I turnedtothesidewaytoputitdown, but e hadthelongerthere.
I didn't wannawaittoflagsomebodydown.
I hadmyjuice.
I'm not a copydrinker.
Youknowwhat I mean?
I wentuptheroadandstartedgoingthroughmyplaylistanddreams.
Justspoketomewhen I hearditandthen, Yeah, E Nathan, thatthat's what I wanttogoto.
Soyoulookonyourphone, youseetherecordingAndareyousittingtheresaying, Oh, no, thisisgoingtochangemylifeforever.
No, youknowwhat I mean?
Andit's funnybecauseitwasonetakebecause I had, like, lessthan 10 minutestogettowork.
Sowhen I gottowork, I had, like, fiveminuteswhen I walkedin.
So I'm lookingatthephonethinkingif I shouldpostornot, youknow, Andthenbecausetheway I lookedat, I waslike, maybe I shouldn't postit, E I waslike, Okay, I'lljustpostitbecause, youknow, Gary, beoneoftheguys I watchonInstagramposteverythingallthetime.
So, yeah, I postedit.
Andthenyouknowwhat I mean, waitinganhour.
So I decidedtoleaveit, obviously, Andafterthat, 7.5 hourslater, Isthat a million?
And I stilldidn't thinkitwasgonnablowupliketothis, youknow?
I meanso I'llbetalkingtopeople, like, youknow, onESPNtheywere, youknow, anythinglikethis.
Howhasitchanged, though?
Youknowwhat I mean?
It's likesomuchforthebetter, Youknowwhat I mean?
Andit's justawesome.
Youknow, I got I got a place, youknow, betterthantheRV.
Youknow, I have a house, youknow, toehavemyfamilyherewithmynewwife.
Well, youknow, whenherson, youknow, building a family, youknowwhat I mean?
Like I said, it's hopefullybringingmoreopportunitiestowhere I'llbeabletopullmydadoutofthewarehouseandmakesuremymomanddadarestraightwiththehouseforthemselves.