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  • - Good afternoon, ladies.

  • (Raineesha laughs)

  • Welcome, welcome to the single lamoms class.

  • I call it that.

  • Of course it's Lamaze method.

  • How's everyone doing today?

  • - Hey Guy, how you doing? - How are you?

  • - Good to see you.

  • - It's so good to see you.

  • - I'm Trudy. - Hi Trudy.

  • Yeah, you didn't look too familiar to me.

  • - I'm new. - I see some familiar faces

  • and a couple of virgins.

  • (Raineesha laughs) - I'm not a virgin.

  • - What are you virgins doing here?

  • - I'm not a virgin.

  • I had sex to have a baby.

  • - Oh no, no, I know that.

  • No, I mean virgin to the class.

  • - Oh, I'm new to the class.

  • So happy you're here, Trudy.

  • - Me too.

  • - I'm Guy. - Hi Guy.

  • - Welcome.

  • My name is Guy Gerricault.

  • I'll spell that for you

  • because it is not the common spelling.

  • Although it does have a bit of a French pronunciation.

  • Guy Gerricault.

  • Why Lamaze, is it about breathing?

  • I think I know something about it.

  • But it's more than that.

  • It's to help provide you with confidence

  • about giving birth to a child, to help you feel relaxed.

  • It's through movement, breathing techniques,

  • massage, and positive emotional support.

  • And you're gonna need that

  • because your vagina will be ripped in half.

  • Thank you, Matthew.

  • All right, let's shake it out.

  • We're gonna do a little Kegeling.

  • I know some of you know what Kegeling is.

  • For those of you that don't,

  • it's contracting your vaginal muscles.

  • And I think you've probably done it

  • and haven't even been aware.

  • But just flex 'em to a little Axel F.

  • (dynamic music)

  • All right, I want you to feel that music.

  • You wanna feel it down south.

  • And Kegel, Kegel, Kegel, Keeg it.

  • Nice, I'm gonna come around and check you out.

  • Looking good, green bean.

  • Looking good, looking good.

  • I wanna see some movement in those pants.

  • Nice, nice, nice.

  • Work up a sweat.

  • Mm-hm, you feeling it?

  • Digging in, digging in.

  • Imagine you're picking up change.

  • Here we go.

  • - [Trudy] Guy? - Yes Trudy?

  • - [Trudy] I feel like I'm only doing it in my (beep).

  • Can you check?

  • - All right.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • Yeah, less buttocks, more cervix.

  • - Okay.

  • - Why Lamaze, you ask?

  • Well, why not Lamaze, I ask?

  • It's what I do, I can't help it.

  • I love women, I love babies.

  • So welcome.

  • This is our little safe place.

  • This is our womb, our dojo.

  • No one is allowed in, except of course, a cameraman today.

  • I'm more than just a Lamaze teacher,

  • I teach about child care as well.

  • And it's interesting,

  • but not a lot of people have experience holding babies.

  • So I like to go through the...

  • Who's my favorite girl? (Trudy laughs)

  • Get up here.

  • - Let me help you.

  • - All right, you're gonna mind his little fontanelle.

  • Got 'im right there, there you go.

  • - Oh my god!

  • (Trudy screaming)

  • Oh my god, oh my god!

  • - You gotta get the body too.

  • (Trudy screaming) All right.

  • These are expensive models and uh...

  • - Oh my god, I'm so sorry. - Don't worry about it.

  • It's... (Trudy crying)

  • - Oh hey, Guy.

  • - Hey Trudy.

  • - Looks like I'm early.

  • - You are a little bit.

  • Oh good, you can help me out.

  • - Yeah, I'd love to. - That's great.

  • Could you, I would really appreciate it actually,

  • if you could just grab my balls.

  • I wanted to do a little ball work in class today.

  • I have them in the back.

  • While I can maybe get the baby set up.

  • - Oh, go in the back and get your ball, the birthing balls.

  • - The birth balls. - Okay, sure, sure.

  • - You look great.

  • You got a nice glow about you. - I do?

  • - Yeah, you do.

  • - Thanks.

  • You wanna feel?

  • - Well, I never say no to that.

  • - He's kicking. - Is he?

  • - Yeah, feel.

  • - Oh yeah, oh yeah.

  • - It's actually lower, he's lower.

  • - Hi ladies. - Here.

  • It's really low.

  • For some reason he's kicking really low today.

  • It's almost, yeah.

  • - Like he's actually moving his way through your...

  • - You feel that?

  • - I do feel that

  • - My milk hasn't dropped yet.

  • I don't know, is it, can you?

  • If there's, is there a massage you can do

  • to get them to drop?

  • - There is, there's like a, there's a certain,

  • just, just on top, a little.

  • Just you can go into the chest.

  • And actually what's really good is to turn around

  • and get the bulb of the breasts.

  • - Yeah, the bulbs.

  • Just like, just, just, just kind of a circular motion.

  • - Right. - That's good right there.

  • And then just with the thumbs.

  • - Right. - Just like that.

  • And it just, it helps circulate,

  • and it helps generate more milk.

  • - Right, I'm circulating.

  • I'm definitely circulating. - Yeah.

  • Good, good.

  • All right, well let's uh...

  • I don't hear any breathing.

  • I wanna hear some breathing

  • when you guys are coming into class.

  • All right?

  • Let's get to work. - Woo!

  • - How's everyone's vagina today?

  • Feeling good? - Great.

  • - Feels great. - Good.

  • - That rubbing you did on them last week was really great.

  • (Guy laughs)

  • - Let's turn.

  • A lot of people think sex is wrong, they're ashamed of it.

  • It's nothing to be ashamed about.

  • Nothing to be ashamed about at all.

  • It's nature, it's beautiful.

  • God created 69.

  • You know, whales 69.

  • And people laugh at that, but it's true.

  • They do.

  • It's in nature.

  • If it's in nature, it's beautiful.

  • (beep)

  • And don't be afraid of the buttocks.

  • - Oh I'm not afraid of it.

  • - Do not be afraid of the top of the buttocks.

  • - You feel that?

  • I'm already, I'm sort of up your anus a little bit.

  • - Just a little bit, that's okay, that's okay.

  • - Let me ask you a question. - A lot of nerve endings.

  • - You eat the dark piece of meat off the chicken?

  • - Raineesha, you're embarrassing me.

  • (both laughing) I'm so sorry.

  • - You know what I'm in the middle of right now,

  • a saucy sandwich.

  • And I like it, I don't wanna go anywhere.

  • (Trudy gasps) What's wrong?

  • - Oh my god.

  • I think my water just broke.

  • - Whoa!

  • - Trudy, did you water break? - Oh my god!

  • - Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!

  • - Can we please relax?

  • - Oh, wait, hold on a second.

  • Someone left a Mountain Dew here.

  • It's not, it wasn't my water.

- Good afternoon, ladies.

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