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  • Please, Nick, Eat some Moschetti.

  • Welcome to watch Mojo.

  • And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 comedy movies that are funnier the second time.

  • This is peace.

  • This is the piece?

  • Yes.

  • Are you telling me that this is it?

  • This is scenery.

  • Have you ever been to Stonehenge?

  • Did you ever think that maybe there's more to life than being really, really, really ridiculously good looking?

  • Loud noises for this list?

  • We're looking at comedies that make you laugh even harder on subsequent watches.

  • Any of these make you what?

  • Your pants laughing.

  • Let us know in the comments.

  • Number 10 Deadpool.

  • This unconventional superhero movie follows the titular vigilante on his quest for revenge against the man who tortured and deformed him.

  • You know, typical comedy stuff.

  • Deadpool's irreverent pop culture laden dialogue and frequent fourth wall breaks are hilarious The first time through sure.

  • Mm.

  • This is my most prized possession.

  • Wham!

  • No, no, no.

  • Wham!

  • Make it big is the album that George and Andy earned the exclamation point.

  • But successive watch throughs are bound to give you more appreciation For all the funny little details and jokes you may have missed your about to be killed.

  • Why it is that body.

  • Maybe it's Ryan Reynolds delivery that will strike you in a new way.

  • Or maybe you'll spot a marvel reference in the background.

  • Or maybe you'll find that deadpool breaking his body fighting colossus is hysterical.

  • No matter how many times you see it.

  • Cock shot.

  • Go Oh, your poor wife.

  • You really should stop God.

  • Well, all the dinosaurs throughout the T Rex number nine Forgetting Sarah Marshall Most people have had a bad break up at some point in their lives, and forgetting Sarah Marshall illustrates that.

  • Hey, at least the majority aren't this bad.

  • Peter's attempts to get away from his eponymous X seem thrust into an uproariously awkward vacation with her and her new beau.

  • Listen, if you wanna have dinner with us one of those nights, I'll feel very no, it's very gentlemanly of you, but you to enjoy your trip.

  • I'll be you just find on my own all right.

  • A second watch allows for a new appreciation of the numerous funny side characters.

  • G ghost Piper fish, grilled fish, Golar, fish, grouper, fish, greenback, What's the State Fish of Hawaii?

  • Huma, Huma, Nuka Nuka pull off.

  • It also gives you a chance to memorize the lyrics Toe all the snow's amazingly inappropriate single Teach me how while I'm moving inside or the worst Peters Dracula musical Sorry for all the wrong I know I finished trying Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a movie you shouldn't forget to watch again Number eight What we do in the shadows mock you men Teres could make for the most re watchable comedies do how authentic the funny moments feel and, you know, to be living this long and seeing the things that he seen and still like kind of happen together.

  • I mean, hats off to him, laddie.

  • Hell, sorry, but a mock you mentoring about vampire roommates in New Zealand?

  • Now that's a movie worth revisiting.

  • Each character is so quirky in their own right that something new is bound to tickle your funny bone upon your second time through, please, Nick eats.

  • Um Moschetti.

  • There are so many great scenes from the vampires learning about modern life and technology to their ongoing turf war with werewolves.

  • It's just gonna take off his gloves.

  • What we do in the shadows is a film that will bring light and laughter thio you, no matter how far in the shadow you are.

  • Number seven.

  • Anchorman.

  • The Legend of Ron Burgundy For all of us here at News Center for I'm Ron Burgundy, you stay classy.

  • San Diego you A.

  • There's a reason this movie is so quotable.

  • Anchorman.

  • The Legend of Ron Burgundy follows Ron and his fellow newsman as his life has turned upside down by the introduction of his new female co anchor, full of immature, ridiculous but hilarious dialogue.

  • Oh, noises.

  • Anchorman is a delight in the afternoon and at any time the movie manages to cram in so many iconic lines and hilarious moments that, like Brian Fan Tana's Cologne, it's truly pungent.

