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  • Hi there, my name is Mark Kleiman

  • ahead here on your i'm working and her or i can prove philadelphia

  • with david brinkley program

  • never could provide improve villanovan meeting

  • nikon calendar provisional loan and performing

  • going to be an ongoing goldberg rewarding but the important point median

  • income

  • in fact even it'll be different than here in britain

  • leaving out things about unlike what happened here

  • drafter of the love mindy

  • he's the author of the popular vote nandini could result in gradebook

  • powerful linkedin profile

  • faculty walking on diana tried to break free from corporate america

  • dalelro

  • he started the warden

  • with the goal helping with individual letter of the internet

  • martin

  • right before the experiment in pokhara movie

  • downloaded negro dot com where he helped individual from around the world rendell

  • gotten

  • signed here dot period radio

  • than what we've been going on here

  • this illness

  • and thank you and one for joining us in the scandal hang out

  • uh... what i'm going to do today is i'm going to talk to you guys all about five

  • secrets steps to pumping up your linkedin profile

  • but you know the first thing we really do need to talk about is what i what why

  • is it important for you to making your linkedin profile look great and really

  • the answers is really simple and that is

  • one ellington is the largest

  • professional social network out there today

  • and when i say the largest a lot of times people they said oh but what about

  • face but they spent just hit a billion

  • it's true and it does not have a billion users but what they do have is a

  • fantastic demographic of professionals and so

  • went in his professional you're not going to see pictures of kittens you're

  • not going to be here about enough people talking about their kids soccer teams

  • linkedin is at the really professional

  • social network and what we found is

  • ninety five percent

  • of companies today are using social networking

  • to flying

  • employees to find uh... talent they're using it for equipment purposes not that

  • ninety five percent

  • eighty percent are using linkedin

  • their using linkedin to find talent they're looking

  • at linkedin to learn more about you they're using it as a research mechanism

  • and but the following

  • what's really going to shape

  • what they think of you and knowing this it's it's absolutely imperative that you

  • put your best foot forward weekly

  • and so

  • let's

  • let's into i'm going to pull up on my screen uh... a picture of two different

  • uh... legion profiles just so we can try to get an idea of what it is that

  • uh... you know people are seeing

  • how does that look mark a sea etc

  • so really the question to ask yourself is to be one of the we've gotten gene

  • on the left with ashes on on the right

  • and what gene has done is

  • she's she's taken uh...

  • every unattractive photographic posted dot

  • uh... chichi in just two used her title in her

  • her company

  • four the headline in and she copied and pasted

  • correct in that

  • and and that was it in

  • and that's what she's choosing to represent herself online

  • on the other hand releases i'd and there's something about this guy's

  • profile that really looks different it's it's attractive it's compelling but you

  • know you look at it and you want to read more

  • and this is an optimize profile

  • and what a lot of people ask me is so what what makes his eyes

  • such aid good-looking profile why is his

  • really standing out

  • and let's let's talk about that look let's look at his own little bit more

  • closely

  • one of the things you're going to see is he has a professionally taken

  • photographs he looks friendly he looks clean you it's approachable he lets

  • well-adjusted is are all we'll be coming

  • things he's got an attention getting headline

  • uh... and not only that he used to keep a little

  • icons in there to really catch the eye he's got complete experiences that are

  • keyword rich

  • he has wanted connections he has his website listed and he's got a customized

  • euro and if we drop prices down he's got a really compelling interesting summary

  • and a clear call to action

  • so what

  • this is what makes eight a profile really stand out

  • and so

  • let's go through this five secrets text

  • number one

  • you needed include profile picture in fact i'm going to say to you need a

  • professionally taken photographed it

  • absolutely worth the investment and it really is an investment into your future

  • now let's look at these these profile pictures we've got some profile pictures

  • on the left and we've got some on the right

  • and uh... i don't have to tell you it's the ones that are on the left but i want

  • you to eighty four

  • notice how everyone is smiling

  • you can see there are teas it's it's really it's uh... it's a focused and on

  • them there's no one else on the picture and they look friendly let warranty with

