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  • Oh, my goodness.

  • Look at those shoes.

  • Outlandish.

  • She's wearing Dorothy's clubs.

  • Yeah, Looks like candy apples have plantar fasciitis.

  • Fascinating.

  • It's not contagious.

  • And, uh, these men, these feel good on my feet.

  • Their dance goes there.

  • Really Kind of, like clogs dance co A name of the company that you got a little something.

  • Uh, okay, let's say I'm hoping that I do.

  • Well, I like Ferraris, and, uh, and it suits by Sears.

  • Uh, first of all, I don't know how to where to begin you have had.

  • It's so great you do such a fantastic job.

  • You're so funny.

  • And you've been doing such great work, and then you're getting recognized for it, Which is a nice thing.

  • I mean, between the Emmys and Sag Golden Globe, I'm just curious how you're handling this all because you've been thrown into a world.

  • All these big stars now must be coming up to you saying hi.

  • Do you get starstruck?

  • I do.

  • I get really starstruck.

  • I saw Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on the red carpet at the Golden Globes, and I was being interviewed, and, um and I waved to them.

  • They said, Oh, do you and they waved back.

  • And I said, Do you know them?

  • I said you just witnessed are meeting right here.

  • Uh, Angelina was being interviewed, and Brad was kind of standing off to the side and we walked by each other.

  • He said, Hi.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • And and And he took my hand and I don't know, I felt like I didn't want to waste his time, so I pulled it away before he was done holding it.

  • Right.

  • So I don't know, I felt like I was taking up too much of his time, and he kind of did that.

  • And I just felt really bad.

  • So you don't want that old thing?

  • You don't know where this has been.

  • I Yeah.

  • So I I I wanted I pulled it away from and I felt stupid about it, But he was really great.

  • He was He's beautiful.

  • Yeah.

  • Any person you say he's a nice guy, you know?

  • Not like on camera.

  • Really hideous.

  • Yeah, it was awful.

  • Do you find yourself when you meet someone who's really famous?

  • Sometimes you just stare at like individual.

  • You're so famous.

  • There's this weird like you look at What you do is you see?

  • You see them as like you are a real person.

  • You have flaws.

  • You have.

  • You know, you see them on screen.

  • It's just you don't expect them to have pores.

  • You expect that their wax figures, You know, Um, now, the glee cast I know was invited to the White House.

  • This is the level that that you guys have achieved.

  • Did you have achieved?

  • I was shined, but I was.

  • I was not invited to the White House.

  • What?

  • No, I wasn't.

  • I thought I heard the glee cast was invited.

  • That must mean you as well.

  • No, I think it's just the kids.

  • Nobody told me.

  • No one told you.

  • You're breaking this news to me right now.

  • This is awkward.

  • It was like it was sure fun at Andy's party last night.

  • What?

  • Andy's play.

  • Maybe it went to Spam.

  • Yeah, we'll have you met President Obama before I did.

  • I am.

  • He came to the gay debates.

  • The logo, we call them the gate of the logo sponsored.

  • I don't remember.

  • The gay debate was the well in that terrible.

  • They sponsored the presidential debates and the beginning of the Republicans came, but John Edward go Hello.

  • John Edwards and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were there And, uh, Dennis Kucinich and I met with him Obama with a group of people beforehand, you know, kind of a meet and greet.

  • And he said to me, I'm from Chicago.

  • He said, Do I know you're You look really familiar.

  • And I said, Well, I'm from Chicago, but you haven't been there in a while.

  • I don't know.

  • We met there, and I would remember, of course, if I met him there.

  • And, um So we had a little talk and with us.

  • And then he turned around.

  • He went 40 year old virgin.

  • Our president saw the 70 year old Virgin.

  • I thought that was so cool.

  • It's good to the people.

  • I hope people all know that.

  • That's the name of the movie, right?

  • Four year old virgin.

  • Okay, fine.

  • That's 50 year old virgin.

  • He has to get that a lot of my twenties 20 year old virgin.

