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  • Nico Reyes: Ooh, that smells good!

  • Ian Burke: It smells like...

  • Meredith Cash: Rubber.

  • Benji Jones: This one looks and feels

  • like it's not gonna taste good.

  • It's like peanut butter in your mouth.

  • That's me and a few hungry coworkers

  • tasting 13 different veggie burgers.

  • Ian: Nope, nope, nope, nope. It tastes like broccoli.

  • Benji: Today, you can find veggie burgers

  • pretty much everywhere.

  • And some brands are even trying to give real beef

  • a run for its money.

  • But how do they all stack up?

  • And are they really that much healthier than the real thing?

  • That's what I set out to discover.

  • Let's go hunt some veggie burgers!

  • There are so many options!

  • In grocery stores, I found your typical brands,

  • like Boca and MorningStar.

  • And at fast-food chains,

  • I picked up the Impossible Burger and the Beyond Burger.

  • And after that, there was nothing left to do but eat

  • and rank which burgers reigned supreme.

  • Kyle Desiderio: This is like re-re-re-refried beans.

  • Benji: Spoiler, that brand wasn't a favorite.

  • Nico: This is beans on, like, the second week.

  • Beans. Kyle: Oh, God.

  • Benji: In the end, six volunteers, including me,

  • tasted all 13 veggie burgers.

  • Plus, one real beef burger,

  • which I tossed in for good measure.

  • We scored each burger on its overall look,

  • smell, taste, and texture,

  • and on how it compared to a real beef burger.

  • Ian: That's like wet sand. It just fell apart.

  • Meredith: You don't need teeth to eat this.

  • Benji: Overall, the veggie burgers...

  • well, they weren't very popular.

  • But one did stand out:

  • the Impossible Burger from Burger King.

  • Commercial: With a patty made from plants, no beef.

  • Get it while it lasts.

  • Nico: That's a burger.

  • Holy moly! Kyle: That's really good.

  • This is the best one by far. Nico: In terms of taste.

  • I thought we were gonna be sad this whole time.

  • Benji: It got a near-perfect score

  • in the first category.

  • It even beat out the beef burger,

  • and it was just shy of the beef burger in the second one.

  • Which makes sense, because, you know,

  • beef should win in a category about

  • how meat-like something is.

  • The only other veggie burger that came close

  • in either category was Gardein.

  • But as you can see,

  • it was still several points away from Impossible.

  • And there was something else I noticed.

  • Many of the low-scoring burgers

  • were knocked for smelling and tasting artificial.

  • Meredith: No. I taste chemicals.

  • This tastes like plastic,

  • like, up in the back of your palate.

  • And I can't get past that.

  • Ian: It smells like Clorox.

  • Benji: And that got me thinking,

  • are these burgers actually good for you?

  • After all, eating healthy is one of the main reasons

  • why people avoid red meat.

  • So I asked a registered dietitian.

  • Today we're gonna talk about veggie burgers,

  • so I thought it was appropriate that we would get

  • one of the new Impossible Burgers from Burger King.

  • Lisa Moskovitz: I don't regularly eat Burger King,

  • or at least I don't want anyone to know that I (laughs).

  • Benji: After I was scolded

  • for making a dietician eat fast food,

  • we got into it.

  • Lisa: Hm.

  • Benji: From a health point of view,

  • what should you consider?

  • Lisa: If it's gonna be the source of protein,

  • then you definitely wanna look at the protein content.

  • Benji: She said to shoot for:

  • Lisa: 15 to 30 grams of protein per veggie burger.

  • Benji: So, how did our burgers measure up?

  • Let's take a look.

  • As you can see, a lot of them had plenty of protein,

  • like Dr. Praeger's. Twenty-eight grams!

  • That's way more than even the beef burger.

  • And while a lot of veggie-burger protein comes from soy,

  • Moskovitz said that's not a problem.

  • Lisa: Now, the consensus is pretty much that

  • not only is soy not bad for you,

  • but it actually can fight off cancer.

  • It can be really good for your heart,

  • and as a vegetarian and definitely as a vegan,

  • it's a really good source of complete protein.

  • Benji: You should also be mindful of sodium.

  • Lisa: The average healthy adult should try to keep it under

  • 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day.

  • So, if the veggie burger is clocking in

  • at over 600 to 700 milligrams of salt,

  • you know, that's also something to consider.

  • Benji: Now, all 13 veggie burgers

  • did have more sodium than the beef patty.

  • But they were still well below that 600-milligram mark.

  • And another nutrient to look out for is:

  • Lisa: Saturated fat.

  • Especially if you have a history of

  • high cholesterol or any sort of heart disease.

  • If you can find one that has, like,

  • less than 2 or 3 grams of saturated fat,

  • that would be great.

  • Benji: Here's where the Impossible and Beyond burgers

  • stood out.

  • Unlike most of the other veggie burgers,

  • they had a similar amount of saturated fat as beef.

  • And that's at least partly why

  • they taste so much like the real thing.

  • But there's one type of fat

  • that really sets veggie burgers apart from real beef.

  • And that's trans fat.

  • Lisa: The one thing you'll ever hear a dietician say

  • don't eat, ever, is trans fat.

  • You know, everything in moderation,

  • except for trans fat.

  • It increases your bad LDL cholesterol,

  • and it decreases your good HDL cholesterol.

  • Benji: So, there's actually good reason to believe

  • that veggie burgers are healthier than meat.

  • Especially considering that red meat

  • has been linked to some forms of cancer.

  • But that doesn't mean veggie burgers are healthy in general.

  • Case in point, remember that chemical taste?

  • Meredith: I taste chemicals.

  • Benji: It might have something to do

  • with the dozens of ingredients added to these burgers

  • to make them taste like a beef patty.

  • Lisa: If it has a ton of ingredients, you know,

  • that's probably an issue.

  • And if a lot of those things

  • a 5-year-old can't pronounce,

  • then that's even more of an issue.

  • Benji: I mean, I can't even pronounce these.

  • And how you prepare that burger also matters.

  • Lisa: Are you putting cheese on it?

  • Are you putting a ton of ketchup and mayonnaise?

  • Are you having it on a white bun?

  • You know, that's also something you wanna consider.

  • Benji: In other words, fast food is fast food.

  • It is interesting, 'cause, like, I look at this burger,

  • and I'm like, I am healthier than the person next to me

  • eating this with meat.

  • Lisa: Yes, it might be healthier,

  • but if you're eating this every day

  • and the guy next to you is eating that beef burger

  • once a month,

  • who's really healthier?

  • Benji: Now, of course, there are reasons

  • other than personal health to choose veggie burgers.

  • They have a smaller environmental footprint

  • than beef, for example.

  • And no cows were killed to make them.

  • And if you are concerned about your health,

  • just look for burgers with a short list of ingredients.

  • Or, better yet, make them yourself.

  • Nick Fernandez: I eat almost everything.

  • That's just terrible.

Nico Reyes: Ooh, that smells good!

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