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  • Alright, friends, it is 4:38 a.m.

  • January 1st, 2017 and we're on the road.

  • Alright.

  • It is most definitely dark here.

  • Shine a light on my face.

  • Happy new year everyone.

  • Happy new year.

  • It is new year's day in Japan and it is 4:30 something, 4:40 in the morning and we are

  • on our way to climb a mountain to catch the first sunrise of 2017.

  • We've only slept two hours so it should be really fun climbing a mountain in this condition,

  • but I'm looking forward to it.

  • We're going to hike for about an hour I think.

  • 45 minutes, an hour?

  • Mm-hmm

  • Yup.

  • Make it to the top hopefully before the sun rises.

  • The sun will rise until about 7:20 in the morning, but we're still worried that we might

  • not get there in time like if we get lost of something.

  • We might actually die in the forest so this could be the last footage that you ever see

  • of us.

  • Alright.

  • We have arrived and we're clearly not the only ones who were planning to climb the mountain.

  • Yup.

  • Japanese tradition.

  • We picked up these Kairo which are like heating pads, but yeah, we're going to stick some

  • of these to the insides of our clothes to keep warm and then we're going to make our

  • way up the mountain.

  • Alright.

  • It's very, very dark.

  • It's very, very dark.

  • I should probably stay close to Tatsu.

  • I don't see anything.

  • Alright, guys, new year's resolution for me, I have to get in shape.

  • This is awful and pathetic.

  • I'm so tired.

  • I guess there was a mudslide or something because this path it's like snow, ice and

  • then this huge crevice of like nothingness.

  • You obviously don't want to slip while climbing because you're going to fall into this deep

  • crevice.

  • There's no way I can climb this with my camera in my hand.

  • All right.

  • Now we don't even know if we're going the right way.

  • All paths have dissolved and it's like a full on rock climb, but we're almost at the top

  • of the mountain so this shouldn't be that much longer.

  • There's just steam coming off of everything, like even coming off my phone.

  • It's crazy.

  • Yes.

  • We did it.

  • We did it.

  • Awesome.

  • There's quite a few people up here.

  • All right.

  • Here we are at the top of the mountain.

  • I'm using my iPhone as a flashlight.

  • It's not really cold up here, but it is very windy and that's a little bit annoying and

  • I think we're going to be seeing the sunrise in just under an hour.

  • Very exciting.

  • The weather's held up too which is awesome and we've got a little bit of cloud action.

  • Cloud always makes photos look a little more dramatic so it's a good thing.

  • It's a good thing as long as the sun comes up.

  • There it is.

  • The first sun of the new year.

  • First sun of 2017.

  • I don't know if you can tell because I know my lens is super cloudy, but my camera has

  • like totally frosted over.

  • My bag is frosted over.

  • Tatsu's bag has frosted over.

  • My handle, my tripod has frost on it.

  • It is so cold.

  • The sun did come out finally.

  • Thankfully it did.

  • It came out.

  • We had to wait a little bit longer for it, but that's okay because we saw it.

  • I feel like if we had come all this way and the sun didn't come up, it would mean a few

  • bad things for 2017.

  • Here we go.

  • Super pretty.

  • Guys, I hope that you are having a safe and happy new year wherever you are in the world

  • and please know that it is safely become 2017 in Japan too.

  • The future is now.

  • Climb more mountains.

  • It's good for you.

  • We didn't get to see any of this on our way up.

  • So pretty.

  • I guess the parking lot that we need to get to is right over there.

  • It's all downhill so it should be easy, but it's super slippery.

  • Be careful.

  • Yeah.

  • This is going to be really hard.

  • We made it.

  • Good job.

  • How do you feel?

  • It's a good start of 2017.

  • You think so?

  • Yeah.

  • We saw beautiful sceneries up there.

  • I think we challenged something we have never done.

  • Hiking a mountain?

  • Yeah.

  • Hiking a mountain.

  • I feel amazing.

  • I feel amazed.

  • Good job.

  • You did really good.

  • It's a good start to 2017.

  • All right, guys, so it's the start of 2017.

  • It's a start of new adventures.

  • I challenge you to challenge yourself this month.

  • Do something that you've never done before.

  • Do something brand new that you've been interested in or something that you know you've been

  • thinking about, but you haven't had the chance to sit down and try.

  • Develop a new skill.

  • Let's improve ourselves.

  • Let's do something fun.

  • I hope you guys have a safe and happy new year.

  • Happy new year.

  • Happy new year.

  • Happy new year.

  • Check in from time to time in the new year as well.

  • As well.

  • Yeah.

  • I'll check back with you guys soon.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • Bye.

  • Bye.

Alright, friends, it is 4:38 a.m.

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