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  • desperate times call for desperate measures.

  • Welcome toe watch Mojo.

  • And today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 inventions that could save our planet.

  • For this list, we're looking at the most promising ideas and creations that could help prevent environmental disaster.

  • If you like what you're hearing, be sure to check out the full song at the link below number 10 Pollination.

  • Drone pollinators, including bees, wasps and butterflies, are a vital part of the planet's ecosystem responsible for maintaining the plant life We need to breathe.

  • But climate change, coupled with the widespread use of insecticides for farming, is putting the world's insects at risk be.

  • Activity is low when it's cold, and this reduces pollination instead of bees.

  • Drones can do the work.

  • In the event of a worst case scenario, some scientists in the Netherlands have been working on groundbreaking pollination drones able to fill the shoes of bees everywhere.

  • Should the fabled insect apocalypse come to fruition, while losing our pollinators would be a tragedy, hopefully the drones will enable more threatened species to survive climate disaster.

  • We can literally look at the plant level and tell of a plant is thirsty.

  • The plant needs nutrients or of a plan to sick number nine Coral reef cooler.

  • The coral reefs have become a prominent issue in the fight against climate change.

  • As the Great Barrier Reef dwindles and dies, the death of the reefs puts the tropical fish species living in them.

  • At great risk is well along with many ocean creatures who rely on the reefs for food.

  • But one engineer based in Arizona, Moet Sani, may have found the solution to coral bleaching.

  • The reason for coral bleaching is primarily rising sea temperatures, so Assani wants to install large pipes to pump cold water from the ocean.

  • Steps up to the reefs to cool them down again is unique.

  • Large diameter pipes can be made continuously on a boat and placed at the bottom of the ocean.

  • A simple pump powered by the waves can deliver cool water from deep portions directly to these dying Coram's.

  • Then they can start to heal Number eight paper up cyclers with deforestation, only increasing its in everybody's best interest to cut down on how much paper we use.

  • Printer manufacturer Epson is leading the charge in this regard with their new paper lab.

  • This machine could be installed in offices, banks, schools and other businesses to allow people to reuse their own waste paper.

  • The machine up cycles it and spits out fresh sheets, giving users a potentially infinite supply without chopping down any more trees.

  • So the papers put into the hopper the front of device on its defy brize.

  • It's mechanically broken down on.

  • This is far more secure than shredding.

  • Any information that's on the paper at this point is completely, utterly obliterated.

  • While the paper lab machines are currently very large in the future, perhaps we'll have smaller ones in our own homes drastically reducing the demand for paper Number seven Air Inc.

  • When Indian inventor honored, Sharma realized the suit in Mumbai's polluted air was staining his clothes.

  • He had the idea to recycle the exhaust fumes themselves and use them for something completely different.

  • He created startup gravity labs and invented a filter, able to capture 95% of carbon soot from any vehicle that produces exhaust fumes, which he then turns into art supplies.

  • The reason why we're getting all this popularity is simplicity of the idea.

  • So whenever you see an uncontrolled combustion happening.

  • When you burn any kind of fossil fuel, there's unburned carbon.

  • Andi, this is the problem.

  • And this is exactly the thing that we use, Uh, toe make our inks.

  • Thes supplies, called Arinc includes spray cans, oil based paints and pens.

  • The products quickly earned over $40,000 on Kickstarter, much more than their original $14,000 goal, encouraging artists globally to try and tackle air pollution in this unique way.

  • Soon, thousands of black and white pollution made artwork started emerging on a global scale on Believe Me, for a group of scientists and engineers and inventors, there was nothing more satisfying that the produce of their work is now being used by some of the finest artists around the world.

  • Number six ICO capsules With the popularity of micro homes and unconventional living space, is booming.

  • The ICO capsule is a green initiative for those most dedicated eco warriors.

  • While typically costing nearly $100,000 it's not a cheap option compared to mobile homes or camping.

  • It certainly adds a degree of luxury to battling the climate disaster.

  • Powered by rooftop solar panels and a wind turbine, the capsules look like eggs and can be installed almost anywhere.

  • Here's the interior.

  • It has a folding bed, a table, two chairs, a little kitchen, a toilet and a shower.

  • So pretty much everything you need for basic living in the future.

  • Company founder Sona Pelo va wants to create capsules capable of withstanding extreme temperatures and conditions with the ego capsule.

  • The world is literally your oyster.

  • The philosophy off this object is very simple and dependent living in nature, something like the pioneers in America who used to go far away and leave off the greed.

  • This is free, leaving without any permanent connection.

  • Number five Thermal Hydraulics.

  • ISS Just like every other creature on Earth, humans produce waste, but there are ways to use this waste to our advantage.

