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  • So Guys UFC 2.

  • 57 this weekend.

  • W W E Royal Rumble next weekend, and we're now joined with W W E Champion and the star of Monday Night Raw Drew McIntyre.

  • Drew.

  • How you doing?

  • Thank you so much for joining us.

  • I'm fantastic.

  • Thank you for having me.

  • Amazing Were so pump to talk to you.

  • So let's scale back now.

  • You defeated Brock Lesner at WrestleMania to become W W E champion.

  • Now you go into Royal Rumble and you put your belt on the line against W.

  • W A Hall of Famer Bill Goldberg.

  • Tell me, how is the build up when you're facing these big titans?

  • What is it like going into big fights like that?

  • As opposed to any other regular fight?

  • I guess.

  • I mean, the match with Brock Lesner, if you know a bit about Brock is a farmer to time.

  • UFC champion is a little bit unpredictable in the ring.

  • He's basically an absolute beast.

  • He does what he wants to do.

  • So I was going to fight for my first ever world title against brought less on The main event at WrestleMania was about a daunting task, but I we'll pull myself together.

  • I kick Brock Lesner in the head very hard with my finishing move the claim or and I defeated him in five minutes on one s w w championship that I stand by my side.

  • Eso Now, if a royal rumble I am in the 31st I'm fighting Goldberg is somebody I used to watch as a kid.

  • 12, 13, 14 years old with my brother.

  • We turn into WCW, rests on every week.

  • Check out Bill Goldberg, killing the competition.

  • Never thought one day I would be sitting WBC champion fighting Bill Goldberg.

  • I tried to give him the out.

  • I literally told him fighting you would be fighting.

  • My dad got a little upset.

  • She pushed me on my but I got back up and I got in his face.

  • He challenged me to the match.

  • I accepted the match and he's got a great legacy.

  • Is a Hall of Famer hopeful er fans remember him from back in the day.

  • Perhaps laps fans remember if you've never seen him before.

  • I used to play football back in the day for the Falcons on intimidating guy.

  • Check out the beef and checked it out of the room because Drew McIntyre is gonna kick Goldberg's head off his body.

  • I like it.

  • Go ahead with the swagger in and Scott, a psychopath I'm not mad at.

  • So, by the way, going back to the Royal Rumble about a year ago, you made a little noise by throwing the aforementioned Brock Lesner up out of the paint.

  • So what has the last year been like for you has been wild.

  • I am 2020 in general, obviously.

  • You know, I mentioned I achieved my dream of becoming W W e champion, but not quite in the circumstances I imagined.

  • Um, obviously the pandemic hit roundabout WrestleMania time when I won the W W championship.

  • I've never been in front of a crowd with the title, but I feel fortunate.

  • I've been a very unique journey up in wrestling for 20 years.

  • Ah, lot of ups, but a lot, A lot of downs that prepared me for everything.

  • Every down taught me a new lesson.

  • They're prepared me to lead the company forward even in a pandemic.

  • I was trying new things without the audience there to try and get the crowds attention to get them engaged socially, throwing things against the wall to see what stuck.

  • I would look into the camera and use catch phrases like from Tiger King, which is big at the time and say, Hey, you cou cats and kittens see if I get a gift out on the Internet and people tuning into the show and now it's been a really crazy time.

  • The coolest thing we've done thus far, though, is when we pivoted from no fans to create the W W E Thunderdome.

  • So now we're back in the arenas.

  • We'll get everything you expect in W W E O the lights, the lasers, the pyrotechnics.

  • I have a 5 ft claim or sorry to shove into the stage.

  • It sets off a fire pyrotechnic show.

  • You couldn't do that with fans.

  • They're a little bit dangerous.

  • But most important, we have our fans back in the arena virtually so we can hear them.

  • We can see them in real time, so that's the cool thing about it.

  • But they kill this thing about there's WrestleMania.

  • This year is coming back around to Tampa, Florida, and we're actually gonna have a limited capacity.

  • The fans will be there in attendance.

  • And I'm so excited.

  • I'm so glad you brought that up because we actually got the drop on what the next three WrestleMania is will look like.

  • We can actually pull up the schedule.

  • WrestleMania 37 going down in Tampa.

  • As you mentioned, we'll also that will be a two night event beginning April 11th, April 10th and 11th at Raymond James Stadium in 2022 the W W returns to A T and T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, out Jared Real for WrestleMania 38 then headed to Hollywood for WrestleMania 39 2023 at so Far Stadium.

  • But in specific regards to 37 down in Tampa, your hometown matter fact like you stay right around the area.

  • Rather, you got a little more pressure on you now that they've kind of made their name.

  • Is a title town a little bit down in Tampa?

  • Oh, yeah, No feeling the pressure.

  • I've been champing for a while now.

  • I'm literally sent 15 minutes from Raymond James Stadium, where WrestleMania is going to take place, and it's really cool to see our sports teams doing so well.

  • Now I've been following the football I recently I never really got into the past couple of years, and the Bucks were, quite frankly terrible but picked up e seen this year.

  • Brady's been killing it.

  • I checked out the game against the Saints, and it was really cool.

  • And even myself is a Scotsman, As somebody is not.

  • The biggest football fan could understand the significance of Breeze versus Brady, these two legends going against each other.

  • The box pulled off the win, and this Sunday, I believe it is.

  • It's gonna be the Packers with our Rogers against Brady.

  • So I'm excited to be learning with just such big games going on the box, doing so well, hopefully to make it to the Super Bowl.

  • Maybe I can score myself a little ticket.

  • Get in there, check out Raymond James Stadium live to see what I could expect for WrestleMania.

  • Drew.

  • We only got about 20 seconds until we leave you.

  • Uh, the only thing I care about your Scotsman, Rangers or Celtic.

  • It's the only thing I care about.

  • I'm a big Rangers fan like sale to come and winning the night last nine seasons in a row, they were gonna pull off number 10.

  • Thankfully, we got it together.

  • We're gonna cut them off.

  • One tenant or Rangers are back on Pharmasset Rangers a challenge.

  • I said I rose up.

  • The ranks became WB champion.

  • It's time for you all to win the title on Rangers are gonna win the title this year.

  • Good on.

  • You love it.

  • I gotta ask.

  • You were a three team crew here, so I'm really curious your take on this.

  • Would you say that we're more of like a new day kind of crew or a three m B?

  • In your opinion, I would go with a new day like more successful, more charism way.

  • He's laughing The way he's laughing right now means he doesn't believe anything that it's very nice.

  • And I was in three and b that I wasin for the MP was never gonna become W w e glad to be the man I am today.

  • And you all are certainly closer.

  • Todo well, you are a w w e champion and we wish you luck as you put that belt on the line.

  • You were amazing.

  • And thanks so much for joining us.

  • You're always welcome back on Sports Nation.

  • Thank you for having me.

  • I can't wait to be back in the future and in person one day.

  • Hey!

  • Yes, Let's do it.

So Guys UFC 2.

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