  • Stop.

  • Uh huh.

  • Just stop it.

  • You know, we were talking about you mentioned 40 year Old Virgin and in so many roles and especially on glee, you do so many things.

  • Well, but you are so great at being judgmental with your eyes.

  • You know, I was thinking about this today.

  • It's just just that the judgment that can come out of those those Look at that right now.

  • Very easy.

  • Very easy to intimidate.

  • I know I am.

  • You compared glee to the show, The Brady Bunch.

  • And I was, uh what do you see as the comparison?

  • Well, the big comparison we were just talking about because we were Mr and Mrs Brady in the Brady the real live Brady bunch.

  • And he was my beloved, the stage production.

  • And we were saying, How ugly is kind of the real Brady bunch all over again?

  • We're the parents, and we don't get to go to the White House basically, because we're not the kids and we're not the ones out doing.

  • The musical numbers were in the background watching them.

  • So also, you're also watching all the time, going awful, you know, But is it is It will be a fan of the Brady Bunch.

  • Oh, my God.

  • It shaped it shaped my psyche.

  • I mean, the Brady Bunch was the thing.

  • You know?

  • This, that was a home where if a kid threw a temper tantrum and ran up the stairs and slammed the door, they would get a gentle knock from the parents.

  • Yes, come in and sit on the edge of the bed and say, What's going on?

  • That didn't happen in my house.

  • What happened to your house?

  • No, no temper tantrum.

  • They were like, You know, good riddance.

  • Yeah.

  • Stay in your riding like mine.

  • Where?

  • Which one are you?

  • 35.

  • Fred Headon.

  • Number 35 is acting up.

  • I literally sent an email or an email in 1968.

  • You are way ahead of you.

  • You are so far ahead of your time.

  • I built a computer.

  • He said I was crazy.

  • I sent a letter to I waited for the credit for the closing credits of The Brady Bunch.

  • And I sent a letter to Universal Studios casting, and I said, I want to be on the Brady Bunch.

  • Do you have a young, uh, like actors program where you know, I can learn how to do this?

  • And they sent me a letter back and it was an assistant of the casting person, and it was a really horrible letter.

  • Like, you know, we don't take unknowns.

  • We don't believe that it was probably some assistant getting themselves off.

  • And, um But I took that letter, and I put it in my scrapbook like it was some kind of victory.

  • Yeah, you know, and they got my name wrong.

  • It would say Jamie Lynch, But I was like, Oh, my gosh, I got a you know, a letter from Universal Studios.

  • Even though it was telling me Don't forget your dream and and stay in Dalton, Illinois.

  • You did not say forget your No one gets a letter that says, Forget your dream.

  • Get your dream.

  • You're sincerely, uh, was you Did you have a favorite Brady Bunch episode was really stood out.

  • Okay, They the girls are trying to build their own.

  • We didn't do this episode, but they're trying to build their own clubhouse in the back yard.

  • The boys had a treehouse, so they tried to end.

  • Um, of course, because they're girls and women.

  • They don't know how to handle, you know, saws and hammers and nails.

  • And so they're out there in their little outfits and all of a sudden wall falls and it almost hit Cindy.

  • And so, Bob.

  • So Mike Brady says All right, boys, come on, get out there and we're gonna We're gonna do this.

  • We're gonna build.

  • We're gonna show them how it's done and they go.

  • Ladies, we need lemonade and plenty of it.

  • And balls.

  • Women say skedaddled back kitchen and made the lemonade For the men who loved it, it's a different time.

  • Who's Mike Brady to tell anybody how to build anything?

  • No, that's the crappiest house I've ever seen.

  • Exactly.

  • Every time they shut the door on the whole thing shakes two bedrooms for six kids.

  • Isn't that insane?

  • Yeah.

  • It doesn't sound crazy to me.

  • Oh, what?

  • He's being put up in the attic.

  • This isn't about me.

  • Or is it?

Oh, my goodness.

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