  • approachable they look confident they look happy

  • are eight this is what you want to in four

  • on the right

  • we have a man it with a parrot on

  • his head

  • not big

  • but i do you have ok also we've got a woman posing with in wedding cake we've

  • also had a picture of a man eating a sandwich a woman who looping

  • i don't have to tell you that these are not

  • these are probably really good photos voters that may be belong in an album on

  • face book but they do not belong as your profile picture

  • yeah home

  • then he won't be home who ho with me

  • groups on on your week uh... intestine kind of percolate meaningful

  • torrentportal

  • what you know

  • the will regain given

  • you're making profile and now he can read me

  • complement of dr all that's fantastic question

  • so if

  • if we think about it this way

  • let me take my screen cher off

  • derriere so thing it this way trait you work resume is your professional past

  • it's what you've done

  • uart your linkedin profile as your career future it's really your sales

  • tool it's you were online presence but something that anyone can find on you

  • and it should be compelling and interesting it should be something that

  • really sells you know and it compels a person to pick up the phone

  • to learn more about you and then at that point he can request your resume for

  • that granularity that detail

  • artichoke

  • it's two different homes

  • it's not something that you want a copy n paste and and truthfully i know that

  • when i started with linkedin years ago back in two thousand five

  • you know i was confronted with the linkedin profile would you do

  • i copied and pasted my resume i thought i did a great job

  • you know that's

  • your resume

  • it's not known as being something that's

  • interesting

  • something that's really sales e

  • and it doesn't compile anyone so you really want to think of these things as

  • two separate items they should support each other

  • but your linkedin profile really is your career future and it's it should be

  • impressive and it should be interesting

  • handed back to my

  • mice my screenshot

  • here with me

  • account

  • item number one let's get a good profile

  • and then immediately moved to the next slide

  • and the next one is

  • our number two is we need a compelling headline

  • aren't the headline that's in the very top of your profile its right under your

  • the name and it shouldn't be interesting

  • now yours

  • the one of the default is just your title anne's

  • uh...

  • and your company and that's awesome compelling audits boring you really want

  • to stand out from the crowd and and the witness stand out from the crowd is

  • too

  • tend to use the headline that's like a headline in the newspaper at it may lead

  • make someone want to learn more to read more about you

  • or let's just look at your lamar does in the lower right hand corner

  • innovative ita expert helping companies recognize and apply technology solutions

  • i t strategist and change manager

  • one he's infuses keywords two there's a clear result was working with them three

  • it's something that

  • really makes a person say well this this guy stands out from the crowd i wanna

  • learn more about him

  • and actually i'm getting some annette messages from twitter here

  • i'm one of the questions that just came in is how do you get those

  • symbols

  • and the symbols i think they were friends you are the stars in the air i

  • was in a little crowned and the way you do that guises it's really very simple

  • just get yourself to linkedin

  • visit my linkedin profile

  • and you'll see that i've got tons and tons of different bulletin star is

  • riddled after out my profile copycat

  • just highlight that symbol that you like that's the star or the arrow or the

  • crown there ever is just

  • highlighted

  • copy at you couldn't right now is clicking

  • hit copier it control cn your keyboard

  • but once you copied and pasted anywhere and you can pre-set right back into your

  • wellington profile info outlaw you have a symbol and i catch in visual statement

  • to your profile

  • right now with your headline by no it's not easy guys i really know it's not

  • easy to come up with a would be good

  • interesting headline

  • and so and today four i_t_t_ pros members

  • and anyone who's watching this broadcast you can get uh... myfree

  • linkedin headline generator and it is eight eve book and

  • in five minutes flat it's going to be quickly take you through the steps to

  • come up with a really sexy eye-catching

  • interesting headline that's going to draw opportunity to u and the way to get

  • it is all you need to do is point your browser to linked end dash make over

  • com and in the right side but you're going to seek a picture of my linkedin

  • headline generator but just putting your email address

  • hit answer and to your inbox you will get a link to the link to headline

  • generators all you need to do sign up for my mailing list and you'll have

  • access to really

  • easy way to get to you really sexy interesting wynton headline

  • right phillips keep them in on 'cause we don't have a lot of time

  • ascent and the one with a really good looking professional photograph

  • number

  • to with kevin really interesting headlining your knees when we did have

  • one generator to do that number three is

  • customize here you are out customize your linkedin

  • and profile u r l and sheer we have eight

  • latley profile of someone who just simply copied and pasted their resume

  • and uploaded a picture of him with his kids

  • we're not gonna say anything about this profile about what you will notice is

  • rate here is

  • his linked to his

  • public profile and it's not customized

  • it's just a jumble of letters and numbers in fact you can know if you need

  • to customize your your you are out because you'll notice there's no word

  • pod is in their the word public is in there

  • that means you need to customize your you are all and the way to do that as

  • you just can't speak edit profile screen of your linkedin profile and if you look

