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  • I'm gonna go ahead and start today is the first of three workshops in a row about

  • the subject of memory

  • and i don't expect you to actually answer me on this on this just want you to think about it but if i ask you

  • how how's your memory how do you remember things do you remember well or not a

  • lot of people

  • tell me

  • terrible memory i can't remember anything

  • you know the answer to that question is everybody in here

  • has a fantastic memory

  • even if you think you don't

  • it's just that some people don't know how to actually apply it to school related things

  • i talk to people all the time who say they can't remember anything

  • so they read their book but i have no idea i can't remember

  • and then i ask them what their favorite hobby is in a lot of people say

  • music

  • love music

  • and so i have them tell me their favorite artist

  • they tell me

  • and i say do you remember the lyrics to their songs

  • every one of them

  • they say and they're able to give me this long list of lyrics

  • that they have memorized and then when they're done i say

  • that's really good

  • you have a great memory

  • i said no it's terrible i said that you remember all that they say

  • that's different

  • okay so we gotta figure out how to get that knowledge of that memory that you have for

  • other things applied to school and that's what i'm gonna teach you so

  • today's workshop is called how to remember for tests

  • next week is memory tricks and the other one after that is more memory tricks so it's kind

  • of a three part series

  • if you're only here for this one

  • you'll get some things that i hope are helpful if you're here for all three of course which

  • i would love

  • then you'll get a whole bunch of teaching about memory and you'll find out that your

  • memory can work better than you think it can okay

  • so

  • start today what we're gonna do is i'm going to test your memory

  • 'cause that's what this is all about uh... memory so what i'd like everybody to do is

  • to make sure that you have some paper in front of you which i think everybody does and to

  • have your pen or pencil kind of ready

  • but what i'm gonna ask you to do is to go ahead and do something i rarely ask and that

  • is to put your pen or pencil down

  • i actually don't want it in your hands at all for the next couple of minutes

  • i'm going to up do what at what i call the sixteen card activity

  • and i wanna make sure everybody can see these i think you'll be able to

  • but what i'm going to do in just a minute is i'm going to show you

  • a word on a card and i'll sort of uh... rotate it i'll say it outloud and then i'll go to the

  • next word and the next word

  • and i'm gonna end up showing you sixteen

  • words

  • by the time i'm done you're going to think it was like forty

  • but it's only sixteen and i want you to try to memorize them all which is easy for

  • me to say not so easy for you to do but here's the little trick to this as soon as i have shown

  • you the last word i'm gonna say the magic word which is ok

  • as soon as they say okay hurry

  • grab your pen or pencil

  • and write down as many of these words as you can remember before you forget 'em and you

  • don't have to write 'em in order just whatever's in there

  • hurry and write it down and then i'll explain what all of this is about okay so that's

  • the goal of this and again i want you just to stay quiet and concentrate and i'll

  • go through them pretty quickly

  • also

  • if somebody comes in

  • while we're doing this

  • this is a concentration exercise ignore them

  • and keep focusing ok cause it's easy to just watch them walk in and then you forget all the words

  • so hopefully we won't have anybody but if they do just try to ignore them the best you

  • can

  • what's the first word

  • pen yeah if you forget that one there's no hope for you right i'm showing you that like

  • twenty times the other words you're only gonna

  • see once so that's a lot tougher okay so here we go

  • pen love toast

  • toast

  • stay

  • basket pain

  • restaurant

  • ask

  • notebook

  • find

  • table

  • went

  • teacher

  • hungry know

  • dog

  • okay times up

  • now the reason that i know that time is up is because i look around and what do i see

  • yeah nobody's moving

  • that's how i know i look around

  • and all of you just a minute ago and you didn't know you do this you fulfilled one of my greatest

  • dreams as a teacher so isn't that nice

  • and that is as soon as i said okay

  • you moved

  • faster than i've ever seen anybody move and you started writing and you were doing it like

  • this really fast and looked around and knowledge was just flowing out of you that's like a teachers

  • greatest dream

  • but the problem is that lasts for no more than about thirty seconds and then people

  • are starting the

  • slow down the frown is coming out and after about one minute

  • i look around and almost everybody is basically done

  • whatever you can remember is there and whatever you lost

  • is gone forever

  • if you did this don't get embarrassed because i see this all the time i saw several of you

  • do this

  • i'm looking around thinking

  • are we done and i see some people doing this

  • and when you're counting the number of words

  • that basically means

  • your waving the white flag like i'm done and i'm hoping my list isn't too embarrassingly

  • small well if you

  • remembered a lot

  • that's great if you remembered only a little that's ok but what we're going to do to try

  • to um... sort of apply this to you in school is i'm gonna try and correct this with you and i want

  • you to look at your list of words no matter how short or long it was

  • and here's what we're going to do

  • i'm going to read a list of some of the words that i showed you on those cards

  • and every one of these words that i say

  • if you look and you see it on the list meaning you remembered it

  • i want you to put the number one next to it

  • if you didn't remember it if it's not there don't right now right too late you had your

  • chance before

  • so the first one is pen so if you remembered that put a one if not don't do anything next

  • one is love

  • toast

  • and again these are ones

  • stay

  • teacher

  • hungry

  • know

  • and dog

  • okay so those are the ones and i'll tell you what that means in a minute i'm going to go

  • back over another list of other words i showed you as part of the exercise

  • and any of these that you have on your paper

  • go ahead and put it a two next to it alright so the first one is basket

  • so if you remembered that two that's not nothing

  • pain

  • restaurant

  • ask

  • notebook

  • again these are twos

  • find

  • table

  • and went

  • okay now um...

  • see how good your memory is how many words were there all together

  • sixteen

  • ok well there were actually eight words in group one and eight in group two

  • so that means that's it

  • all right so what that means is if you look at your list now

  • and you have any word that does not have a one or a two right next to it what does that mean

  • it means

  • you made up a nice word

  • wasn't one of mine

  • and people say hi coulda sworn it was on there if you have any word without a number next

  • to it

  • good try cross it out and then i want you to do your math

  • for the day

  • and that is i want you to go down your list and count how many ones

  • did you remember

  • i want you to put that like something like this may be remembered five

  • or seven or four whatever

  • and i want you to count how many twos

  • did you remember

  • and put that down also that's going to be kind of the basis of my teaching for the next

  • twenty minutes or so

  • um...

  • okay so quick question just a show of hands

  • how many of you ended up with a higher score meaning you remembered more of the... ones

  • let me see show of hands

  • okay most people how about a tie