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  • talked about the Jazz at the top of the show, But let's talk L a.

  • Now because that game set them now on a four game losing streak.

  • Zack, you cover.

  • I mean, Zach, we're going to get to you first here since you're joining us, you said yesterday I heard Jenna podcast saying, Hey, I'm not concerned.

  • Why are you not concerned?

  • Oh, well, I'm a little more concerned after it looks so bad last night.

  • But really, Look, I hate to be the boring guy in the media, but Anthony Davis is injured and Dennis Schroder is out for health and safety protocols.

  • He's really their only other ball handler who can take some of the pressure off LeBron.

  • It's kind of like Wake me up until those guys get back.

  • Now I'll be concerned if we start hearing things like Anthony Davis.

  • Injury is lingering or it's more serious than we thought.

  • But these guys don't care about playoff seeding.

  • They don't care much about home court.

  • They just seem to get to the playoffs intact.

  • Yes, would it be nice if they're playing better?

  • If Wes Matthews would hit more shots of some of these role players would step up.

  • Sure, but this team is about LeBron and A D, and I can't read too much into anything that happens when a D is not playing.

  • Yeah, I totally agree.

  • And I think when you put together the injuries on top of the fact that all Stars coming, LeBron's not excited about going to play all Stars.

  • So that's probably, well, that's probably weighing into it a little bit.

  • But you do have injuries.

  • You have a season team, a championship team on a quick turnaround who are now in the midst of the next season trying to repeat, and you're gonna have laws, especially right before All Star Game.

  • I think this team, when they get healthy and they come back out of All Star, they're gonna come back firing on all cylinders.

  • And I don't think home court will be as important this year without a big crowd in the arena.

  • So I don't think that's weighing on their minds too much.

  • You know the three guys, everybody is right about this 80 shooter out.

  • No fans in the stands, the Lakers, the Lakers and as long as they still got LeBron James, Good to go.

  • You know, let me just say this you as you watch them play and they keep losing, you're saying, Please don't match up with me in the playoffs.

  • You do not want to match up with the Lakers in the playoffs.

  • So if they keep losing, you say, Okay, I don't want to be in a position to play them again.

  • So nobody's Lakers aren't worried because it's the playoffs.

  • They're going to step it up.

  • They can be healthy.

  • And who knows what's going to happen when the trade line trading deadline comes into play?

  • Because if they get another big man, watch out.

  • We're gonna talk about that a little more in the next segment.

  • But we're talking a little bit before the show started, and you watch this team more closely than anyone else on our air because you also get paid to watch them from Spectrum here in LA and you sit there every night in the studio and discuss them for a half hour after every game.

  • So can you tell the people out there a little bit of what you were telling me about Dennis Schroder and just all the ways that him being missing has heard this team in the last two weeks a week.

  • Dennis the Menace is one of those guys that doesn't get talked about enough.

  • He is an incredible ball handler.

  • He takes a lot of pressure off LeBron.

  • He's one of those guys that's crafty around the rim.

  • You look at Rondo did for the Lakers last season in the championship.

  • That's what Dennis Schroder does him in two point, oh, version.

  • He can get to the rack, he can shoot jumpers.

  • He can.

  • He can hit three is a little bit better.

  • But the most important thing where the Lakers missing the most is when he picks up other players in the backcourt that wears the other team down defensively and offensively.

  • So he's turning guys.

  • He's doing things he's been that minister that they like him to be, and people you know, somebody like Zach doesn't appreciate things like that.

  • Guy's doesn't show up in the stats.

  • They play defense like that to get the ball up and do things like that.

  • So then it submitted has been missed just as much as 80.

  • Zach.

  • I was going to move on to the Celtics but please respond here to I'm not going to respond to this big, big Rob.

  • It's all these big shots.

  • You can take shots at me.

  • I'm not even going to dignify.

  • I will say The one thing That's different, though, for the Lakers this year is the competition.

  • The Clippers, I think, or at least more cohesive.

  • The Jazz are for real.

  • The path out of the West is going to be harder.

  • So it is one thing that's different, like they're gonna need to play at a really high level the entire playoffs.

  • So there is one difference.

  • I would like to see them get clicking, but they got plenty of time.

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talked about the Jazz at the top of the show, But let's talk L a.

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