  • Yep, it's made with bits of real panther.

  • So you know, it's good.

  • It's quite pungent.

  • Oh, yeah, it's a formidable sent stings the nostrils.

  • We can guarantee it gets funnier 60% of the time.

  • Every time you watch it, that doesn't make sense.

  • Number six.

  • Zoo Lander.

  • A center for ants.

  • What?

  • How can we be expected to teach Children to learn how to read if they can't even fit inside the building?

  • The fall and rise of Derek Zoolander male model is simultaneously incredibly stupid and incredibly funny.

  • Watching the clueless dope bumble his way through a conspiracy while also trying to save his career is as hilarious as Derek is good looking.

  • Did you ever think that maybe there's more to life than being really, really, really ridiculously good looking?

  • And he's really, really, really ridiculously good looking?

  • The film contains plenty that will make you go far all over again a second time from derricks rivalry slash bromance with Hansel to the star studded cameos to the over the top legend that is Mugatu.

  • He held a series of odd jobs until Get this.

  • He invented the piano key necktie in 1985.

  • The guy's been a fashion designer ever since.

  • So unless you're prepared to feel like you're taking crazy pills, you'd better learn to appreciate the subtle glory of zoo Landers.

  • Many looks Blue Steel, Farrah Realty gra They're the same face.

  • Doesn't anyone notice this?

  • I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

  • Number five, this is Spinal Tap.

  • We mentioned how great mock you meant Aries are to rewatch, right?

  • Well, this is Spinal Tap helped popularize the genre and for good reason.

  • It's one of the best chronicle ing the fictional band Spinal Taps US Tour.

  • The film has a plethora of funny character moments that are easy to miss the first time around.

  • Of course, that's in addition to all the memorable gags, like the band's general dysfunction and they're Unlucky drummers.

  • He died.

  • He died in a bizarre gardening accident some years back.

  • It's really one of those things.

  • It was, you know, the authorities said Best leave it.

  • It's not unsold, really.

  • Or the not to scale model of Stonehenge.

  • Well, this is a piece of This is the piece?

  • Yes.

  • Are you telling me that this is it?

  • This is scenery.

  • Have you ever been to Stonehenge?

  • All in all, this is Spinal Tap is a comedy that goes up to 11 every time you can see.

  • Yeah, the numbers algo to 11.

  • Look right across the board.

  • 11 11, mostly 11 amps.

  • Go up to 10.

  • Exactly.

  • Does that mean it's louder?

  • Isn't any louder?

  • Well, it's one louder.

  • His name Number four Young Frankenstein.

  • Honestly, we could have chosen another Mel Brooks movie like Spaceballs or Blazing Saddles.

  • Yeah.

  • Hmm.

  • Mhm.

  • Oh, yeah, E how about more beans, Mr Taggart, I'd say you've had enough.

  • But Young Frankenstein just barely edged out the other to the tale of Victor Frankenstein's grandson, who becomes tempted to recreate his grandfather's work.

  • Young Frankenstein is a delightfully silly tribute to its hammer horror roots, but also so much more.

  • Brooks signature blend of witty wordplay, ponds, lowbrow humor and physical comedy are present throughout and delivered masterfully by a brilliant ensemble.

  • What way?

  • First of all, it sounds like it sounds like bed.

  • There are so many classic gags that are bound to hit even harder after you've revived it for a second viewing to Why don't you go Where?

  • Fashions?

  • Who Number three.

  • The Big Lebowski Like a good rug, The Big Lebowski really ties are list together.

  • The cult classic follows the dude as he becomes embroiled in a tangled Web involving a man who shares his real name and the various ridiculous and unsavory characters he encounters along the way.

  • He peed on my rug, peed on the dude's rug.

  • Donny, you're out of your element, Dude, The Chinaman is not the issue here.

  • Who?

