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  • good.

  • Whence worry about his NFL future at this point?

  • No, absolutely not.

  • I think that his future in Philly is definitely in jeopardy.

  • If not over like that, there is no future there for them.

  • I think they've made it quite clear that he was a big part of the problem and they're gonna go.

  • It hurts going forward, I suspect.

  • But anybody who has the resume that he's had in the league, that's always thirsty for quarterbacks is going to get another opportunity.

  • If you look at next season, their teams with a lot of cap space, who will need quarterbacks who won't be at the top of the draft, You could think of the Colts as a situation If the Rivers thing doesn't continue to pan out, which I suspect the Rivers will will be retiring very soon.

  • You're Frank right there who is familiar with Carson Wentz.

  • You could think of the Patriots another situation.

  • They're gonna have a ton of cap space and probably gonna need ah, quarterback of the future in Washington's.

  • Another situation where I guess it's in division.

  • So it might be tough for a trade toe happen, but these are teams that I think would, uh, be worth considering Carson Wentz like he's not gonna be out of the league.

  • He's not gonna be relegated to being a backup.

  • There are enough, enough arrogant offensive coordinators and head coaches or confident depending how you look at it, that believe that they could get the best out of Carson Wentz.

  • And there are enough quarterbacks who are as bad as Carson Wentz but don't have the high heights that Carson have reached.

  • So I think it's worth the chance the Eagles are gonna have to eat.

  • Ah, large amount of that cap number.

  • So wherever went ends up going, it's not gonna be necessarily as expensive as it looks on paper.

  • So I think that went should be encouraged.

  • I know it's hard to be in this moment, but he's gonna get another opportunity.

  • Hopefully, in another situation.

  • Yeah.

  • What's up, Max?

  • Didn't you play in the NFL and go to Harvard?

  • What kind of I e like?

  • I have no words.

  • Yes, I dio.

  • Look, here's the bottom line, you say, Well, right is familiar with Carson Wentz.

  • The more familiar are you are with Carson Wentz, the less you're gonna want him.

  • Dominique, We thought Peterson was a bad coach.

  • I thought he should be gone.

  • Peterson's an excellent coach, you know.

  • You see Jalen hurts right?

  • Had the most chunk plays, the most touchdowns in the first half, etcetera, etcetera, since Nick Foles in either Nick Foles in 2017.

  • I think Touchdowns and a half Nick Foles in 2018.

  • Chunk, please.

  • I mean, even Josh McCown in the playoffs.

  • A 40 year old on a bum wheel produced the same results as Carson Wentz.

  • They lost to Seattle by the same score in the playoff game that they did in Week 12 with Wentz.

  • No, it's not.

  • Remember, Peter remember whence is playing behind such a bad offensive line?

  • Supposedly, Yeah, but their 11th in in win percentage and block rate and and pass protection or pass protection and and in run blocking their fourth.

  • And this and that.

  • No, no, no.

  • That's a look at the do the eyeball test.

  • Jalen Hurts seemed to do fine.

  • Jalen Hurts seemed to be to do just fine, not getting sacked left and right, not throwing interceptions, the chains, air moving.

  • The offense looks good.

  • It looks good with Nick Foles.

  • Everyone.

  • They were dead in the water five and six and they caught fire.

  • And then they went in the one in the playoffs.

  • Carson.

  • And then, if that's not bad enough, Carson Wentz, statistically the worst starter in the league this year.

  • And you saw the downward trajectory the second half of last year.

  • Which is why I was waving and jumping up and down about it.

  • As if that's not bad enough.

  • Dominique he brings up.

  • He leaks.

  • If it was he who leaked, and do you think it was really the team?

  • How does that serve them?

  • He weeks day of this kid's second start?

  • Jalen hurts the second start that all I want.

  • I wanna leave.

  • If I can't start what?

  • He's a bad teammate.

  • Turn on top of all of that.

  • You want him in the building with his bloated contract, his arrogance, his not list taking direction, his throwing interceptions, bad decision making, by the way, hasn't moved the same since the Injury Forces things, um, clearly doesn't take coaching.

  • You want that dude at $50 million and you haven't you haven't you haven't said one lie and I agree with all of that.

  • You've made a great argument for why people shouldn't give Carson Wentz another chance.

  • I was one of the first off of the Carson Wentz bandwagon, in part because I saw this regression coming and also in part because I love arguing with Dan Orlovsky and he was telling me that once is better than Dak and I just wanted to get off the bandwagon.

  • Trust me, I am not a Carson Wentz.

  • Apologists like I am not saying that he deserves another chance where he's good enough to get another chance.

  • But you mentioned my experiences in the places I've been in the place I've gone to school and the jobs that I've had before that experience watching the NFL is only experience that I need.

  • I don't need to have played in NFL or gone to a fancy school.

  • I've watched NFL my whole life name a time when a first round pick who had at least one great season in the NFL does not get a second chance.

  • Like that's that is the nature of this league.

  • I don't know.

  • You are asking me toe.

  • Predict something that has never happened in the history of this league.

  • A first round, strong quarterback like Carson Wentz, who also has a good season 2.2, is not going to get a second chance to start in this league.

  • That is absurd.

  • That's the craziest thing he has.

  • Well, you're changing.

  • Yes, yes, If you want to say, Well, someone who will he start a game again in his NFL career?

  • Several games that's different than shouldn't worry about his future.

  • His days as a starter like here's a season or two where you're the starting quarterback are done.

  • He will never get through the season as a starting quarterback from another for another team.

  • And I'm not talking about injury I'm talking about.

  • He's not good.

  • He's not good enough to do it.

  • And he has not in somebody.

  • You know, he's talking.

  • He's physically tough.


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