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  • Aw, look at the baby monkey.

  • (audience clapping)

  • Oh my god.

  • Conan, this is a

  • Tonkean Celebes monkey,

  • a type of macaque.

  • He just recognized me and freaked out.

  • I know.

  • These things evolved from humans actually.

  • Oh look at this little guy.

  • Quite an improvement.

  • Look at that cute little bottle you got there.

  • This is a bottle, you can try to feed him.

  • Yeah, that's great.

  • I hoped that you didn't have to work very hard at it.

  • Aw, looks it's like he got that on an airline, isn't it?

  • Oh, that is so sweet.

  • And so it's what kind of monkey?

  • It's called a Tonkean Celebes monkey.

  • They come from Indonesia.

  • And this is a six-month-old baby.

  • They normally don't wear diapers but,

  • the diaper's for your suit.

  • They're not born in diapers are they?

  • No.

  • Fascinating.

  • (audience laughing)

  • It's so cute.

  • And how old is this little baby?

  • Hey where are you going there buddy?

  • He's six months old,

  • and when he's fully grown,

  • he'll be possibly 24 to 30 inches.

  • And these animals live in troops.

  • (audience and Clyde laughing)

  • So nice, aww.

  • (audience sighing)

  • The males troop together,

  • and the females stay together.

  • When the males recognize that the females are in heat,

  • they'll stay around them for about 10 days

  • before they.

  • Does he know now that I'm in heat?

  • Doesn't he sense

  • that I'm ready to get it on with any monkey?

  • Hey, hey, okay, he does, he does.

  • He didn't like that at all.

  • He was just gumming you.

  • He was like, I'm not into that.

  • All right, well thank you.

  • Does he have a name?

  • Yes he does, it's Sam.

  • Sam, okay?

  • All right, very nice.

  • Well very nice to meet you Sam.

  • Okay Sam.

  • Sam's a little sweetie.

  • Now Sams' trying to escape from you.

  • Let's see, we'll put him over here.

  • Never met that guy.

  • Does he even work for you?

  • (audiences laughing)

  • Random people are coming out of the audience

  • to take the animals away.

  • Here's another baby.

  • And this is a baby wallaby,

  • called a Bennett's wallaby.

  • And they come from Australia, Tazmania.

  • Would this drink out of the same bottle?

  • He might, yes.

  • Should they share interspecies germs?

  • Or this that okay?

  • We have some fruits back here.

  • He just smelled monkey on it,

  • and was like, no thank you.

  • We'll see what we can do here.

  • What's this? Right here?

  • He might take the berry, I don't know.

  • Okay, wow, I've never seen.

  • These are actually grazers,

  • but in captivity, they'll certainly take fruits.

  • That's the finicky-est eater I've ever seen.

  • (Conan animating his voice)

  • No I don't think so, not for me.

  • No, no, no. Thank you very much, I appreciate it,

  • but I don't think so, no.

  • (audience laughing)

  • Just sniffing it and not really doing anything.

  • How does this animal survive in the wild?

  • (audience laughing)

  • Actually, they are incredible survivors

  • because they live in very dry areas.

  • And they graze,

  • and oftentimes don't have standing water available to drink.

  • Aw, smelled the product in my hair.

  • (Conan laughing)

  • (audience laughing and clapping)

  • Right, if I ever get the chance, I'll kill you.

  • (audience laughing)

  • Well we should move along.

  • Oh now, now once I'm not touching it,

  • he wants the berry.

  • Okay, come with me sweetie right there, all right.

  • Oh hi, how are you?

  • Nice to see you.

  • Oh my god, here we go.

  • Now we're talking.

  • Here's an amazing animal that comes from the rainforest

  • of Central and South America.

  • I have to be honest.

  • This looks like something from outer space.

  • I'm not kidding, look at those claws.

  • What is this animal?

  • This is a Two-toed sloth.

  • It should actually be called

  • a Two-toed toenailed sloth actually.

  • But, this animal hangs upside down in a Cecropia tree.

  • So these things are found in the wild?

  • These little mini jungle gyms?

  • I brought this back from my last Amazon trip.

  • These grow naturally in the wild.

  • Will he eat this strawberry?

  • Yes, I think he might take a grape

  • if he doesn't take the strawberry.

  • He loves grapes.

