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  • Mr Say It Again.

  • Out between the rings started by pimping Kobe on the move.

  • Clouds throw down right my job for the first time in 19 Lakers have in Van final.

  • We welcome in one of the most dominant forces the game of basketball has ever seen.

  • He is a four time champion.

  • Three of those titles came with his former teammate Kobe Bryant.

  • The one and only Shaquille O Neal is in the house with us Shack.

  • Great to have you on the show.

  • Thank you for being here.

  • Obviously, we're celebrating and not celebrating.

  • But talking about the anniversary of Kobe Bryant's passing talk to me for a second about the thoughts initially that came to your mind as you've had an opportunity.

  • Reflect that.

  • It's one year ago today that Kobe Bryant passed away when I was briefly reminded the other day that the anniversary was coming up.

  • Can't believe that the years has went so fast, But listen, we're thinking about him.

  • Everybody is thinking about him.

  • I'm really thinking about his parents, Pam and Joe.

  • I gave him a call all the day and let him know that I love him.

  • Let him know that I will always be there for.

  • But, you know, again, it's It's a sad day.

  • Uh, he's going on way too soon.

  • You said you spoke to Kobe Bryant's parents.

  • Could you share with us how they're doing right now?

  • How are they feeling?

  • How did they sound when you spoke to them?

  • Well, I just called to say Mom and Dad, I love you.

  • If you need anything, give me a call.

  • You know, we didn't really, You know, come and say much.

  • I know it's a rough day for them.

  • I didn't want to bother him.

  • I just want to let them know that they ever need me for anything.

  • You know, they call, You know, I love his mom, love his dad, loved his sisters.

  • And, you know, I really, really feel for them.

  • You know, the world is hurting, but they're really hurting.

  • The world is definitely hurting.

  • No question about that.

  • They're hurting his wife and s and his Children are hurting.

  • I know you're hurting.

  • I'm hurting.

  • But I will say this.

  • There is a lot to celebrate when you think about the life of Kobe Bryant.

  • And as you've had an opportunity over the last year to reflect on all he's meant to.

  • You talk about the farm memories that still into your mind when you think about the great moment you've had with Kobe Bryant.

  • You know, we have great memories.

  • I could remember when you know.

  • Hey, and I did the TNT special, and he talked about when we first met.

  • I didn't remember that.

  • I remember him coming to the locker room, and he was he was looking for Penny and you know, him and Penny.

  • I guess Penny was too busy for whatever.

  • And then he came to me and asked for autographs and pitching.

  • I was like, Sure, young fella, I didn't even know that.

  • Like, even when we play together, Like he never told me that.

  • But look, he he was a guy that when he came in the 17 18, he knew he wanted to be the best player in the world.

  • And, you know, we had we definitely have the big brother little brother relationship, and people ask me all the time If we had all over to do again, what would I do?

  • Different?

  • And the answer is nothing.

  • We definitely pushed each other, it was able for us to win through out of four.

  • Unfortunately, the business of basketball kicked in.

  • I wanted to do other things, and then he was really able to shine and, you know, take over, you know, make a name for herself.

  • But again, he's going to soon.

  • He'll never be for gotten, but I can both fully say that we are the most enigmatic, controversial, most dominant 12 punch.

  • A little too big ever created, and we will never be duplicated.

  • I don't care what you say, and I don't care who you try to compare us.

  • Toe will never be another Kobe and Shaq ever again.

  • When you've reflected on Kobe Bryant, his life, his accomplishments being the five time champion that he is.

  • And you think about the times that y'all had together.

  • How many titles do you believe you all would have won had you all stay together?

  • Probably probably.

  • At least at least you know, two or three more.

  • But again, you know, the business of, you know, basketball kicked in.

  • I don't wanna elaborate that everyone knows the story and about that today.

  • But listen, he was he was one of the greatest players ever.

  • Glad I had the ability to go to war with him.

  • My favorite story is in the in the finals.

  • Indiana.

  • I was killing, done to file trouble, and it was one of those games that if we lose, Indiana may get the momentum.

  • They can win the championship.

  • But Kobe, during the time I was that big dog I got, you just sit back and enjoy the show.

  • It was the most impressive 5671 minutes I've ever seen.

  • That's what I got, the press conference that things guy is, you know, the best player in the world.

  • I've only seen one other guys say what he was gonna dio and go out and do it when that was Michael Jordan.

  • So you know, at that point, look, I already had respect for him, but when he did that during during the finals, I was like, he's ready.

  • When I talk about seeing Kobe for the last time on New Year's Eve in 2000 and 19, I talk about him looking as if he had been happier than I've ever seen him in mind in the entire time that I've known him throughout his adult life.

  • That's the happiest that I had seen him.

  • He seemed to relax like he had accomplished everything.

  • He was a few years removed from retirement, etcetera.

  • Is that the impression that you got in the years since he retired that he had been happier than you had ever seen him?

