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  • i haven't driven over here in how many  years 20 22 years i don't drive a car here

  • we got the mortadella forget the  salami this is where it's at guys  

  • well good morning guys we're up bright and early  here at the airport we're at eido parque because  

  • today we traveled to cordoba argentina yeah we had  to be up very early yeah very very early and you  

  • know what here's a tip it's a good thing that we  arranged a taxi in advance yesterday because when  

  • we went out on the street this morning there was  nothing and no one no traffic not one car not one  

  • taxi absolutely so we would have been in trouble  so if you've got a flight at a strange hour it's  

  • better to take care of that book it in advance  so you've got someone coming to pick you up  

  • yeah especially if you're not staying in the core  of the buenos aires downtown if you're a little  

  • bit like we were outside of the main main area  it's very hard to find something that early in the  

  • morning you know we called these guys that they  bring people to the airports and he was there at 4  

  • 20 outside waiting for us no problem no stress  no rush so that's a tip for you be careful with  

  • that one yeah and now we're just having a little  bit of breakfast we found like a french style  

  • cafe inside the airport we've got coffee cafe  look at that they serve it just like in france

  • someone has a lot of energy for this time of  day derpy maybe because we're going to cordoba  

  • but um look at sam's drink now this is really  fancy this is a cappuccino it smells amazing  

  • that is topped off with cinnamon so yeah oh and  we ordered a waffle and a sandwich we finished the  

  • spanish tortilla that our airbnb hosts made for  us last night so we're good we're waking up good  

  • morning to you good morning bright and early over  here yes i gotta admit i think i'm probably the  

  • most tired of the three of us i didn't i didn't  sleep well last night but um you know a little  

  • bit of breakfast should help perk me up a bit  yes a lovely waffle to cheer you up so this is a  

  • belgian waffle yeah they've pre-added the syrup  already which is kind of nice and then it comes  

  • with a fruit salad so the fruit salad's really  nice we've got envelope pineapple strawberries  

  • kiwi blueberries let's try the waffle oh yeah  it's nice enough that i think mm-hmm nothing like  

  • a belgian waffle the best of the best right and  what else did you get what's your savory plate man  

  • so this is um um jamon serrano which is likeguess like a mountain ham and it comes with like  

  • looks like a chutney yeah and some some sliced  baguette this is like a spanish style breakfast at  

  • our french bakery my oh my i don't know where the  appetite is but it's there at five in the morning

  • have you heard about summer snow when  it falls on you your blood runs cold  

  • but don't you sweat your pretty skin

  • is

  • high tide

  • whispers

  • do you ever feel like going back

  • well guys here we are in the car in our  new vehicle this is our set of wheels  

  • for the next week here in cordoba argentina  what kind of car is this it's a nissan sentra  

  • nissan central there you go sam's  in the back how are you feeling  

  • good yeah now we're driving towards the sierras  of cordoba it's gonna be about two hours and  

  • we're now out of the city that was probably  the most stressful part getting on the highway  

  • for the first time dealing with traffic even  though i'm not the one driving my dad's the one

  • i get stressed with the way people drive  here it's it's not organized but it's  

  • better it's like calming down the closer  we get to the mountains people are more  

  • easy going i haven't driven over here yes in how  many years 20 22 years i don't drive a car here  

  • yeah so i'm kind of uh i'm a little bit rusty  getting a feel for it how the locals do it you  

  • know but yeah don't worry i'll get there quick  so no it's okay it's nice a nice drive yeah  

  • you see you see you see that's the weather today  oh beautiful day oh my perfect perfect temperature  

  • today must be what 20 degrees 21 yeah that's what  it feels like right now it's still pretty early  

  • it's only like 10 in the morning um so yeah we're  going to update you as we continue this drive up  

  • to the mountains we also need to stop at a grocery  store or a supermarket and kind of like stock up  

  • for the week because we will be quite isolated and  we don't want to go hungry no don't mention that

  • do

  • well we made it to the cabin here we made it we  are here we're back at the same cottages that we  

  • stayed out last time we're with friends here yep  and yeah we arrived after about a two-hour drive  

  • from the airport and it's good to be in  the mountains something got into my eye

  • we're out in insect insect land nature  nature is this yeah and we're eating look  

  • when you're in the country in argentina

  • my dad loves mortadella i'm just not into it  has to be with this bread and like this got  

  • a piece of bread stick it in there and eat  it like that the wild man you know wild man  

  • we got the empanadas these are delicious we  stopped in the town of los riates and there's a  

  • little place called parador ramona or something  ramona we stopped there last time we were here  

  • and they make fried empanadas with beef but  they're sweet because they're loaded with  

  • raisins and to me like this is the most delicious  thing ever forget the mortadella forget the salami  

  • this is where it's at guys yeah it's a  nice drive too oh yeah we got the one okay

  • this one we have this one we have ranked before  many times many times yeah malbec from 2019  

  • and uh it's a really good guy he's very friendly  okay so we always keep him uh yeah close by it's  

  • probably the one of the most reliable ones it's  always consistently good you cannot go wrong  

  • you know no always steady yeah so that's  what's going to be our lunch today yep  

  • because we don't have the strength to do anything  else we just got here it's a beautiful day  

  • we're eating alfresco and listen to the  to the pigeons the wild pigeons listen

  • they're singing like crazy all over the trees it's  you hear who knows we might see a fox you know  

  • it's like a symphony while you're  eating they are giving you like uh  

  • like a scene funny on the background how was the  drive guys i ended up sleeping for most of it  

  • you missed it i basically made it out like an  hour and a half i think i fell i fell asleep  

  • around all of the gracia and that was it yeah  right around the world i woke up for empanadas  

  • as we were approaching them yeah two minutes  before we reached the food stop he's like hello  

  • i'm back of course he woke up about  five blocks away from the place where we  

  • bought the food because they were cooking  and the wind was blowing on our direction  

  • so he sniffed it in the back of the car you  know so what's going on here i smell food right  

  • that's why he woke up otherwise he would  have slept all the way up here you know  

  • exactly right exactly well we're happy to  be back here yeah we've got what how many  

  • nights quite a few seven nights we've gotfull week here so yeah we probably won't be  

  • filming every day but we'll make a few quitefew videos for sure and then around the the area  

  • and uh yeah we'll show you maybe a bit more of the  afternoon after lunch eat now we eat well hello  

  • hello guys a few hours have passed everyone  had a little rest a little siesta in keeping  

  • with argentine tradition you eat you drink you  sleep it was a it was a an early start today for  

  • four o'clock up and uh the the plane ride and you  know the the drive up here we were really tired  

  • you know even me i i laid down for an hour  and a half and boom everyone's just ganked up  

  • yeah especially once we got the fire going so  now the cottage is really warm and toasty and  

  • you just kind of like drift off into we have  uh one of those wood burning stoves yeah we  

  • got the fire going and uh now it's just uh  toasty here you know you can feel it that  

  • uh we like it but sam is suffering he he thinks it  feels like a sauna i think this is great i think  

  • somewhere it's a bit it's overkill i actually i'm  going outside the corner someone's gonna sleep  

  • outside tonight huh with the cat wouldn't curl up  in the cat outside yeah i just might oh man yeah  

  • um but yeah i mean today we were just a little  bit tired so we didn't really do any sightseeing  

  • or plan any trips for the afternoon i think  we're going to sign off for today say goodbye  

  • have a good night and we'll see you tomorrow  when we're feeling a bit more refreshed

  • love the more yes live

  • the more you love the more you

i haven't driven over here in how many  years 20 22 years i don't drive a car here

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