

  • and I can't imagine improving them,

  • so I don't know how sauerkraut is going to improve them.

  • You know what I mean? But...

  • - I don't even know how you would

  • think about this combination.

  • (laughs) I don't want to do it.

  • (groans)

  • - No.

  • No, no, no.

  • No, no, no, no, no. Absolutely not.

  • Absolutely not.

  • - They just don't go together.

  • They're just - they're not friends.

  • - Internet, you made me ruin

  • a perfectly good Reese's peanut butter cup,

  • and I'm upset about it.

  • - No.

  • Still no.

  • - I'm gonna give this a two out of ten.

  • - I love chocolate.

  • - [Sarah] Snickers with yellow mustard.

  • - It's just one of those things

  • that I keep eating during my pregnancy,

  • but I've also just eaten a lot of chocolate.

  • - Like right now, if you squint your eyes,

  • this could be a hot dog.

  • It's not.

  • It's delicious chocolate and there's mustard on it, so...

  • - It feels like the chocolate is gonna

  • overpower the mustard.

  • I think that's what's going to happen.

  • - Okay. (vocalizes)

  • - I don't like it.

  • - It's fine.

  • I could see if you used spicy mustard

  • that it might give the Snickers a spicy kick.

  • - I like mustard in my hot dogs.

  • I don't like it on my chocolate.

  • - This is fine, but I probably would prefer

  • the Snickers without the mustard,

  • so this gets us six out of ten for me.

  • - I'm gonna give it a one.

  • You can change your mind and wipe the mustard off

  • so you can still have a Snickers bar.

  • I don't know if it's my imagination

  • but I've been feeling Braxton Hicks contractions.

  • I think some of these combinations -

  • not all of them, some of them are really good -

  • but some these combinations, they just don't sit right.

  • - Pasta sauce with vanilla pudding on top.

  • I don't understand this one.

  • You already have sauce on it.

  • Why are you putting another

  • sauce-like substance on the pasta?

  • - Okay, now anything that smells too strong,

  • it makes me a little queasy.

  • - Going into this mixture, not a lot of faith.

  • - I feel like this might be better

  • with the pasta, to be honest.

  • I just didn't have time to make pasta.

  • So I'll just try it as it is.

  • - No.

  • It's another no.

  • Oh my God.

  • Oh my God.

  • Oh my God. (Cheska spits)

  • - I don't like it.

  • - No flavor boost from it, just gross texture.

  • - It's soft, and it's liquidy.

  • - This one has to get a one out of ten,

  • 'cause I hate it so much.

  • - Yeah. No, that was a zero.

  • Kiwis and hot sauce.

  • - [Sarah] I like putting hot sauce on things,

  • so why not kiwis?

  • - I love fruits. I grew up around fruits.

  • I just - I love every kind of fruit.

  • I think I'll be surprised.

  • (Sarah exclaims)

  • Oh wow.

  • I like it.

  • - I know a lot of pregnant people love spicing things up,

  • so this is really - this could be it.

  • - Yeah, you already have the citrus thingy of tahini,

  • and then you're just adding a little bit of spice to it.

  • - I think this is smart thinking.

  • Solid execution.

  • - But you got your fruit, you got your spice.

  • It's easy to eat.

  • - So I'm going to give this one an eight out of ten.

  • - Ten out of ten.

  • Okay, so Ritz crackers, sardines, and blueberries.

  • - I hate everything that I'm looking at right now.

  • This is wild.

  • Whoever came up with this,

  • I would really like to hear from them

  • where the Ritz crackers plus sardines

  • plus blueberries came from, because

  • I just do not see the genesis.

  • I do not see it.

  • - I thought I was past food aversions,

  • but the sardine smell is really weird right now, actually.

  • I usually like sardines,

  • but this also might be one of those things

  • where I don't like the smell, but I like it.

  • Like stinky tofu or something.

  • (Sarah yelps)

  • Okay.

  • (Sarah retches)

  • It's not bad.

  • When I'm eating it, it's not bad.

  • - My body didn't just reject this,

  • it rejected the food I had eaten previous,

  • so a lot just came up right then.

  • Zero out of ten. I'm angry.

  • I'm angry at the internet.

  • I am now positive somebody was pranking.

  • - I give this an eight.

  • Negative two for the smell,

  • but yeah, eight for the taste.

  • And it's nutritious.

  • You know, you got your fish protein,

  • you have your carbs, and you have your fiber.

  • - The memory of it is upsetting my stomach.

  • If I could give this negative 1000 out of ten, I would.

  • Twinkies with ranch.

  • This seems like the most American craving we've had yet.

  • Ranch?

  • On a Twinkie?

  • - I grew up in the Philippines,

  • so we didn't really have Twinkies.

  • And then I watched Zombieland

  • and I was like, Oh my gosh, Twinkies, so cool!

  • And then I tried them, and I realized

  • there's something really special about them.

  • You know, if you want a quick snack, this is good.

  • Cheers.

  • - I don't like it.

  • - The ranch is very strange.

  • - I'm actually surprised on this one because

  • I'm a big believer in the ranch-enhance.

  • It enhances things.

  • - The more you chew,

  • the more the Twinkies overpower the ranch, so

  • it's not as bad as it could have been

  • if this had more ranch.

  • - Did not do it for me.

  • I just spit it out, so I have to give it a three out of ten.

  • - I'll give this a one because you can wipe off the ranch.

  • Vanilla ice cream with pulled pork on top.

  • - You know, I get the hot and the cold combo.

  • That could be something.

  • - I don't think I'm gonna like it.

  • Pulled pork is supposed to be hot.

  • Ice cream is supposed to be cold.

  • Well, then also you have hot fudge sundaes,

  • but then they're both sweet, so that's where they mesh.

  • Okay. (murmurs) No.

  • - I don't know.

  • The pulled pork's ruining the vanilla ice cream,

  • and the vanilla ice cream is ruining the pulled pork, so...

  • - I don't know. I changed my mind.

  • This isn't as bad.

  • - This combo makes sense to me in my pregnancy brain now.

  • Like the pulled pork and the vanilla.

  • It makes sense to me, but I cannot eat it right now.

  • I would give this a 0.5.

  • Yeah, I don't know why this was invented.

  • - Five out of ten.

  • - Only a pregnant woman would like this,

  • just not this pregnant woman.

  • That was an experience.

  • It was certainly a roller coaster ride.

  • - Yeah, whether you're pregnant or not pregnant,

  • I hope you got some great ideas

  • from these crazy pregnant brains

  • that came up with these weird concoctions.

  • - There was a lot of stuff here

  • that I didn't think I would like,

  • and I really actually like.

  • But there was just some stuff that was just - I don't know.

  • - Pudding on pasta?

  • I can't with that.

  • - Like, only a pregnant woman would like it,

  • 'cause it's so odd.

  • Some of those combos were so odd.

  • - Just, like, hormones,

  • and then we have a heightened sense of taste and smell.

  • Even pickle sandwich. I love pickles.

  • I'll put them on a sandwich.

  • Another excuse to eat a pickle?

  • Sure. Why the hell not?

  • - The kiwis and the hot sauce were my favorite

  • 'cause it was the most surprising.

  • The sauerkraut and the pizza - everybody should try that.

  • That should be a thing.

  • That should be served in restaurants and stuff.

  • - Happy cooking. Bon appetit.

  • I mean...

  • Tasty.

  • - My baby's been kicking me the entire time in this shoot.

  • I think he really didn't like

  • a lot of things you made me try.

  • (upbeat orchestral music)

- Only a pregnant woman would like this.

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