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  • touchdown confirmed for severe painfully on the surface of Mars.

  • Ready to begin speaking the stands of past life.

  • Oh, I love a man so invested in his work you couldn't see There was Jonathan punching air punching air at that moment that he touched down.

  • He loves it.

  • Look at him.

  • His work is complete.

  • That was fantastic.

  • Was textbook, wasn't it, Jonathan?

  • It was absolutely perfect.

  • It really waas I mean, you know, there was a lot of acronyms in there which only sort of geeks like myself really understand.

  • But, you know, there were There were moments when it was when it was on the surface and they had toe Wait, I spoke to you about those pyrotechnics, didn't I?

  • About how they have to cut them.

  • The last pyrotechnics that fire cut the cables.

  • Andi, they have to be sure that they've cut the sky.

  • Crane doesn't drag the rover away because those cables won't cut.

  • And so you heard them say rim you stable.

  • That meant the rover wasn't moving.

  • U h f was stable.

  • That meant that the sky crane hadn't crashed down on top on dso Once They've heard all of that, they waited a few seconds and then they declared it Touchdown confirmed.

  • Absolutely beautiful.

  • You know, You know what we have to reflect on this?

  • Well, is this is such an international effort.

  • We're looking at the control room there at NASA.

  • But when that parachute deployed, there was a little team in Tiverton in Devon that were jumping for joy.

  • There's a small company.

  • They're called Heathcote Fabrics and they make parachutes from lace and silk, and they'd be making parachutes since the Second World War.

  • And they now make the parachute for this rover to descend onto the Martian surface.

  • Quite extraordinary.

  • Really.

  • And there are little teams like that all around the world that have contributed to this Jonathan.

  • And can I can I just jump in?

  • Because we do have some breaking news.

  • Apart from the fact that perseverance has landed on Mars, the rover has tweeted already.

  • I'm safe on Mars.

  • Perseverance will get you anywhere.

  • Hash down, Countdown to Mars.

  • Great.

  • Talk to me about those teams around the world, Jonathan.

  • I mean, who's contributed to this?

  • Well, there are some big contributions that have done through bilateral agreements that NASA has with other space agencies.

  • So, for example, example the French have produced one of the laser type instruments that the rover is going to use.

  • The Spanish have provided the weather system that it has, but yeah, they've got all sorts of people working on it, you know?

  • I mean, one of the one of the scientists that's planned.

  • The route is British.

  • There's everybody who's got a finger in that pie.

  • I should say that the thing that I'm waiting for now is is a picture of jazz R O Crater.

  • This rover was programmed as soon as you touched down.

  • You take a picture in front and you take a picture back behind that.

  • Send them straight to work.

  • This question is, it's It should come back very, very soon.

  • Very soon, indeed.

  • Is that it?

  • Yes.

  • So come on, plane.

  • Jonathan, What we've seen so far there is what we That's the picture.

  • There it is already.

  • So I thought it was going to take 11 minutes.

  • That is the picture that isn't made.

  • No, no, no, no.

  • Eso What they were hoping to do was to get a picture back before the satellite which has relayed this disappeared over the horizon, and then they'd have to wait several hours until another one came over.

  • This this tells the engineers what the surface is like that they've landed on.

  • I mean, you can see from that were to me that looks like the front of the rover.

  • You could just see the elbow of the robotic arm there on B A picture come that will come from the back.

  • Actually, you could tell that that's the robotic arm there because you can see the shadow of the equipment there on the ground, but they'll have a picture from behind a swell.

  • What I'm hoping is that we'll see that cliff, which is the target of where they want Thio Thio in the next a few months.

  • Now, of course, they can put it down to within a few 100 m.

  • They can't actually tell you which orientation it's going to be.

  • Well, let them off with that.

  • But amazing to get this picture overnight.

  • Tonight we may get the first of these little movies that were taken from the vehicle as it came down.

  • You'll see the ground approaching the rover as it neared the surface of Mars, but it's terrific.

  • This is what it's all about.

  • Now we've got several years ahead of us.

  • Thio trundle around this crater and and, you know, potentially make the greatest ever scientific discovery.

  • What bigger scientific discovery is there than to detect life beyond Earth?

  • There really isn't is there and you know, even if it doesn't, that's really interesting.

  • Well, you know, if we don't detect life on Mars, we then have to ask ourselves, Well, why didn't way we know that it was habitable 3.5 4 billion years ago.

  • Why wasn't there life on Mars like there was on Earth?

  • And, you know, it's kind of you start thinking, Well, maybe there has to be some sort of special spark.

  • It's not a case that, you know, you build it and they come that life just happens.

  • There needs to be something special that occurs Clearly happened on Earth.

  • Did it happen on Mars?

  • That's what we want.

  • Perseverance to tell us.

touchdown confirmed for severe painfully on the surface of Mars.

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