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  • Joe and Bella Stories number seven Rainy Day one weekend.

  • Mom had to work a shift at the hospital on Dad had loads of marking to Dio, which meant that neither of them had time to look after Joe and Bella.

  • But Joe and Bella didn't mind.

  • They were going to spend the weekend with Grand and Grand had promised to take them to the beach.

  • There was just one problem when they woke up on Saturday morning and looked out of the window.

  • The rain was sheeting down.

  • Bella pressed her nose against the glass and said, Hopefully we can still go, can't we?

  • But when Grant arrived to collect, um, it was still pouring on, Grand said.

  • They would just have to spend the day at her house.

  • Instead, it rained on drained.

  • They watched a movie on TV, and when they stopped, it was still raining.

  • They played cards with grand, and when they stopped, it was still raining.

  • They did some homework ready for Monday on.

  • When they stopped, it was still raining.

  • They tried taking grand stock Selby for a walk, but when they opened the door, Selby took one look wind on ran back inside again.

  • Eventually, Grand went off to do some housework.

  • Joe decided to do more homework.

  • He had tests coming up a school on Mom and Dad were always honored him toe work harder.

  • But Bella was too little to worry about tests.

  • I am bored, she said.

  • I hate this weather.

  • There's nothing we can do about it.

  • Said Joe.

  • You'll just have to make the best of it.

  • Better stomped off.

  • Joe wasn't paying much attention to her.

  • He was too busy with his maths.

  • After a while, though, he noticed a banging and thumping from the kitchen.

  • What was Bella up?

  • Thio.

  • He got up and looked round the door.

  • Bella was mixing something in a huge mixing bowl.

  • What's that?

  • Joe asked.

  • It's a lovely cake, said Bella happily, but you can't have any.

  • That's a relief, said Joe, because it looks terrible on it.

  • Smells worse.

  • Cake mixture had all kinds of lumps in it.

  • On the smell was like no cake that Joe had ever smelled before.

  • It's not for humans, said Bella.

  • It's for dogs I've made, especially for Selby, because he couldn't go for his walk.

  • What's it got in it?

  • Joe asked.

  • Dog food, said Bella.

  • Silly on its got cornflakes because they'll be loves conflicts and yoga because they'll be loves yorker on toast and biscuits and tinned rice pudding.

  • Okay, Joe was feeling queasy just thinking about it.

  • Well, I hope Selby likes it, he said.

  • But Selby didn't like it when Bella put it down on the floor for him to eat raw because she said it would taste better that way.

  • Selby took one sniff and then ran out of the room.

  • Bella burst into tears.

  • Grand came running into the kitchen.

  • Oh, dear, what is the matter?

  • Bella, she asked, is raining.

  • Bella, how old is never going to stop?

  • We can't go to the beach.

  • And now Selby doesn't like my cake.

  • Joe didn't say anything, but he knew how Bella felt.

  • It was turning into, Ah, horrible day.

  • Now, then said Gran, things aren't that bad.

  • Why don't we do something to cheer ourselves up?

  • Like what?

  • Sniffed Bella, How about we make cake?

  • Is a surprise for your parents cake for humans, not for dogs.

  • After all, they've been working hard all day.

  • Can we ate some, too?

  • Asked Bella.

  • Of course, you can said Gran.

  • And can it be chocolate?

  • Sponge?

  • Asked Joe with chocolate fudge icing.

  • Asked Bella on Sprinkles.

  • It certainly can, said grand.

  • They had a lovely time making the cake on.

  • When they had finished decorating it, they suddenly realized that it wasn't raining anymore.

  • They had been so busy they hadn't even noticed.

  • Quick, Let's get out while the sun's shining, said Gran.

  • They took Selby down to the park on.

  • When they got back, Mom and Dad had arrived.

  • Everybody was just ready for a slice of cake.

Joe and Bella Stories number seven Rainy Day one weekend.

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