  • Jeff Lebowski, the other Jeffrey Lebowski, the millionaire full of quotable lines, outrageous characters and even the odd musical sequences.

  • The Big Lebowski on Lee gets funnier upon subsequent viewings as the atmosphere it evokes takes on a life of its own.

  • I see you roll your way to the semi's Dios Me?

  • Oh, my, Liam and me, We're gonna pick you up.

  • Yeah, well, you know, that's just like your opinion, man.

  • So fix yourself a white Russian, put on your sandals and get ready to enter a world of funny all over again.

  • Yeah, but I wasn't over.

  • Give me the marker, dude, I'm working an eight smoking, my friend.

  • You're entering a world of pain.

  • Number two Airplane The story of a former pilot who must land a plane when its flight crew falls ill Airplane is a parody for the ages and one of the funniest movies ever made.

  • That hunky must be messing.

  • My old lady got to be running cold upside down his head, you know?

  • Hey ho, my big it.

  • The joke per minute ratio is among the highest in all of cinema, so it's easy to see how you might miss some the first time through cram.

  • No, thank you.

  • I take it black like my man and the jokes you didn't miss.

  • Skit.

  • Even funnier.

  • Well chock full of goofy characters, slapstick comedy, sight gags and puns galore.

  • Airplane will make you laugh again.

  • Surely we're serious.

  • Sorry about calling you.

  • Surely, though.

  • Surely you can't be serious.

  • I am serious on Don't call me Shirley before we get to our topic.

  • Here are a few other honorable mentions that definitely get funnier.

  • The more you see him meet the parents.

  • It's funnier after you've already met them.

  • And Justus Awkward.

  • I had no idea you could milk a cat.

  • Oh, yeah, you could milk anything with nipples.

  • I have nipples.

  • Greg, could you milk me?

  • Beverly Hills cop Eddie Murphy is in fine form throughout, and it's great revisiting him in his prime.

  • You always treat visitors from out of town like this.

  • Why didn't you identify yourself as a police officer when you were arrested?

  • Cause I was minding my own business.

  • Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery.

  • This spy comedy delivers laughs with more mileage than Dr Evil's.

  • In exactly five days we will be $100 billion richer.

  • Mhm, mhm.

  • Want more mojo?

  • Miss Mojo produces original, high quality pop culture related videos on all your favorite movies and shows, plus celebrity news, fashion, lifestyle and more.

  • Hey, guys, it's keeping with Miss Mojo.

  • My name is Sam.

  • My name is ELISA, and I'm Emily.

  • I'm Rebecca and welcome to Miss Mojo.

  • You want videos on all the best reality shows, teen dramas, Disney movies and sitcoms.

  • Be sure to check out Miss Mojo for new videos every day.

  • Number one.

  • Hot Fuzz We can thank director Edgar Wright for a few comedies that get funnier upon rewatching like Scott, Pilgrim versus the World and Shaun of the Dead.

  • Have a nice cold pint.

  • Wait for a while.

  • This to blow over a za that for a slice of fried gold.

  • Yeah, boy.

  • But Hot Fuzz is arguably the movie that brings the most laughs the second time around.

  • Mr.

  • Peter Ian Staker P I.

  • Staker, right, Piss taker.

  • Come on.

  • Yes, Mr Speaker.

  • What do everything we can?

  • Can you describe it?

  • So 2 ft tall, long, slender neck kind of orange and black bill, hilarious mashup of action movie tropes ensues when a big city cop relocates to a small town.

  • The visual comedy throughout, is masterful.

  • The chemistry between the two leads is absolutely legendary.

  • There are sex jokes, dumb jokes, clever jokes and a running gag involving a swan.

  • Hot fuzz moves pretty fast, and it's a ride that gets more fun the more you ride it easy, Doris.

  • Nice one, Doris.

  • Nothing like a big girl on girl.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

  • Check out this other recent clip from Watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

Please, Nick, Eat some Moschetti.

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