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  • recording live from my apartment in Los Angeles, California.

  • I'm your man, Nathaniel.

  • This is the weekly watch list.

  • Welcome to the weekly watch list, where we count down the best movies and TV to stream right now on Amazon Prime Video.

  • Now, you're probably wondering what makes this guys have qualified for the job?

  • Well, have you know that one?

  • I'm an aspiring filmmaker, which gives me enormous insight into the human condition too.

  • I haven't left my apartment since quarantine started, like a year ago, in which time I've watched basically every single movie.

  • Now, these lists are gonna be all killer, No filler, because otherwise my boss threatened to replace me with the algorithm.

  • So if you believe that humans should be the ones recommending movies to people and not robots head on down below and comment made.

  • The human is doing a great job.

  • Now, this week's list is for all you Anglophiles out there.

  • It's the best British comedies to stream right now on Amazon Prime coming in at number one.

  • On my list we have the supernatural comedy truth seekers.

  • This new shows from British comedy geniuses Nick Frost and Simon Pet Cross plays Gus cable repairman by day, who moonlights as a paranormal investigator and youtuber watch shell shock.

  • What did you say?

  • This your sank?

  • Oh, Cleese that pretty good.

  • Yeah, I think i'll be better.

  • Sure.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Here we Oh, that's wrong.

  • Okay, Sure.

  • Shack That was his boss, Simon Pegg assigns him a new partner.

  • Help played by Sampson ko on the to team up to chase down ghosts across the UK A requirement, Son, Leave us, Meetem.

  • While all of this makes for excellent content for their YouTube page, things keep getting spookier as the truth seekers stumble upon a terrifying supernatural conspiracy.

  • We're not afraid of you.

  • You should take a yeah bottle Shit!

  • Chicken shits.

  • What?

  • We need to stop.

  • Stop, stop!

  • My sister may or may not be about to enter the cosplay contest.

  • Time for play is over.

  • Oh, grow up Fine, Fine.

  • What a true story.

  • Now I'm both the frost freak and a peg head.

  • So I've been excited for the show to come out.

  • Now if you think about the Cornetto trilogy, they've always been interested in horror and the supernatural, and they're always playing characters that can't move on from some unresolved loss.

  • So if you think about it, hunting ghosts with unfinished business is like the perfect project for these guys.

  • They murdered me.

  • Stay back.

  • Tiny tears should be.

  • They are trying.

  • But, I mean, they were coming, so I'll cast a spell.

  • It just didn't buy according to plan, please.

  • Poor Mary E would never help us.

  • Just found girl.

  • Girl does possess what?

  • Dog?

  • Come on, Bank Short for this coming in at number two.

  • I'm sure you've all heard of this one way.

  • Have Phoebe Waller.

  • Bridge is Breakout.

  • Siri's fleabag fleabag stars Creator Waller Bridge is a dry witted, sexual, angry grief rule woman making her way in modern London.

  • You know that feeling when a guy who likes sends you a text it two o'clock on a Tuesday night asking if he can come and find you and you accidentally made it out like you've just gotten yourself.

  • So you have to get out of bed to drink half a bottle of wine, get in the shower, shave everything, dig out some provocateur business, spend about the whole bit, wait by the door into the buzzer, goes and then you open the door to him like he always forgot.

  • He's coming over.

  • No.

  • Hi.

  • She contains multitudes.

  • We follow her trials and tribulations as she deals with losing her best friend.

  • Booze, death Hit the papers.

  • Local cafe girl gets hit by bike and a car and another bike trying to keep her guinea pig themed cafe running.

  • I get you anything?

  • No thanks.

  • I'm good and navigate strained relationships with her godmother Olivia Colman.

  • Girls gotta hand it to her.

  • Hi.

  • Oh, you shouldn't have Oh, they're actually for dad.

  • They freezers?

  • Yeah, they were sort of a favorite.

  • Gosh special.

  • How lovely.

  • Aren't they stunning?

  • Oh, let's just leave them that lovely coming.

  • And her sister Claire, played by Sheen Clifford E I love flea bag.

  • I think it deserves a huge audience in the States, Which is why it's so frustrating that I can't get any networks interested in my gender swapped American adaptation Tick sack flea bags.