  • Try a grape.

  • I can't believe these animals are all like supermodels.

  • You want a grape there sloth?

  • There we go.

  • (audience sighs)

  • Look at those eyes.

  • Those are the eyes of a killer.

  • (audience laughing)

  • And this is an animal

  • that just likes to kind of hang out and chill.

  • They eat very little.

  • They have slow metabolisms.

  • Once a week, they come down out of the tree.

  • I've got an uncle like that.

  • (Conan laughing)

  • (audience laughing and clapping)

  • So this guy doesn't do that much.

  • Just sort of hangs there and eats grapes all day.

  • As I started to say,

  • he'll come down once a week.

  • Oh, I guess you think I talk too much, huh?

  • No. (Clyde laughing)

  • I'm sorry Clyde.

  • He'll defecate at the base of the tree.

  • Oh great, I'm glad you interrupted what I was saying.

  • Conan, I gotta get this in.

  • What is it Clyde?

  • They defecate.

  • It's important stuff.

  • It's not important stuff.

  • It is because he fertilizes the tree that he lives off of.

  • And he takes a chance on getting preyed upon

  • by a jaguar or something while he's doing this.

  • So this animal risks death to feed the trees in its area.

  • That's exactly right.

  • That's a dumb animal.

  • (audience laughing)

  • All right, we should head over this way.

  • Yeah, let's take a look at something else over here.

  • I wanna see what this is all about right here.

  • This is where Clyde likes to bathe every evening.

  • What is this?

  • Oh my god, is this a shark?

  • This is a shark.

  • This is a nurse shark,

  • and they live in the coastal waters.

  • (water splashing)

  • Is it okay?

  • Look at this thing.

  • And are those its teeth?

  • Or is that a mustache of some kind?

  • They do have teeth.

  • They have thousands of serrated teeth,

  • which they use to crush shellfish.

  • And he could do a good job of your hand.

  • Why didn't you tell me that before the segment?

  • Why shove the shark into my suit jacket

  • and then tell me that it's a killer?

  • They're not normally aggressive,

  • but they certainly can be.

  • Is it okay out of the water?

  • For a brief period of time.

  • Actually, they can stay out of water

  • much longer than one would think.

  • And what he's doing here,

  • he's using muscles behind his gills.

  • And if he were in the water,

  • he would pump the water through his mouth

  • and out past the gills

  • so that he can stay at the bottom

  • and continue to extract oxygen from the water

  • without moving like most sharks.

  • That was a long story.

  • (audience laughing)

  • Hey, whoa hey, take it easy.

  • What are you doing?

  • Why make him pay for your bad anectote?

  • (Clyde laughing)

  • (audience clapping)

  • All right, we got time for one more.

  • One more. Where is the last one?

  • Where's the python?

  • (audience groaning)

  • Oh my god.

  • You take the head Conan.

  • Take the head? Oh thanks, great.

  • That's the part that chop chop.

  • I'll tell you why.

  • How long is this python first of all?

  • This snake is about 17-1/2 feet, weighs 180 pounds.

  • And if you notice his eyes are opaque?

  • Yeah.

  • He's getting ready to shed his skin.

  • Okay, he's moving in a weird way.

  • They're a little more nasty

  • when they're ready to shed.

  • He's he getting mad right now?

  • Why is he contracting like this?

  • What's happening?

  • He's pulling his head back,

  • and he's looking at me in this weird way.

  • Can he bite?

  • Can this animal bite?

  • He can, he has about 100 needle-sharp teeth,

  • which kind of curve back.

  • You're an ass.

  • What are you talking about?

  • (audience clapping)

  • Are you choking my snake?

  • No, I'm not choking your snake.

  • He's coming up this way, he's coming up this way.

  • Get behind pretty ladies.

  • Oh, he's coming back.

  • All right.

  • Is there any way that I can summon the shark

  • to my defense like Aquaman?

  • You can try it.

  • Shark um-tie, attack snake.

  • Baby monkeys.

  • Look at this sloth could care less

  • about what's happening on this TV show.

  • However, the python would be very happy to

  • try to eat the sloth.

  • We're gonna take a break because we're gonna have to go.

  • But thank you for bringing these animals here.

  • Clyde Peeling everyone.

  • Simon Cowell coming up.

Aw, look at the baby monkey.

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