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  • I have this special tips specially for those students who are from Third World countries are helping countries like I have the experience of Pakistan.

  • I talked awful there in our Spark Language Center in Pakistan, so I have the experience.

  • If the students they are not really having good exposure off technology, they can have a text test anxiety in the actual exam.

  • Now I have some tips for listening and reading for the listening section.

  • It is really important that the students they have exposure off North American English, not the British English, as this test is based on North American accent.

  • Still, in some after institutions, the teachers, they follow the British accent, which can help the students, but not in a real way.

  • And the students are going to appear in the test.

  • They should watch lot off movies and they should do extensive practice off the test.

  • You can do that with 80 s material.

  • You can do that with the other material which is available on the Internet.

  • There are many good sites which can be handed for that.

  • But the rial thing is you can really tackle all type of questions.

  • For example, the listening is not only identifying the sound, there is something more than that.

  • There are few cultural things like the English, which is used in American culture.

  • Some off the expression.

  • They have the specific meanings.

  • So the students, they should understand those specific meanings, like especially in the part in which there's conversation between the student and the teacher, even in the academic setting, their certain terms which students should know what these terms mean in the American University context.

  • So while preparing for the test, it is always a good idea to have the, you know, really understanding off those you know, cultural terms which have specific meanings in the American academic life.

  • In addition to this, it is always good idea to do to read the questions in advance, because if you read the questions in advance, you can really understand that G stuff whole thing.

  • And after that, once you have, once you're attempting the questions you can attempt in a velvet in that way you'll be consuming the last time, and you will be completing the more questions in the longer sections, in which first you have to listen the whole paragraph and after that you have to attempt certain questions which come in sequence.

  • It is always good ideas to take some notes again.

  • I repeat some notes, not all the notes, because if you start writing everything, maybe your attention will be diverted.

  • And the real thing the rial informational message on which the questions which will be based maybe you miss them on Also, it will be difficult to keep pace with the speaker to keep pace with, you know, speakers in that particular section.

  • So it is very good idea to just understand that just off the section on not to write everything on the paper because it will divert your attention.

  • In that case.

  • And, uh, in addition to this, it's always good idea toe do a lot of a lot of practice so that when you sit for actual exam, you don't have anything new there for you.

  • So you are really prepared for the actual exam.

  • So these are the tips for listening.

  • Now I have a couple of points for the reading expelled in the reading section.

  • It is really important that you use the skills of skimming and scanning because it is not a testing which you can read at your leisure, for example, you can actually read each and every word on each and every line.

  • So in that case, what you can do is first of all, look at the heading.

  • That heading can give you some idea of what that text is all about.

  • Then after that, if there is a subheading and then after that, you can move from paragraph two paragraph.

  • The good thing about the truffle is the most of the questions in the first part.

  • After, you know, passage there in the sequence and they're focused on the paragraphs only in the last section there are the question which are based on the summary.

  • So once you do, the paragraph fights, you attempt all the questions, you are in a great position to really attempt the summary questions.

  • So rather than going through the whole passage, this can be a good idea to move from paragraph two, paragraph on it.

  • You know, by that where you're really first of all understanding the paragraphs and then after that, you are attempting that summary questions.

  • So these were some off the tips which I got today.

  • I hope this will help the students and they will score high in the actual exam.

  • And they can materialize the dream of studying in the North American Union countries that truffle is naturally test.

  • Really tough test.

  • It only needs a lot of practice.

  • That's my own experience.

  • I really prepared by using different, you know, 80 s material and on the Internet.

  • And it's really good.

  • And I got the scholarship.

  • And now I'm studying at one of the best school in states that the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

  • Okay, Thank you for listening.

I have this special tips specially for those students who are from Third World countries are helping countries like I have the experience of Pakistan.

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