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  • -Guys, today was such a historic day,

  • and there were so many iconic images and headlines.

  • But, sometimes, when you see a photo in the news,

  • you think that headline could be much better.

  • I'll show you what I mean.

  • It's time for "News & Improved: Inauguration Edition."

  • -♪ "News & Improved" ♪

  • -For example, check out this first photo.

  • The original headline was...

  • The headline can definitely be improved,

  • 'cause if you only looked at the photo,

  • the headline could have been...

  • See how that works?

  • Alright, let's check out this next photo.

  • The original headline was...

  • But if you only looked at the photo,

  • the headline could have been...

  • It's like, "Where's the button? What..."

  • Up next, this headline says...

  • The headline could have been...

  • This next headline was...

  • But the headline could have been...

  • This next headline was...

  • The headline could have been...

  • Score!

  • And, finally, this headline says...

  • But the headline could have been...

  • Well, that's all the time we have for

  • "News & Improved," everybody.

-Guys, today was such a historic day,

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