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  • Hey, guys just came down here.

  • Welcome back to my channel, E Like every single time I make a video.

  • Now I'm always like I'm sorry.

  • It's been a while.

  • Basically, there's just a lot going on.

  • So I'm gonna give you guys a quick rundown.

  • So first of all, I'm trying to move out.

  • I've been apartment hunting over the last couple of months.

  • Haven't had too much luck.

  • So that's why I haven't really been filming cause I haven't had the time to sit down and no chat with you guys.

  • Second of all, I was actually hoping Onda last year that we could possibly travel at the start off this year, but unfortunately, doesn't look like we'll be able to travel anytime soon.

  • So what happened was I went to Japan end off 2000 and 19 before everything happened, and I filmed Ah, lot off Japan travel stuff.

  • But unfortunately, because of everything going on, I don't want to encourage people to travel or anything.

  • That's why I've been holding off off the Japan travel videos.

  • So I'll I don't know.

  • I might post them like whenever we can travel again whenever that is, but also When I was in Japan, I went on this huge shopping spree by, ah, lot off Japanese skincare because I wanted Thio start making videos on Japanese skincare to show you guys what you could buy if you go to Japan.

  • But I also decided to hold off on those videos because I was like, Well, no one's gonna be able to travel to Japan anyways.

  • Like, what's the point of uploading these?

  • But these days, you know, Internet shopping is a lot more convenient, and we can get like, almost anything online.

  • I really want to get on to making these videos this year because, you know, skincare expires.

  • So I will do my best to upload as many Korean and Japanese skincare videos as I can.

  • This?

  • Yeah, so let's just get onto the video.

  • First off, I got a bunch off this submarino facemasks thes are extremely popular in Japan, and I got them in different flavors.

  • This one here is QE yogurt.

  • Then we have camel orange finally white strawberry that the main reason why these face masks are so popular in Japan is because it's very convenient.

  • So for those who live busy lives and You know, I don't want to spend too much time in the morning getting ready and doing their skin care.

  • This is perfect because all you have to do is just wake up, wash your face, put on one of these mosques, and it kind of acts like a toner moisturizer and a face base for makeup at the same time.

  • I've uses a couple of times before, and I was very curious to try out off the other different flavors.

  • I'll be sure to test them out very soon.

  • Next we have these clear turn face masks and oh my gosh, Every single time I go to Japan, I have to pick up a couple of days.

  • So I've already finished like two bags, and the reason why I love this so much is because it's really affordable.

  • It's like around $10 in Japan for one off these bags and masks, and you get 50 masks in here, so it's really good value for money.

  • Next, we have face masks from little and and this is also another favorite off mine.

  • I actually love traveling with these because they're just in small packages and once again very convenient to bring around, and also I found that it's better because it's like less wasted because off the face masks, it's just in this package.

  • Next we have the Chiana Rice mask.

  • Now I've never tried this mask out myself.

  • But when I was buying all of this stuff, I was doing a lot of research on.

  • You know what is the best Japanese skincare products out there, so I can recommend it to you guys when I eventually do try them out.

  • But this one had a lot of really good reviews.

  • It's won awards of at Casa Man, and there's 10 sheet masks in here.

  • Next we have the you Tina premium press of Face Mosque.

  • So if you guys want to treat yourselves to a more luxurious space mask, this is the way to go.

  • This is like by far my favorite face masks from Japan.

  • There's so many ingredients packed into it, and what I love about it is that it's so moisturizing.

  • My face just feels so good after I take this mask off.

  • And what's also great is that inside each package there is, ah, lot off serum left over.

  • So I just like to put it all over my neck.

  • So, yeah, this is like one of the best selling face masks in Japan.

  • If you have ever been to Japan like you'll find these everywhere, like at any pharmacy at any Don Quixote like it's super super popular and also very, very good.

  • Next, I had the cost, a clear turned black mask.

  • Now I remember I made like a top 10 Japanese skincare video four years ago, and I recommended this mask, and I still do.

  • The great thing about Japanese skincare, I find, is that they don't really come out with new things.

  • They just like Thio, improve on their products.

  • I've got already whereas Korean skincare that constantly coming on pumping out new products but with Japanese like I find that stuff that you liked years ago.

  • They're still available to buy now on final shape mask because I have, like so many sheet masks, I realized like it's enough to last me two years probably.

  • But this is the Sana, Tony in software bond, soy milk, wrinkle care mask.