  • just right underneath the picture is going to be a little uh... only here

  • that says edit

  • once you click excuses follow the steps but from there you just said protecting

  • your name

  • or even on what's going to happen is the direct link to your linkedin profile

  • will not be this jumble of letters and numbers but in fact it'll be winding dot

  • com forward slash in forward slash

  • bill o'brien or

  • were climbing or four slash

  • donna sir do and this is

  • eight easy way to market yourself because now you have this really

  • optimize legion profile visiontek copy that what you're going to pay state you

  • can't put it into your resume and put it into your cover letter gonna put it on

  • your business

  • departure in the bottom of your email signature this is a great way of

  • directing traffic cheer optimized

  • went in profile so people can see a and really get your brand alright so

  • that's my number

  • theory secret to having an optimized linkedin profile

  • working with him whole indianapolis

  • while the whirlwind wall needed

  • long wave con never it um...

  • it worthwhile you hate burlingame

  • worthy reversion

  • ideas and felt more yesterday preventable

  • and sat in court you have to do with

  • the uh... did not contact information that you could get that the one hand on

  • the for hello look so great

  • questions let's go to the first one first and that he has uh... isn't

  • worthwhile to pay for linkedin is the free version

  • good enough for should should they operate and need my answer is yet the

  • free version as it stands

  • just good enough it's really

  • knots

  • the best what you wanna do and i highly recommend i highly recommend upgrading

  • uh... in getting a premium account you're going to find linkedin offers so

  • many opportunities so many benefits and it's really a good companies the company

  • you should support monetarily and so

  • if you go to upgrade within linkedin

  • arlington offers you a number of premium options and of the cheapest plan starts

  • at about twenty bucks per month and i do know that you know for job seeker twenty

  • bucks a month might be a little

  • a little bit outside of your budget but don't worry because i i actually know of

  • in very cheap discounted clan that you can get but it's unfortunately it's a

  • little hidden

  • so if you go to my website linkedin makeover dot com images click on the

  • free resources you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to access this free

  • plan uh... is not a frequent it's that she clan

  • basically it's the personal plus plan and it's only seven ninety five eighteen

  • month if if paid annually and so that's less than a hundred bucks four a year's

  • worth of premium features and its it's really worthwhile one of the things that

  • you get that i really love is the ability to see who's been checking out

  • your profile and that's often to be able to go in and look and see who's been

  • checking it out you can see exactly who they are

  • where they fit within the organization and you never know how you might want to

  • get the phoning and contact them

  • and that's one of them

  • great features obtained for linkedin

  • on the other question past was about contact information and that's actually

  • perfect i think because let's go to my next flight because i'm gonna talk about

  • that

  • right now

  • all right so this is my next slide this is the uh...

  • uh... actually

  • carried out

  • there you have contact information of course so it was number one one was

  • getty professionally taken photographs of her chair was there really

  • interesting sexy headline over three is customizing or else you can market your