  • Always breaking the fourth wall to look at the audience, letting us in on the joke.

  • It's kind of an evolution of Jimmy Show.

  • Pavlovian trains us into expecting that look all the time, so when we don't get it were left confused and salivating.

  • I'm happy for you.

  • E knew you wouldn't give a shit.

  • Well, what can I say?

  • I'm sorry, e.

  • Don't give a shit.

  • Mhm.

  • Cool.

  • Never wear padding.

  • Okay.

  • Attn.

  • Number three, Check out the O.

  • G.

  • S Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett adaptation of their original novel.

  • Good omens.

  • This one's basically a fantasy comedy that spans from the beginning of time to modern day.

  • Why, Chef?

  • That you Nicole, is gonna make a run for it.

  • Yeah.

  • Tonight.

  • Tonight?

  • Mm.

  • Are you still don't wanna live?

  • We've got Michael Sheen is a zero fail on Angel.

  • Get behind me.

  • Foul feet.

  • Afternoon on David Tennant as Crowley, a demon.

  • The gardener says that I must be kind of nice to everybody.

  • Even sister slug and not ever destroy the earth.

  • Don't listen to him.

  • Listen to me.

  • Whose respective sides or both gearing up for Armageddon, the final battle between good and evil that will destroy the earth.

  • I count them all out and I count them all in again.

  • And then you turn up late for Armageddon.

  • No flaming sword.

  • Not even a body.

  • You pathetic excuse for an angel except a zero fail and Crowley have both been around so long that they end up really liking all the cool stuff humans have created.

  • Don't want to see it all go to waste.

  • And I wont swaths mhm.

  • When it's all over, you've got to deal with eternity.

  • Whoever so bad at first well know Stephen Sondheim First nights in eternity, I'm afraid.

  • Although I have heard rumors that your boss really upsets the sound of music.

  • So the to team up to put a stop to the apocalypse, find the Antichrist and save the world.

  • Also, I think we can all agree that an angel and a demon would definitely speak with British accents.

  • This hell hand it will show up at his birthday party.

  • Yeah, well, that we should be there.

  • Maybe I can stop the dark.

  • In fact, I could entertain.

  • No, no, no, please.

  • No, no.

  • I just need to get back into practice.

  • No, no, don't do your magic act.

  • Please.

  • Please.

  • I'm actually begging you.

  • You have no idea how to meaning that is.

  • Please.

  • Yeah, your finger.

  • It was in your It was in your pocket and it was close to you.

  • But to me, the show is really just a 6000 year old odd couple love story between a zero fail and crawly things is probably the most high budget representation of love between two sexless celestial beings on TV since Burton Ernie my favorite parts or when they're just hanging out at different periods of history, it's kind of like a behind the scenes Look, I do hope I didn't do the wrong thing.

  • Oh, you're Anay Angel.

  • I don't think you can do the wrong thing.

  • Oh, thank you.

  • Oh, thank you.

  • It's been bothering me.

  • I've been worrying, too.

  • What if I did the right thing with the Holy See Apple Business Demon could get into a lot of trouble for doing the right thing.

  • Be funny if we both got a Roy.

  • If I did the good thing and you did the bad one?

  • Uh huh, no coming in at number four.

  • Let's take a look at the Channel four sitcom Peep Show.

  • Peep Show follows dysfunctional flatmates, mark and jazz navigating the ups and downs of life in London.

  • David Mitchell plays Mark socially awkward office worker E.

  • I'm not on the child protection register yet, which proves I'm not a paedo.

  • This is going horribly.

  • Need a joke?

  • Either that or I'm incredibly hard to detect.

  • Paedo just move on from the Paedo area entirely.

  • Robert Webb plays jazz and irresponsible, mostly unemployed musician.

  • It's just the music.

  • It's really starting to hot up.

  • You know how much I respect your music is Super Hand says.

  • He's come up with a base.

  • Look for a new track, but it's so good.

  • But when he tried turning it off, he literally couldn't.

  • He actually physically couldn't do it.

  • Show uses voice over and point of view to place the viewer in the scene, forcing us to experience all of mark and justice failures and indignities up close.

  • I just called up to say hi And then then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I like you.