  • Thermal hydraulics.

  • ISS involves boiling sludge in order to sterilize it so that it could be used as fertilizer or even to generate electricity.

  • So the terminal and realizes as a particular technology, which is dedicate on the sledge reduction on also to take the value from the slurs after digestion as well a sewage.

  • The process can also use food, waste or industrial waste, using extremely toxic materials and sterilizing them so they could be recycled.

  • We provide the benefits in terms off topic savings to the baseball treatment plant.

  • Owners can build one third off the normal sized digester we improve bio gas production on May produce 50% less cake.

  • It's better than conventional sewage treatment because it's cleaner, healthier and cheaper in the long term.

  • And apparently it doesn't smell quite as bad as sewage usually does.

  • Number four Water Vapor Airplane.

  • Another way to combat air pollution is by getting rid of the pollutants altogether.

  • While electric vehicles are getting mawr and more popular German inventor Joseph Callow is aiming to change the face of aviation.

  • He has plans to create an air taxi, Um electric plane that runs on batteries and water vapor called the H Y four.

  • The high for is an electrical emission free aircraft theme.

  • Energy off the hydrogen, which we carried on board, is converted directly and then fuser into electricity.

  • It's a passenger aircraft, which is completely carbon neutral, and callow is aiming to get them installed widely in Germany before moving on to the rest of the world.

  • Important task with this plane is to show that the reliability off the hydrogen fuel cell.

  • It's so high that we can transport passengers.

  • The four gets us one step closer to sustainable transportation and a carbon neutral society.

  • Number three ocean cleanup Few causes have received as much attention as the polluted oceans, and there are numerous initiatives to try and clean the seas.

  • The largest of these is the ocean cleanup, which promises to build an enormous floating pipe to gather and get rid of pieces from the Great Pacific garbage patch, which is now at least three times larger than France.

  • On a smaller scale is the CBN project, founded by Australian surfers, say Glinski, a surfer from Australia and his business partner dreamed up the sea been three years ago.

  • Frustrated by the growing amount of plastic and pollutants littering the water, this device also collects trash from the sea and can be installed in any body of water.

  • Ah company based in Chile, called Your Eo, is combating ocean waste by recycling it into skateboards and sunglasses, while Florida and companies Saltwater Brewery is creating edible six pack rings.

  • The lesson.

  • The threat to see life.

  • Saltwater Brewery presents edible six pack rings, a six pack bring that feeds animals instead of killing them.

  • Number two Multipurpose solar panels Solar panels are a great thing, but installing them could be very expensive, meaning there are lots of people who aren't reaping their benefits.

  • Multiple companies air Trying to put solar panels on his many surfaces is possible, though, so that everybody can use clean energy.

  • Initiatives include making windows out of panels to power whole buildings as well as phone screen, so you really have to charge your devices.

  • Most interesting is the Solar Roadways scheme, which aims to give entire highways of solar surface.

  • Though these are approving tricky, there is ah project in the United States called solar roadways, which consists off concrete slabs, including the solar cells, plus tempered glass on top of it.

  • Conventional panels are also being upgraded, with Emmett recently trialing bacteria to conduct electricity and drastically improve their efficiency.

  • Before we unveil our topic, here are some honorable mentions.

  • Water soluble bags, thes alternatives to single use.

  • Plastic bags dissolve in water.

  • That's correct.

  • Trash interceptors.

  • Baltimore's Mr Trash Wheel is proving influential.

  • John Kellett designed and built the trash wheels, solar and water powered machines that collect floating trash and drop it into dumpsters.

  • Water odor.

  • This water turbine generates energy and slow currents.

  • Water Roeder over the last eight years has been the only company that's actually been able to prove and extract energy from flows.

  • That air, moving as slow as even a slow, is one mile per hour.

  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell.

  • To get notified about our latest videos, you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one.

  • Alternative Plastics.

  • There's no denying that plastic is a major pollutant, and decades of single use disposable plastics have wrought havoc on the natural world.

  • The problem is that plastic is very effective as a packaging container or material, so people have been trying to come up with alternative options with all the benefits.

  • But none of the problems.

  • Agar is an eco friendly packaging material that might take over from plastic and paper, and Indonesian Company of Bonnie Iko have worked out how to make plastic out of cassava vegetables.

  • Finally, scientists working in Japan recently discovered the enzyme P e T A s capable of breaking down plastics to their raw components so that they could be recycled.

  • So maybe the future will be plastic free after all.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

  • Let us know in the comments.

  • And hey, if you're a fan of the song playing right now, be sure to check out the music video for it right here.

  • I could do my loves getting tired and tired.

desperate times call for desperate measures.

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