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  • Isn't it time for on adventure with Dougie?

  • Oh, wolf, it sure is.

  • So let's grow a beautiful butterfly.

  • Wings like this on, then flutter around in a circle to make sure we're not touching anything.

  • No, Ben, Are you ready, Wolf.

  • Brilliant.

  • Let's head off on an adventure with Dougie.

  • Our first stop is the clubhouse.

  • So jump or step your feet wide like a triangle on Take your hands wider the cider Let's stretch up and over to open one door on the other door.

  • Fantastic.

  • Now I wonder what Dougie has planned for us today.

  • What?

  • Dougie wants us to find a rainbow leaf.

  • Maybe we'll earn ah, leaf badges today.

  • Shall we pretend to be Dougie together?

  • Okay, let's come down onto all fours.

  • Or should I say all pause?

  • Give me a great big oh wolf.

  • Oh, whoa, fantastic.

  • Curling your toes under.

  • Let's push back on up on Take our feet for a walk.

  • That's it.

  • Peddling your feet, bringing the heels off the ground.

  • Let's take a look for this rainbow leaf.

  • Now let's stop off here and see if we can find a rainbow leaf coming down, pushing up.

  • Look up, Look down E Can't see a rainbow leaf here.

  • Can you?

  • Mm.

  • Let's carry on, shall we?

  • Curling your toes under Come back to your knees.

  • Push up on Let's walk into the center off the forest Walk your hands back up towards your feet.

  • Oh, wow.

  • Look at this beautiful forest.

  • I think we should grow in tow our trees So growing your route through 1 ft That's it.

  • Balance.

  • Place the other foot on your other leg.

  • Let's come up Nice on tall on Maybe you might feel your brunches blowing in the breeze.

  • Wonderful.

  • Now jump or step your feet wide Take out your binoculars.

  • Let's take a look for a rainbow leaf This way on the other way Now I can't see a rainbow lei fat I can see a beautiful butterfly Let's follow it Let's become little butterflies to coming down to the ground Placing the soles of your feet together Get ready to flutter your butterfly wings Are you ready Here?

  • We g o flutter, flutter, flutter again.

  • Flutter, flutter, flutter!

  • A butterfly friend has brought us to a rainbow tree.

  • So let's all become colorful rainbows together, crouching down Let's take our hands up on over like a rainbow on Let's do it again.

  • Sweep up on over Oh, beautiful rainbows Let's take out of binoculars.

  • Look down low from side to side on high up in a tree Could that be a rainbow leaf?

  • A squirrel shouted out with glee.

  • Let's find out.

  • Jump your feet wide and let's reach over this way to get the leaf.

  • Oh, not quite on the other way.

  • Yes, we've got it.

  • But the wind is beginning to blow.

  • It's blown away.

  • Our rainbow leave quickly.

  • Let's run after it.

  • That's it.

  • Faster, master thinks way on this way on, All the way, he wrote in a circle.

  • Oh, no, he's disappeared on.

  • He started to get dark.

  • What's that noise?

  • Uh huh.

  • Maybe it's a leaf monster.

  • Wait a minute.

  • There's no such thing as a leaf monster.

  • Hm.

  • I think I know who's hiding underneath these pile of leaves to you.

  • Let's stretch up together on blow away the leaves to stretch up on breathin, fall forward and on again, stretch up nice and tall and blow out.

  • It's our friend heavily.

  • The hedgehog Onda Rainbow Leaf has got stuck on one of his spines So, taking 1 ft back, Place your knee on the floor and reach forward.

  • Let's try the other side.

  • 1 ft back.

  • Bend down on reach.

  • Forward.

  • Yes, we got it.

  • Let's take this back to Dougie.

  • So coming down onto all pause flat it pretend to be Dougie.

  • Give me a great big Oh, wolf.

  • Oh, fantastic.

  • Curling your toes under.

  • Let's push back on deaf on walk our feet all the way back to the clubhouse.

  • Oh, haven't we done well today, Dougie?

  • What?

  • Dougie is so impressed.

  • He said we've all earned our leaf badges.

  • Our what?

  • Time for one more thing.

  • Take your arms out wide.

  • Get ready to give yourself a great big Dougie hug.

  • Amazing.

  • Now bringing your hands together.

  • Let's finish our adventure today by saying, Ah, Wolf Wolf.

  • Uh oh, Brilliant.

Isn't it time for on adventure with Dougie?

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