  • profile number four

  • contact information and

  • here's so here's the thing

  • let's say

  • i t pros

  • is looking

  • for p_h_p_ developer in the philadelphia area

  • engaging some searches and fall off your profile pops up and you look really

  • perfect you look like someone that would be perfect for this opportunity well

  • let's say mark isn't there any clicks on your contact information

  • and what we're fighting is very few people actually fill this out

  • you can put in your phone number

  • you could put in your website address you can add more information here but

  • very nerdy often people just leave it they teach us their email in if that

  • you know if

  • if you don't make it easy for them to contact you you're missing out on a

  • opportunity so what we want to do is we want to make sure that we out of our

  • contact information

  • to arlington profile because people really do you use it he really think

  • about linkedin is almost like a rolodex

  • and it's a rolodex full of contacts

  • you know abroad if it doesn't happen you know

  • phone number of what use is that so

  • we need to put in our our contact information so that is going to be

  • number four of my list

  • absolutely whatever you do putting your contact information and fact i'm gonna

  • tell you this

  • and one just put it here but i'd also put it in your summary as well in st

  • if if you have it uh... is you're interested in learning more about me or

  • my experiences contect me today my phone number is two one five four three six

  • nine five

  • to zero

  • i'm actually getting a and i have a message here that just came in on

  • twitter

  • and the question was on but isn't that bad to i'd like to put in your to put

  • all this information and what about identity theft

  • and i'm gonna tell you the skies

  • on re let me take off my maya screen but

  • i wouldn't worry

  • they've got that look you wanna put yourself out there you want

  • opportunities to hate to and you know the movers and shakers of this world

  • they're not just going to send you email and hot wait a couple days for response

  • if someone wants either going to look at the fine call u so make it is easiest

  • for them as possible and if you do get a couple

  • you know total market phone calls

  • so wide it's absolutely worthwhile opportunity comes knocking as well

  • and let's move to the next slide so one of the professional picture too was a

  • good headline freely customize your all four as your contact information and

  • five finally is

  • in the engaging summary

  • whenever he talked about before hero linkedin profile is not your present a

  • do not copy and paste it in here that's not going to move anyone it's not going

  • to impress anyone this is your elevator patch he really wanna

  • put something in his it's a narrative it draws people in tell them who you are

  • make them like you rate in a very

  • and rian gauging type of away and and like i said before

  • engineer with your contact information so make it really easy for person pick

  • up the phone

  • and call you and and as i said before but i know it's not easy to write about

  • yourself uh... and that's why not willing to make over is therefore a not

  • only do i have a book that i've written but i was a bit online guide to help you

  • walk you through and if u if you really need someone to help you about me and my

  • specialists are there being right your linkedin profile for you

  • so know that these options are there all you have to do is visit linkedin

  • makeover dot com

  • so in review

  • he won a professionally taken photograph you want a good compelling headline you

  • wanna customized to your l

  • you want your contact information on their anyone of good strong engaging

  • summary

  • and remember

  • if you visit point in dash makeover dot com you can download millington headline

  • generator

  • and now we just a few more minutes are there any final questions

  • you see i mean look at my twitter fetuses see if anything else popped in

  • here

  • and we've got something from holly

  • uh... polly hall is

  • asking

  • she says she wants to know alright his is it important to have consistency

  • between

  • your usernames enduring your regular name on the different and websites and

  • time uh... my screaming

  • their apology the answer to your question is yes within reason you do you

  • want to make sure that your name on your resume is the same it's on your business

  • card it's the same is on your linkedin profile you really do want to get

  • consistent you know why confuse people now you have a really easy name my

  • colleague hall but it's people like

  • christopher or william robert cortical probably nobody different now

  • those at those that's if that's your you really want to make sure that your chris

  • on your business card next year chris on your resume next year chris on your

  • your linkedin profile try to get consistent across all of those platforms

  • it when we talk about usernames it's a little harder i remember when i talked

  • about customizing at you

  • username that using that u r l you won't be if you can make that the same for

  • face book and for twitter that's great but sometimes your limited and so we in

  • within reason try to get that to be as as similar as professional as you can

  • across all of the different platforms

  • uh... marker any other questions

  • i want along will

  • no working

  • fantastic

  • well that's sad for me that uh... thank you so much and i hope you guys enjoyed

  • a five

  • we've talked about your program

  • well

  • walking by and anyone for doing that any of you are not remember byggros while

  • uh... upbeat i'll request won't be there with uh... yahoo dot com walton lawyerly

  • google left knee and hurt people

  • aren't going very well

  • and i will look at it

  • uh... shimon peres ongoing for for whitman do pro-life provisional and we

  • are going to be benoit additional seminars like this on new mcdonough

  • since the including bill one manhattan

  • you tanks

Hi there, my name is Mark Kleiman

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