  • So Okay, I'm, like, you know, turning 31 this year.

  • So I mean, focusing on getting ah lot off anti aging skin care.

  • So this is one of them I picked up.

  • This is an anti wrinkle one.

  • I mean, I don't have any wrinkles yet, so I'm just going to do my best to, you know, use products to slow down the aging process.

  • Now, speaking of anti aging, I bought a bunch of anti aging products, so let's go through them.

  • First off, we have the course a clear 10.

  • How the fuck around moisture.

  • Now, I also recommended this in my top 10 Japanese skincare products.

  • Like four years ago.

  • I've been using this for such a long time, and it's also great value for money.

  • So it comes with, like, these little eye patches, which you can put under your eyes and around your lips as well.

  • Just any way you want more moisture next from the San Antonio and suffer up online again.

  • We have the soy milk wrinkle cream.

  • Now, once again, I haven't tried this out either, so yeah, I can't wait to test this out or it expires next year in Jews.

  • I still have time to use this.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • I bought all this stuff like, you know, a year ago and yeah, I need to get onto filming those videos.

  • I did not expect the pandemic toe last this long.

  • And the final anti aging product I got is a huddle level eye cream.

  • So I havent tried any I crane from how the love before.

  • But I've tried a lot of their skin care products in the past.

  • All right, so next I actually planned to film a video on that, The best Japanese acne products that you can use for those of acne prone skin.

  • I started at the products.

  • So I'm gonna just show you guys quickly what I got.

  • I will film a video eventually on, like, you know, using the products, showing you guys how to use it properly and why it's so good.

  • So please bear with me, have a lot of stuff from the brand manipulating Agnese.

  • And this is a really great brand for acne prone skin.

  • It's got really gentle ingredient and actually, Eric suffers from really bad acne, so I like to get a lot of these products for him.

  • But first off we have the spot dressing, which is basically like, you know, that caused Rx people patches.

  • So basically, how this works is that when you have a pimple that's like about to pop, put one of these on, and it kind of like, sucks the past out off your pimple for you.

  • And it doesn't leave a mark because normally when you pop a pimple, it leaves marks and then it turns to a scab, and then it leaves a scar and takes a long time to get rid off.

  • So these are really great for that.

  • I feel like I should use these a lot more because I tend to put my pimples all the time.

  • But yeah, that's that.

  • Next I got the methylated Agnese powder lotion, so I find that this would be really good for those of oily skin.

  • Next we have the athletes mentholated acne, scar care.

  • Jill and I've been using this one for a long time because even though I don't really suffer from acne, I do have eczema.

  • So whenever I break out, I mean, okay, first of all, I do pop my pimple, so that's kind of my fault.

  • But then scab starts forming on my face, and it takes a lot longer than usual.

  • Thio get rid off.

  • Sometimes it takes, like months to get rid off.

  • And I only just recovered from a breakout I had, like, last year, so it took, like, four months to heal.

  • But if you have like a scar that you want to get rid off quicker, then you can put this on your scar, which I am actually going to be using Right from today, I still have a bunch of other acne stuff I got whilst I was in Japan.

  • This one here is extremely popular.

  • This is a pair acne clean lotion.

  • Now the great thing about this one is that it's very gentle on your skin.

  • I've actually used it myself.

  • When my skin was just, like, really irritated and also from here acne.

  • I have the cream.

  • You can actually find the cream very easily in a donkey, ho tae or a pharmacy in Japan.

  • But I like buying this for Eric because he suffers from really bad acne, and I find that this really comes to skin down.

  • And then we had the May shock you skin lotion, and this is like one of the most popular products in Japan.

  • It comes in like this blue bottle.

  • It's amazing and has won many awards.

  • I've actually used this one myself.

  • A swell so very, very gentle on your skin and finally last product for acne care.

  • We have the Frankel acne care face Wash cream.

  • So thankful is also a really popular skincare brand in Japan.

  • So, yeah, I haven't actually tried this one out yet, but we'll give this one a shot that set off skincare products.

  • I'm going to show you guys are lotions now.

  • Lotions in Japan there basically toners.

  • I don't know why they call lotions because with Korean skin care lotion is more of like an emotion moisturizer, I guess.

  • But anyway, let's start off with the huddle level Coca June hyaluronic acid lotion.

  • So I've been using this one for a couple of years and yet, once against very gentle on the face super Chiana lotion.

  • Now this line is really good for those with oily skin.

