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  • all right.

  • It's crunch time here on the jump.

  • LeBron and Anthony Davis, expected to make their preseason debut tonight against The Sun's Zack.

  • How much burned do you expect them to get?

  • I think like 43.

  • 44 minutes of peace.

  • Sounds good.

  • It is a big game for the Lakers.

  • I gotta come out.

  • Really win this game.

  • Little War.

  • Let it warm up for five minutes in the first quarter.

  • Take him out of the game.

  • But I'm gonna have a glass of wine in the back.

  • These guys deserve someone.

  • I think I think they're gonna play 24 minutes.

  • 12 minutes in the first half.

  • 20 minutes in the second half.

  • A glass of wine in the back.

  • Brian could do it on the bench.

  • Never.

  • I'm not gonna bring that up again.

  • All right?

  • It's time for our league pass.

  • Game of the night.

  • There are four games on the slate for tonight.

  • We just mentioned Lakers sons, Knicks calves and bulls Thunder were also considered, but our staff going with Blazers Nuggets, Damian Lillard versus Jamal Marine.

  • These guys lit up the bubble, but we started talking in the newsroom.

  • What?

  • Their chances are making the All Star team out west, given the amount of great guards in that conference.

  • This has been a problem for voters for years.

  • Is only getting Mawr thorny when you look at the list Perk du Jamal Murray Do Damian Lillard make the cut?

  • Absolutely.

  • And I strongly believe that Damien Lil it would be a All Star starter.

  • He has become a fan favorite worldwide.

  • And when you think about Jamal Murray, the best thing that happened for Jamal Murray was the NBA bubble and the way that he was able to produce and killed in the bubble and put up those great numbers and compete.

  • Now he knows that he could compete, and he's just a good as the best off.

  • Oh, well, we had one annual All Star, Russell Westbrook, go west to East and a borderline All Star drew holiday go west east.

  • But then Steph Curry came back healthy.

  • Clay Thompson is out.

  • So look I think Dame has earned.

  • He's just in what that guy has done.

  • He's just and yeah, maybe has a little bit of a down here or something.

  • You just put him in pennies in the All Star game.

  • Jamal Murray in the playoffs is like a tier one.

  • Hall of Famer Jamal Murray, in the regular season is a really good guard who doesn't make the All Star team.

  • So I until I see Jamal Murray close that gap a little bit, it become closer to the players in the playoffs.

  • I think in the West like Devin Booker hasn't made it yet.

  • I think he might make it for the first time this year, so I'll go dame in.

  • Jamal just misses the cut, all right?

  • But if you put a guy like Devin Booker into and you're already putting Damon, you're leaving some pretty big names out.

  • Zach, you saw that list.

  • That's what's so hard.

  • Your voter.

  • I'm a voter.

  • I'd love to say, Oh, yeah, he's an all star.

  • He's an All star caliber player.

  • But you can only vote for so many slots, right?

  • So I tell people every year there are 12 slots.

  • Everyone gets upset about guys that get left off.

  • It's a harder question to answer.

  • Okay, who do you take out of the 1st 12 to put that guy in?

  • It's just particularly in the West It's just a really competitive race.

  • I was acting.

  • Rachel, I have another question.

  • I know I'm on my rookie.

  • I know I'm a rookie right now, but I will next year.

  • I will be, you know, pass this rookie stage one of my qualify The vote.

  • Oh, welcome.

  • We could talk about it.

  • I'm gonna get you a little meeting with Tim Frank of the MBA office.

  • We'll discuss all right before we go.

  • I just wanna let you know the Charlotte That's right.

  • Charlotte Hornets announced Gordon Hayward sustained a fracture on a finger in his right hand.

  • No word on how long he will be out, although right now he's being listed as day to day.

  • Of course, this is extra relevant because the Hornets just gave Gordon a $120 million contract over the next four years.

  • And, of course, he does have an injury history recently, so we'll keep an eye on that.

  • Thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube For live streaming sports and premium content.

all right.

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