Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Hello. I'm John Russell. Imagine you are driving your car. You come up. Thio, Stop Sign, Stop for a moment, then continue on your way. American English has continent sounds that work like that as well. They're called conveniently enough Stops, stops involved, a complete blocking or obstruction of the Airstream for just a moment, just like stopping at a stop sign. There are around six stops sounds in American English, and they take place in three different areas in the mouth. Let's explore each of these. The first two are the pa and Buck sounds. They require you to block air with your lips, pa, as in park. But as in battery, Then there are and duck sounds. They require you to block hair by pressing your tongue into the area just behind your teeth, as in tow. Yeah, as indoor. And finally there are the and sounds. They require you to use the back of your tongue to block air in the area called the soft palate. As in car God as in gas. Let's end this video with a quiz. How many times do you hear? Stop sounds in this sentence. I parked the car in the garage. Write to us in the comments section of our website learning english dot v o a news dot com Keep up the good work.
B1 VOA stop sign require block american english tongue How to Pronounce: What Are Stops? 8 1 林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/13 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary