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  • So I was on set for the second season of Comedy Central's corporate.

  • And usually, when I'm working, I like to read during my downtime set.

  • The little annoying overachiever inside of me is like I'm gonna pay to read.

  • I'm gonna pay to learn.

  • It's just like college, just without accumulating hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and a flailing job market economy.

  • Fix your education system America.

  • But anyway, I like to binge authors or genres, and at this time I was binging relationship self help books.

  • Shut up!

  • Don't scroll down to the comments right now, and the book I was reading was called How to Be an Adult in Relationships.

  • And trust me, I know everyone who saw me reading.

  • It was like judgment, judgment.

  • Oh, judgment.

  • Finish her, George man judge away.

  • We never learn how to be in relationships except by actually being in them.

  • And you would read a book about surgery before attempting surgery, wouldn't you?

  • But one of my co stars actually saw what I was reading, and we bonded over her mutual love of What is that?

  • Oh yes, you guessed it therapy and personal development, and he said You know, I went to couples therapy years ago with my wife, and they give us really good advice.

  • They said, if you're ever in a fight with anyone, ask yourself, How old do I feel right now?

  • E.

  • It all kind of made sense.

  • E mean, if you're in therapy, you probably know that your therapist always brings it back to your old wounds from childhood, right?

  • You always roll your eyes because you're so tired of freaking talking about the anxious attachment style you form with your parents.

  • But this question really works, because when I thought about it, there are several instances where it's like when I fought with my best friend Cat about feeling left out, I felt like I was 13 and my friends had ditched me at the mall.

  • When I fought with my partner about being ignored inside, I felt like I was like, nine years old and struggling for my father's attention against my siblings.

  • So whenever I ask myself that question, I would always find out what was really going on, because I could trace it back to a time when I was rejected or bullied his kid.

  • Then I could just explain those core feelings to her and we would work it out on.

  • I thought this was just such great advice, you know?

  • I mean, my brother and I were even talking about how ridiculous it is that we're not equipped to deal with relationships.

  • I know.

  • Why don't they teach this shit in school like there should be classes on how to manage your emotions, how to communicate in relationships and just generally, how to sort out your stuff?

  • I couldn't agree more like we need to remember.

  • The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

  • E couldn't agree more like Oh, no, wait, you're doing great.

  • You're doing great.

  • It's great acting great acting.

  • That's what you're being seriously on.

  • Just generally, how to sort out your stuff.

  • I couldn't agree more.

  • I'll wait.

  • No, lets always remember.

  • The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

  • E get Never forget the nucleus.

  • I'm Anaconda.

  • Stay right here for an animated ad by Bethany Radl Off Awesome Gotham.

  • What?

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So I was on set for the second season of Comedy Central's corporate.

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