  • It is.

  • But the last time I seen him play because I would always like to test Kobe's temperature.

  • You ain't gonna do nothing tonight.

  • Get you Ain't gonna do nothing.

  • They go out and get 50.

  • So his last game was like, Hey, man, E need you get 50.

  • He's like, Man, I'm too old for that.

  • I was like, You know what you are.

  • You can't get 50.

  • He went out and hit 60 and look, he's been doing that since 17, 18 years old.

  • That's why you know, he's one of the greatest.

  • But hey was definitely happy.

  • Beautiful family, beautiful wife, beautiful kids, you know, he was doing well in business and everybody you know was happy for when you sat down one on one with him.

  • When y'all y'all Did y'all wanna one reflecting on your career together?

  • What did you walk away.

  • Take What did you take away from that interview with him that you may not have known prior to that interview?

  • What did you get from that?

  • I mean, I get that we were both young chasing the same thing, and I've I've actually said this on air.

  • A lot of times, people were about useless titles.

  • His team is his team and, you know, but like off the court, we work about useless title.

  • But every time we got on the court, we took care of the, you know, task.

  • That was that was that hat.

  • I wish I would have been able to communicate with him or at the basketball.

  • You know, that's too.

  • That's the only thing that really makes me upset.

  • That's what I tell people.

  • If you have friends people, you ain't seen high school teammates, college teammates, all work buddies, and you need to need to tell them something.

  • Reach out.

  • Calling, texting face time.

  • Let him know you love him.

  • Let him know you miss him.

  • Let him know you care about.

  • Is that your biggest regret?

  • When it comes to Kobe?

  • The fact that you all didn't talk as much as you would have liked to.

  • Yes, Kobe Bryant and my sister.

  • My sister passed away a couple of months before Kobe.

  • And you know how we are, Steven, that we work and, you know, we got things to do, You know, we're trying to build a brand, and we're trying to do so much.

  • You know, we really need to take time and, you know, just just reflect on, you know, speaking to our loved ones.

  • So that's what's been haunting me this this this past past year or so.

  • Not not being able to just tell them every day that I love him when I should.

  • There's no excuses.

  • What would Kobe Saito all of us?

  • Now he's in heaven, looking down on us, wishing us the best.

  • Probably wanted to push us, drive us forward.

  • What would he be saying us about now as it pertains to how we should be feeling about him and what she what we all should be doing with ourselves?

  • What would he saying?

  • Estimation?

  • He will probably say, Carry on.

  • He would probably say, you know, you know, thank you.

  • Good lesson.

  • At age 17, he said, I'm gonna be the Will Smith of the MBA.

  • Always one of the biggest.

  • Yes, that's what he said to me.

  • He said I want to be one of the biggest names to ever greatest basketball court.

  • People are definitely going to remember her name, and he was already a legend.

  • But look, uh, you know, every day I see a Kobe highlight every day I see a Kobe tribute.

  • My daughter got in contact with a guy who painted me these two beautiful pictures.

  • One of myself, One of Kobe.

  • I purchased him last night.

  • I was on Instagram live with a guy who painted the Kobe and check photo.

  • I'm gonna buy that follow from him on.

  • I actually have a mural in my living room.

  • Mhm.

  • You know, Kobe could critique.

  • I would know this personally because I get on you about your wardrobe from time to time.

  • You know how I dio you're gonna ask me, Kobe?

  • Kobe will say you're breaking all the rules.

  • You can't wear a white out the winner, e.

  • I know you're not wearing that suit that.

  • Take that suit, take it outside to a New York City dumpster and set it on fire.

  • and run away.

  • Don't walk away.

  • He would not say that.

  • He wouldn't.

  • He would not say that.

  • He would not say that.

  • No, he would not say that.

  • I will tell you this, though.

  • I'm gonna tell you a quick story.

  • One time he came into the hay, came into the Staples Center and he was wearing some outfit looking like he was Gandhi or somebody.

  • I walked up to him.

  • I said, What is that?

  • He said Comey and he looked at me and he used the M F word.

  • And he said, Let me tell you something.

  • I've been on the cover of Geek twice.

  • Fall back.

  • I couldn't come back from that shock.

  • I couldn't come back from that.

  • What do you say to you about your wardrobe?

  • First of all, first of all, I'm changing your name to Stephen Belafonte Smith, because that's what you look like right now.

  • You look like a jazz singer from the nineties scooping up Booth Booth s so he would have a problem with this.

  • He would have a problem with this right here, but not what you Not what?

  • You've been worrying, but not what you've been wearing.

  • You can't wear white in the winter, man.

  • It's not White is great.

  • It is a great way.

  • This is great.

  • It's great.

  • Look, man, get out of here.

  • I gotta go.

  • I appreciate your big boy.

  • Thank you for taking time out of your business schedule, man.

  • All right, man.

  • All right.

Mr Say It Again.

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