  • So I bought like a bunch of different skin care for, you know, dry skin, oily skin, acne prone.

  • I want to make, like a lot of videos for different skin test because not everyone skin is the same so obviously not everyone would be using the same skin care products.

  • So yeah, once again, I will get on to making those videos soon.

  • But yet this is really good for oily skin.

  • Next we have the car.

  • Kuril.

  • See them care lotion at a level.

  • Gorka June Al far emotion.

  • We have the Ogi Tanya in self roban lotion.

  • I use this one so much back in the day and speaking off O g, this is actually my very first Japanese skincare product that I have ever used.

  • This is a huddle level whitening lotion rich.

  • I remember back then I only use this product and I would keep reapplying it throughout the day whenever my skin felt dry.

  • So, yeah, this is like, really nostalgic for me.

  • Who remembers this?

  • This was like a bomb back in the day.

  • I mean, it's still really good.

  • This is the natural eco gel cure, and it's basically an exfoliator.

  • So when you rub it on your face, you get These are really disgusting particles.

  • So I picked up one of these because it's still one of the best Japanese products out there.

  • Next we have the A budget vitamin C serum.

  • So I decided to pick this up because I did some research.

  • And apparently this is really good for helping with scars.

  • And also because it contains vitamin C is, well, it helps to fade scars quicker.

  • Lastly, I have a bunch off Japanese moisturizers.

  • So first off Tony in Safra Bond, this is just a wrinkle care brightening moisturizer.

  • So once again, I'm trying to keep my anti aging skincare game up.

  • Next, we have the Tony in Safra Bond cream, and I really like the package because it's so small.

  • It's great for traveling.

  • Not that we can travel anyway, but, you know, whenever we can, this is a great one to bring around with you.

  • Next, we have the harder level Gawker June premium super moisture cream.

  • I don't know why I have to.

  • Exactly.

  • Um, there must have been a reason why I bought two, but I really don't remember because it was like, a year ago on my gosh.

  • And then we have the photo aging care gel.

  • I feel like I really should start using these soon because I was going through my skin care and I mean, I used a wide range of different skincare products, and I don't use the same stuff every single day.

  • I basically just use what I feel my skin needs that day.

  • And yet recently I'm just like my skin has been super dry on.

  • I mean, even though I haven't seen any wrinkles, I'm like, kind of bit worried.

  • That's like, you know, they're going to start coming up soon, So yeah, I really need to start using all these anti aging stuff I've got, like, you know, there's no use for it sitting around doing nothing.

  • But anyway, the last moisturizer we have is the huddle level three D firming gel.

  • So this is also grateful.

  • Anti aging.

  • Apparently so, Yeah, I'm going to try that out.

  • But that is all for my video is a lot of skincare.

  • I'm keen Thio start making a lot of videos this year.

  • It's just that I'm trying to get my living situation sorted out first, so I have applied for an apartment in Sydney, fingers crossed that I get.

  • If I do, then there will be lots of moving videos.

  • So if you guys want to see the whole process, follow me on my vlog channel, which will be linked down below.

  • I've already uploaded a video on there where I went to, like, a few apartment viewings.

  • But once we actually move out, I will do like a proper apartment tour on this channel.

  • So yeah, just really looking forward to that.

  • I've actually already started packing, even though we haven't secured a place yet.

  • So Yeah, I just I just really want Thio Move on with my life and you just find a place that I can settle in for a couple of years.

  • Anyway, Thank you so much, guys.

  • For all your support, I'm really sorry once again for not up loading as often as I said I would.

  • But if you guys have any more recommendations for videos, let me know in a comment Pakistan below, obviously because way can travel anytime soon.

  • Like, you know, I want to stay away from making travel videos.

  • But if you guys have, like, interesting ideas about travel tips and stuff, like for when we can travel, then yeah, I'm happy to make those for you guys, but yeah, I didn't.

  • That place comes out this video.

  • Have you enjoyed it?

  • Subscribe to my channel if you haven't done so yet.

  • Yeah, once again, follow me in my vlog channel.

  • If you want to see what I get up, Thio in my everyday life I'm gonna try my best.

  • Upload more on there Also, if you guys take engine impact, I have been making a lot of attention Impact videos, mainly finding every single chest.

  • So if you guys I want Thio find that way, you get all the chest and check out my channel.

  • Um also follow me on all my social media, which I will link down below as well on I will see you guys in the next video.

  • Bye, guys.

Hey, guys just came down here.

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