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  • parlor.

  • The social media site popular with the American far right, has dismissed its CEO, John Mates.

  • Mates confirmed the move in a text message to Reuters on Wednesday.

  • In a memo to staff first reported by Fox News, Mate said Quote On January 29th 2021 the parlor board, controlled by Rebecca Mercer decided to immediately terminate my position as CEO of Parlor.

  • I did not participate in this decision.

  • He also sided quote constant resistance to my product vision, my strong belief in free speech and my view of how the parlor site should be managed.

  • Mates told Reuters.

  • That Parlor now has an executive committee consisting of Matthew Richardson and Mark Meckler.

  • Mercer Richardson, Meckler and Parlor did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

  • Parlor, which boasted over 12 million users, largely disappeared from the Web following the January 6th siege of the U.

  • S Capitol by far right extremists.

  • It was dropped by Amazon Web services and Apple and Google's APP stores, who all said parlor wasn't doing enough to police violent content and was used to incite the unrest.

  • Founded in 2018, Parlor has styled itself as a free speech driven space.

  • The APP has mainly attracted US conservatives who disagree with what they see a censorship on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.


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