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  • A lot is still to be learnt about Coronavirus and COVID 19 but the basic symptoms are known.

  • The World Health Organisation currently state that the incubation period is up to 14 days

  • but sometimes it could be longer, even up to 24 days, but typically symptoms show in

  • about 5 days. The current World Health Organisation figures said based on 44,000 patients with

  • the virus, 81% developed mild symptoms, 14% developed severe symptoms and 5% became critically

  • ill. The death rate stated by the World Health Organisation appears to be between 1 and 2%

  • but the current initial figures are obviously unreliable, given that is a currently changing

  • situation. That said WHO say that about 80% of people recover without medical treatment

  • and some people become infected but they do not develop any symptoms or feel unwell. It

  • starts with a fever followed by a dry coughIt then can lead to shortness of breath and

  • some patients require hospital treatment. Other symptoms are a headache, tiredness,

  • nasal congestion, sore throat, diarrhoea and muscle aches. Symptoms often show as mild

  • and begin gradually.If you are in a high risk group with existing medical conditions or

  • the elderly, or if the person develops a fever, cough and breathing difficulties you should

  • seek medical attention by phoning the medical services rather than going to hospitals or

  • medical centres, where there is a risk that you will spread the virus to others.

A lot is still to be learnt about Coronavirus and COVID 19 but the basic symptoms are known.

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