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  • we're too late.

  • This'll entire city must be purged.

  • Welcome, Toe watch Mojo!

  • And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 laziest video game re masters and remakes.

  • Oh, yeah, yeah, okay for this list will be looking at re masters or remakes that felt unnecessary or did little to justify their existence.

  • Which classic game deserves a full remake?

  • Let us know in the comments Number 10 Dead or Alive Paradise remakes are generally synonymous with upgrades, but that is not always the case.

  • A PSP remake of the Xbox three Sixtys, Dead or Alive Extreme to Paradise is a considerable downgrade of a game that, if we're being honest, was hardly a masterpiece to begin with.

  • Released on a system that was already half a decade old, Paradise delivers boring, stiff and uninspired many games that are arguably worse versions of the shallow originals.

  • Paradise was the first dead or alive title released Una Portable console, and it's a small miracle that it was not the last.

  • What wonderfully quiet day Number nine Tony Hawkes Pro Skater H.

  • D E.

  • During the seventh generation HD re masters were all the rage.

  • Many opted to collect a series of games and ramp up the resolution.

  • But Tony Hawk pro Skater HD took a different, more disappointing approach.

  • While it's still plays like the original Tony Hawk titles, the HD remakes combined stages from the first two games rather than focusing on one or the other.

  • In theory, this might seem like a good idea, but HD actually launched with fewer stages than either of the first to Tony Hawk games.

  • As a remake, HD opted to take a minimalistic approach, and some things like split screen and skate videos were frustratingly not included.

  • Number eight, Putty Squad.

  • This game's got history.

  • There was an Amiga 1200 version that, despite from solid reviews from critics who demo, the game wasn't officially released until 2013, the version that was released on this ness in 1994 was in perfect, but all in all, a solid game for its time.

  • Unfortunately, the remake, released two decades later, still plays like a platformer from the mid nineties.

  • Um, argument could be made that Putty Squad has no reason to exist on modern consoles, but there is potential in its open ended levels and puzzle driven gameplay.

  • Sadly, all the remake does is throw a fresh coat of paint on the title without really touching the controls or revamping any of the maps, both of which, in retrospect, sorely needed some fine tuning.

  • Number seven.

  • Diddy Kong Racing DS.

  • When Rare and Nintendo are involved, expectations are naturally high as Diddy Kong Racing is an all time great kart racer.

  • A remake for the Nintendo DS made sense, even if a new entry would have been far more exciting.

  • Rare did a serviceable job porting the game with the addition of online multiplayer being a highlight, however, Diddy Kong Racing DS did not quite capture the magic of the original.

  • This mostly comes down to the forced implementation of overly sensitive touch controls.

  • Rather than add much to the game, the touch based challenges seemed like they simply exist because the stylist had to be used in some way.

  • Great Number six Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles, turtles and time re shelled.

  • Yeah, remakes have to find a way to revamp a potentially outdated game for a modern audience while maintaining the spirit of the original.

  • It's a balancing act.

  • The turtles and timely shelled sadly, does not pull off as a three d remake of the arcade.

  • Classic Turtles in Time re shelled freeze the iconic heroes to stab away in eight directions.

  • But the extra dimension integrates rather poorly with the still distinctly to DS gameplay, N, P.

  • C.

  • S and levels.

  • The visuals.

  • Air Fine and Online is a nice bonus, but re shelled really needed to expand the move set of the shallow characters Number five Dead Rising Chop Till You Drop Yeah, 2006 is Dead Rising delivered a humorous and cathartic twist on the classic zombie formula in 2000 and nine.

  • It was replicated to mixed results with the We's Chopped Till You Drop remake.

  • Capcom has a solid track record when it comes to remakes, but Chop till You drop very much feels like a budget project.

  • Graphically, the game looks underwhelming even by the we standards, while the game place focus on gunplay, reduces dead risings fun factor Chop Till You Drop manages to give we owners the basic dead rising experience, albeit one that could have used more time in the oven.

  • Come on Number four.

  • Guitar Hero Smash hits.

  • Yeah, After debuting in 2005, guitar hero went on such a frantic release free, but the Siri's burned out in just five years.

  • 2009 Smash hits might be the most unnecessary entry in the franchise as it's essentially a greatest hits collection, highlighting select tracks from the previous games with full band play and rearrange notes for each song.

  • The developers certainly put effort into making smash hits a decent game.

  • Unfortunately, the issue here is less about execution and more about the fundamental concept.

  • The titles Mere existence feels like a lazy cash graph in a franchise that desperately needed to slow down.

  • Yeah, yeah, Number three AP Escape on the loose I'm the ruler of a new world on the leader of a new age of Homo SAPIENs.

  • 1999.

  • AP Escape is one of the best platform er's ever made.

  • Sadly, that distinction does not extend to the 2005 remake Ah launch title for the PS PS North American debut AP Escape on the Loose comes across as a stopgap option to pad the consoles lineup.

  • The remake boasts vibrant visuals and retains some of the originals quirky charm, but those are minor things in the face of the clunky control scheme brought on by the PSP solitary thumb stick while on the loose still kind of works.

  • The game tries to force a square peg into a round hole rather than just creating a new peg.

  • I'm sure you'll do your utmost to entertain me.

  • Hasta la vista Babies Number two.

  • Double Dragon to wander of the Dragons, a staple of the arcade scene in the late eighties and early nineties, Double Dragon has endured many low points throughout its storied history.

  • But nothing comes close to 2013.

  • Wander of the Dragons in terms of sheer wretchedness, a remake or reimagining of Double Dragon.

  • Two.

  • Wonder if the Dragons throws in an extra dimension for seemingly no reason other than the fact that three D sounds cool.

  • The graphics are laughably bad.

  • The gameplay is cumbersome and unsatisfying, and there is no online play despite Wander of the dragons being an Xbox Live arcade title away.

  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone make sure to go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one Warcraft three re forged.

  • We're too late.

  • This'll entire city must be purged on RTs classic Blizzard's Warcraft three has aged like fine wine, which explains why 20 twenties re Forge can still be fun to play despite its many flaws.

  • Caught somewhere between a re master and a remake, Re forge to modernizes the graphics to mixed results, barely touches the gameplay in your eye and debuted with enough bugs to make Bethesda blush.

  • Some multiplayer features present in the original Warcraft three were even cut from the re masters launch.

  • Re forged should have been a glorious celebration of one of blizzards landmark releases, but instead it marked a new, disappointing low for a franchise that deserves better.

  • None of this makes sense that the spirits tell me that I should trust him in the mood for more awesome gaming content.

we're too late.

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