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  • Welcome to Plum Landing.

  • (whooshing)

  • (screaming)

  • (loud popping)

  • Woo-hoo.

  • From now on, I'm going everywhere by bubble.

  • Oliver and Gabi, hola.

  • Welcome to the Australian desert.

  • Now where did I...?

  • Got it.

  • Okay, so your desert mission is to...

  • well, to help me solve a mystery, actually.

  • I've heard there are shrimp in the desert,

  • but for some reason, I can't find them.

  • So that's your mission: find me a shrimp.

  • Bye.

  • GABI: Shrimp in the desert?

  • But that's impossible.

  • Shrimp live in the ocean.

  • Maybe there's an ocean nearby.

  • Let's check the map.

  • Yeah, see?

  • We're here,

  • and the ocean's just 1,700 miles away.

  • That'll take us, what, six months to walk it?

  • Oliver, I am not walking to the ocean.

  • Well, what then?

  • I don't see a seafood joint.

  • Where else are we going to find a shrimp?

  • (camera snaps)

  • Gotcha.

  • That look like a kangaroo?

  • Uh...

  • No.

  • What are you even doing here, Clem?

  • Taking photographs for Plum.

  • We finished our mission already.

  • So what's your mission?

  • It's an impossibility is what it is.

  • Yeah, we're supposed to find shrimp.

  • In a desert.

  • Wait. I know just where you can find some.

  • And so where we're standing now, it was water.

  • Like miles and miles.

  • Ginormous.

  • How it happened was first, it started to rain a lot,

  • and then this desert became a lake.

  • But then the sun came out

  • and it totally evaporated in just three months.

  • While we were looking at the lake, we saw some pelicans,

  • and they were eating fish and shrimp.

  • And I thought, "That is so weird.

  • How did shrimp get into the lake?"

  • So... how did they?

  • I don't know.

  • I can't figure it out.

  • The shrimp must be here somewhere.

  • They didn't come down with the rain.

  • Here, shrimp-y, shrimp!

  • Here, shrimp!

  • Maybe we should look for shrimp eggs?

  • They could be hiding out in this stuff.

  • Hmm, I don't see anything.

  • Let's try the Plink.

  • Yup. Those round things sure do look like eggs.

  • I guess the only way to know for sure

  • is to try and hatch them.

  • How would we do that?

  • I hatched some brine shrimp for a science project once.

  • All they really needed was water.

  • H2O, at your service.

  • Nope.

  • Nada.

  • It takes time, Oli.

  • A week, maybe.

  • Oh, man.

  • If we have to hang around for a week,

  • I want my skateboard.

  • Why don't you just use the time-speeder?

  • Good idea.

  • Where's Cooper?

  • Over there, making friends with a bilby.

  • Shoo! Shoo!

  • Do you hear me?

  • (screams)

  • Can you fast-forward seven days?

  • We're trying to hatch some eggs.

  • Seven days, fast-forward and go.

  • Are those shrimp?

  • (gasps): Those are shrimp!

  • I don't believe it.

  • I grew a baby shrimp.

  • That is amazing.

  • Thank you.

  • If you're willing to stay a little longer,

  • I might have another mission for you.

  • (cheering)

Welcome to Plum Landing.

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