  • I mean, not that, but anyway, I noticed that the paper in the photocopier is running a bit low, so I know it's not really your job, but well, you know, so see tomorrow.

  • Fuck!

  • Fuck!

  • Fuck!

  • Fuck!

  • Fuck!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Jesus has really fucked it.

  • Haven't I know this show reminds me a lot of the first season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

  • Stakes of each episode are always really small and petty.

  • They slowly built out the cast with weirdoes that seem like they're only supposed to be one episode characters Mark and Jez or just generally terrible people who are constantly trying to screw each other over things is a great show.

  • I guess that's everything.

  • Jeremy.

  • Is there anything you'd like to ask?

  • Yes.

  • Barbara.

  • Yes, there is.

  • Barbara.

  • How much washing up do you think you could do without any washing up liquid?

  • No, Jeremy, where is this?

  • It's a unique business opportunity.

  • It's Pyramid telling Barbara.

  • I'm very sorry.

  • And it's not pyramid selling, Mark.

  • It's pyramid selling and you're making a fool of yourself.

  • You're pissing on my bonfire.

  • There is no bomb fire because you keep pissing on it.

  • This is low.

  • This is really low.

  • Yeah, well, at least I don't fancy elves and pixies.

  • What does that mean?

  • I literally have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

  • Coming in at number five, check out the R rated parenting comedy Catastrophe.

  • Catastrophe follows Sharon Horgan as Sharon, a London school teacher, and Rob Delaney as rob an American ad executive to have a weeklong fleeing resulting in an unplanned pregnancy.

  • I'm pregnant.

  • Did you just say pregnant?

  • Yeah, I said I said pregnant.

  • Let me say it again.

  • Pregnant.

  • I don't understand.

  • I mean, I think it's because, you know, we had sex by 25 times in a week and you were condom, maybe twice, twice that I store.

  • Why did you let me do that?

  • I don't know.

  • Because I was drunk with.

  • And even though I wasn't, John, most of the other times there was a precedent there that you just took complete advantage off.

  • Rob immediately decides to abandon his life in the States and moved to the UK to help raise the child.

  • Was Sharon not firing you?

  • I mean, we are.

  • Unless you want to come back to Boston, where you have an office, clients get that.

  • My current set up isn't conventional, but it's not conventional.

  • By the way, are you in a college dorm?

  • You know what?

  • Fuck you, Mark.

  • Rob, Come on.

  • And, Tony, fuck you for being a nice guy and working with this fucking asshole.

  • You know what, Mark?

  • When I heard that Greg had a stroke.

  • My first thought after being sad for his family was that I wish it had been you.

  • You conniving cunt.

  • Can't talk to me like that.

  • And the two have to figure out how to raise a family and share their life with the person they've only just met.

  • I wanted toe.

  • Do you mind?

  • I wanted to propose to you properly.

  • It's a nice acting like Jesus Christ.

  • What are you doing?

  • Shut up.

  • What?

  • I just need you to just stand over there Quiet for a moment.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Seriously.

  • What are you doing?

  • Oh, thank Christ.

  • Are you fucking kidding me?

  • Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan have amazing onscreen chemistry.

  • They really feel like they're in actual couple.

  • Mostly because they're giving each other shit all the time.

  • Guess it's back to women's chef's pants tomorrow.

  • Oh, for you.

  • You're realizing how should it is being an adult with responsibilities?

  • Well, your dreams just you know my dreams.

  • You know, you say a lot of shit to me, and I let you because you're pregnant.

  • But just so you know, after you have that baby, I'm gonna be a fucking asshole to you on There you have it, guys.

  • Five of the best British comedy Syriza Stream right now on Amazon Prime Video.

  • Let me know what you want to see next on the comments or just tell me how much of an idiot I am for not including your favorite show.

  • E can take it until next time.

  • Remember, don't blink.

  • Always be streaming.

  • Women are funny.

  • Your wife must have a sense of humor.

  • She's seeing you naked.

  • Uh, I don't like you.

  • Come back.

  • Do I call you or do I just commit a crime?

  • Probably committing a crime would get me to you.

  • This is me and my most invited Thank you and good night.

recording live from my apartment in Los Angeles, California.

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