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  • Hong Kong police have charged dozens of prominent pro democracy activists with subversion.

  • This is the single largest enforcement of Beijing sweeping new national security law.

  • The activists were arrested after being ordered to report to local police stations.

  • It's the latest in the crackdown on democratic opposition in the territory.

  • A group of more than 50 activists was initially arrested earlier this year after they helped organize an unofficial primary vote last July to nominate opposition candidates.

  • The mock vote came just weeks after China drafted the new security law.

  • Okay, let's bring in now DWS Phoebe Kong in Hong Kong Phoebe What will happen to the people who have been charged today?

  • The 47 opposition figures were prosecutors for conspiracy to commit subversion under the new sweeping national security law in Hong Kong.

  • They were all detained in local police station like this one behind me and will be brought to court tomorrow morning.

  • So by then the judge will handle the bail application to decide whether they will have to be remanded in custody in the near future before the hearing.

  • So as we are standing outside one of the police station where holding one of the activists prosecuted today.

  • Nevertheless, he still hopes that Hong Kong people can carry on and we'll move forward despite the repression.

  • What about the timing of this?

  • Why are they being detained now?

  • The timing is, uh, pretty concerning is, uh this a mask?

  • Prosecution comes amid Beijing's plan to reform and restructure Hong Kong's electoral system fundamentally.

  • So we're expecting a reform announcement of Hong Kong's electoral reform in the coming weeks, if not days.

  • So now today the prosecution will also spells the end of the political career of many of the opposition figures.

  • So we have to remember that the primary they participated in which is accused of the government, that this is the this is a subversion of state power.

  • Over 600,000 people voted in that primary, and that really sent a signal to Beijing that there is a huge momentum in Hong Kong that people want to continue to activism within the political institution.

  • So now the authorities is trying to redefine the primary, and this kind of political activism and campaigning as legitimate as a legal and these national security crimes could possibly put all the election hopefuls today.

  • Um, life imprisonment.

  • How has the protest movement in Hong Kong been affected by this new security law?

  • And of course, by the pandemic?

  • Well, today is the This is the biggest round of prosecution under the new national security Law.

  • And this is definitely a major setback for the whole opposition came because today all of the prosecutor were the leading activists, politicians and community leaders.

  • And they have been rounded up by the authorities.

  • And this will definitely weaken and suffocate the opposition voices on the ground.

  • Okay.

  • DWS Phoebe Kong, thanks so much.

Hong Kong police have charged dozens of prominent pro democracy activists with subversion.

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