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  • he's shooting a career worst 59% from the line this season.

  • Now Vince free throw violation was.

  • Remember a couple years ago, they sped up the amount of time you had the line.

  • But overall, how big of a deal are his struggles at the free throw line?

  • I think it's a big deal, and I think that 10 seconds come from overthinking the situation in the process.

  • So as a free throw shooter, you know John is he's proven he wants to be the best in the game.

  • So he's trying toe, put it all together.

  • And I think I think he you could tell sometimes at the free throw line.

  • He's thinking about every process, every situation before he gets to actually shooting it instead of just shooting and trusting the process that he's gone through in practice.

  • Well after the game, he said, the guys on the on the lanes were counting down to put pressure on the rest, 670 that got into his head maybe a little bit.

  • And you Yeah, Rondo totally.

  • And you think that that's gonna gonna stop?

  • No, it's gonna keep going and look.

  • There have been times in his career where he's had 15 game stretches like this.

  • Where hasn't shot that?

  • Well, I'm not worried about this 15 games track, but if you go back and look over the four years last four years, four years ago, he was a 77% free throw percentage shooter and that fall off is worrisome.

  • That graph is really interesting.

  • Go ahead, Vance.

  • Yeah, well, I think, you know.

  • And as I think, you just think every year that it started to go down, I think he's thinking about okay, I just need to be perfect.

  • I need to get it right.

  • So now every year he's thinking about the year before.

  • Where did it go wrong?

  • Where did it go wrong?

  • And I just think he's overthinking it.

  • And sometimes he looks mechanical guys because if you look at his free throw on some of the on those, the video, his head falls back.

  • So much.

  • So that's why he's short or goes right sometimes because when his head fall back goes back, those shoulders goes, fall back and he shoots it short a lot and I think he's thinking about.

  • It's like once he gets up Thio to this point, he's thinking, Where do I need when I need to get the ball up, not out, Get the ball up, not out.

  • The all of these different things, I think, is playing in his mind when he's shooting and that Z if he gets that on his mind, you'll see his free throw percentage take off again.

  • The mind messes with the mechanics, but then the worst mechanics get the worst.

  • It messes with your mind.

  • So this is a problem.

  • We've seen other players go through this.

  • Some are able to dig themselves out of it.

  • Some, frankly, never get it back.

  • So we'll have to see what goes on with the honest and you can see it affecting his shot in other ways when he's not on the free throw line.

  • And again, we have seen that with player after player over time as well, so we will keep watching it.

  • I want to switch over guys to the Miami Heat.

  • They're gonna use coronavirus sniffing dogs.

  • You heard me say that, right?

  • I'll just say it again.

  • Corona virus sniffing dogs at the arena to screen fans who want to attend their games they've been working on this plan for months.

  • Highly trained dogs have been in place for some games already this season, which the team has allowed just a handful of guests, mostly friends and family of players and staff.

  • They're in Florida, that is it within the rules.

  • But Brian, what have you heard about how this works?

  • Well, now this is a rapid test, Rachel.

  • That is a rapid test.

  • And I have to say, having attended hundreds of games in Miami over the years, they have had dogs sniffing for all kinds of things in that arena, and they have kept everybody safe.

  • I will say again that in Miami, there's dogs sniffing for stuff all over the city all day long.

  • Is a bunch of good boys identify identifying a lot of stuff?

  • So if they say they can do it, the people in Miami know how to train sniffing dogs.

  • Whatever keeps you safe, let's let's try it.

  • Wow, that was a lot.

  • I just have one question, guys, I just got one question to that.

  • I know Brian, that's a little much, but I got a question.

  • What happens if this dog says, Oh, this person has the virus and then they take the rapid tests and they don't have the virus.

  • You have one question.

  • What happened?

  • 100 questions about this, right?

  • I mean, that's what that's what the one question start to, then, against the to follow up, three more.

  • Hopefully, we will get a little bit more of an explanation of the nation here.

  • Hey, if they can figure out how to do this, they've got something that I think schools, hospitals.

  • A lot of other people would like to know how the technology works.

  • I still have many, many questions.

  • All right, let's talk about the Grizzlies, guys because their game against the Bolts on Wednesday has been postponed.

  • It's the fifth straight game they've had to miss due to, Yep, stay with me, Covic protocols.

  • So, Vince, remember, they were on a five game win streak before this happened?

  • Really weathered injuries right to John Durant, Jarron Jackson Jr.

  • But now we're getting to the same situation we talked about with the Wizards.

  • They haven't played in a full week.

  • We were saying how hard it is to stay locked in what advice would you give them?

  • What could What can they do?

  • UH, that you can't do anything.

  • It's It's pretty pretty much.

  • They're in the same boat that the Wizards were in.

  • You just have to hope you can simulate, uh, in practice as much as possible just to keep them in some type of rhythm until you actually get out there and play again.

  • Yeah, there's a lot of things have conspired to keep the Grizzlies out of the playoffs last couple of years.

  • Karma's gonna come back around Grizzly fans.

  • I promise it'll work out in the long run.

  • The karma will change.

  • All right, let's get to our league best game of the night.

  • We got a lot of games for our producers to choose from, but they're going to go with Hornets Magic at seven Eastern.

  • This game is gonna mark the first time in league history.

  • Two female officials will work the same MBA game.

  • So clap for progress.

  • There officials Natalie Sago and Jenna Schroeder, working with Sean right tonight.

  • As for the game itself, let's talk about a marquee free agent making a difference with his new team.

  • Gordon Hayward, hit a go ahead shot late last night, is leading Charlotte in scoring 24 points per game.

  • Now, Brian, there is a lot of time talk about the four year, $120 million contract he got from Charlotte.

  • My point at the time was, you can't say it in a vacuum, right?

  • What else was open to Charlotte spending that money on?

  • So I liked the bet they took on him.

  • Do you think it started to pay off?

  • Well, look, neither one of these were their first options.

  • Gordon Hayward was trying to get signed and traded Indiana.

  • He was looking at other options for weeks.

  • He was looking at options, and Charlotte was sort of the last team at the table with the money.

  • And so he went with them and Charlotte wasn't even sure.

  • They wanted to do what they thought about it for a long time and it of heaven to cut a player.

  • But I will say this.

  • Gordon Hayward is a central part of a team again.

  • He's headed for the All Star team again.

  • That's what he wanted.

  • Charlotte want a difference making player.

  • That's what they got.

  • We'll see if it works out long run, short run.

  • They've got to be happy.

  • Yeah, I was.

  • I was.

  • I wasn't sure if that would work.

  • Uh, like you said you wanted.

  • I knew he wanted to go to Indiana.

  • But I'll tell you what.

  • He's playing with a lot of confidence.

  • Uh, they had the number three pick.

  • So getting ball, bringing them to that team ball puts him in a position where he can.

  • He can succeed.

  • He's getting giving that franchise a lot of confidence right now.

  • So good for him.

  • Thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content.

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he's shooting a career worst 59% from the line this season.

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