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  • - Hey, it's me, Bender, yeah, that's right.

  • You got these guys

  • who are gonna try and do Bender impressions.

  • Yeah, you can bite my shiny metal ass.

  • Give it a shot.

  • I'll give you an one in 10 chance. [giggles]

  • - I'm Bender.

  • - What are you doing here?

  • - Be calmed by my saliva.

  • - I used to have a nemesis called Kim Possible.

  • - Hey everybody, I'm John DiMaggio.

  • You may know me as the voice of Bender,

  • the robot on "Futurama".

  • Jake the Dog, from "Adventure Time".

  • Totally math, dude.

  • Marcus Fenix from the "Gears of War" franchise.

  • He's a real tough guy, nice.

  • And then King Zog from "Disenchantment".

  • If anybody looks at my daughter, [groans]

  • I'll cut their head off.

  • Today, I'm gonna be looking at people doing impressions

  • of my characters.

  • So let's check them out.

  • I'm dying to see what you guys have done.

  • - B-E-N-D-E-R, Bender!

  • - I'm Bender,

  • and you,

  • you can bite my shiny metal ass.

  • Dear God, I need a beer.

  • Man, I'm having a crazy day today.

  • Welp, I'm boned.

  • [John laughs]

  • - All right, he's placed it in the right spot.

  • He's got it way deep.

  • He's got it almost where it sounded

  • like in beginning of the series.

  • What you don't understand is,

  • if you do a character long enough in a series

  • the voice will eventually tweak and change

  • as you go along.

  • And his sounds pretty close to,

  • Welp, we're boned.

  • I mean a lot of stuff that we did

  • when the show first started.

  • I really placed him in the way back of my voice.

  • So he's kind of got that.

  • Yeah, if he's doing an impression of the first season

  • of "Futurama", I'd give him a B minus.

  • A B minus, minus.

  • Inside "Futurama" joke.

  • Bender is three different voices blended together into one.

  • One is Slim Pickens,

  • who is was an actor who did a lot of westerns

  • and he was in a lot of really cool movies.

  • What in the hell, in the wide, wide world of sports

  • is going on?

  • And then you add,

  • people that are at a bar,

  • and they're drunk, and they've had too much to drink.

  • And then a friend of mine from college,

  • named Ralph Colombino,

  • he used to do this character

  • named Charlie the sausage lover.

  • Yeah, sausage.

  • Sausages are fun to have, fun to hold,

  • you can have all kinds of sausages.

  • There's Italian sausage, Italian hot sausage,

  • Italian sweet sausage, Soppressata.

  • You also German wurst, the wurst sausage is in Germany.

  • And so you take those three voices together

  • and put them in a blender, and then you get Bender.

  • Yeah, all right.

  • - Precocious little scamp, ain't I?

  • [Blender blows]

  • - Ah yeah, baby, I know it.

  • Hey, Fry.

  • Hey, Fry, I'm Bender, baby.

  • It's not spot on, but that is the Bender impression.

  • - Yeah, see, this is the thing.

  • The best part about people doing impressions

  • of that voice is that they find

  • they really can't do it for too long.

  • It's the magic that happens right in here.

  • And not a lot of people know how the magic works in there.

  • He did have the sort of, swallowed, sort of, [grunting]

  • he had it back there, but he gets an E for effort. [laughs]

  • It's a tough voice, it's a tough voice.

  • Listen, if Maurice Lamarche can't do it,

  • and Billy West can't do it,

  • and they're on the show,

  • then I don't expect other people

  • to be able to do it.

  • So that's called job security, folks.

  • That's what I'm looking it.

  • Kind of had a pitch there,

  • kind of had me going for two seconds,

  • and then, yeah, no.

  • - Bite my colossal metal ass.

  • - Bite my shiny metal ass. [laughs]

  • [John whistles]

  • - Okay, all right, he comes at it, it's okay.

  • It's kind of all right.

  • Play that thing again, I wanna see it again,

  • hold on a second.

  • - Bite my shiny metal ass. [laughs]

  • - Now the second thing that he did right there,

  • I think that's him doing the impression of me

  • as Bender using electricity.

  • But when I did that, something that I do

  • and Tom Kenny does.

  • [vocalizing]

  • So when Bender gets off on the electricity.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • It doesn't feel comfortable at all,

  • but it makes for a really funny sound.

  • So that's why it doesn't sound as sharp,

  • because he's not...

  • [vocalizing]

  • You know, that kind of thing.

  • It's all right.

  • He gets a pass, he gets a pass, this guy gets a pass.

  • - It's Fahz, right?

  • - Yes, sir.

  • - Shut the [beep] up, Fahz.

  • - Tom, Baird, you stay here and guard the centaur.

  • Cole, you're coming with me.

  • Anya, berserker, satellite.

  • What are you doing here?

  • You could get into a lot of trouble for doing this.

  • What about the other prisoners?

  • - I liked what he did when he spoke to Anya.

  • That was as close as he got.

  • The other stuff just sounds like

  • he's kind of constipated. [laughs]

  • Again, a tough voice to do.

  • Kudos for trying,

  • because it's placed very low,

  • and very, very in the throat.

  • So when you have to scream,

  • Tom, Baird!

  • You know, it really changes.

  • This is kind of just like, it's like okay,

  • he's got a deep voice, but there's something missing.

  • There's a constant gravel.

  • There's like a buzz, there's like a hum.

  • [humming]

  • It's almost like throat singing.

  • That's where it's placed.

  • When we came up with the voice,

  • they just wanted a badass.

  • Just calm, his demeanor, just straight up,

  • just doesn't take anything from anybody,

  • and is tough as nails.

  • I really wanted him to be calm and cool.

  • Tom, Baird, you two take left,

  • Cole, you come with me.

  • I give this kid a C minus.

  • C, C minus, he's average, it's all right.

  • It's good, but I don't think he could keep that up.

  • This is the whole thing about impressions of voices

  • and if you would like to pursue that voice,

  • you have to be able to do it all day.

  • None of these dudes seem like they could do it all day.

  • Which again, job security, yeah.

  • - I need you to think about

  • what you saw in that vision, every detail.

  • - Tom, Reavers, take out the locust captain.

  • Take out the lambent.

  • - He didn't even get the voice, he was just yelling.

  • He was just yelling with an American accent.

  • But I do respect the fact,

  • he's got a pretty good American accent, okay?

  • People think being loud is intense,

  • it's not always the thing.

  • You can be intense and have a low...

  • We've gotta get him, look out, Reavers.

  • You know, you can do it without as much volume.

  • This kid's just screaming.

  • I get it, and we do have to, in the game,

  • yell over a lot of action and stuff like that,

  • but there's also very intimate moments,

  • and this, he's missing the whole thing.

  • The other thing about doing a voice

  • specifically for video games

  • is it just tears you up.

  • You have to fill the space of a video game.

  • You know, you two take left, you two take right,

  • you two go straight, you two go behind.

  • You gotta go in every direction,

  • you gotta scream soft, little bits of pain,

  • more pain, loud pain, death blows, death breath.

  • There's so much stuff that you have to fill.

  • You have to fill that world out with sound.

  • And so there's so much more that you have to do

  • for a video game than you would say,

  • an episode of a cartoon.

  • - Thank you for your application.

  • Rejected again!

  • - What up, home skillets, it's your old pal, Dr. D.

  • How's it going?

  • I used to have a nemesis called Kim Possible.

  • We must have duked it at least 79 different times.

  • Shego!

  • [grunting]

  • Shego!

  • - All right, listen, here's the thing.

  • See, Dr. Drakken is kind of like,

  • my tribute to Harvey Korman.

  • Harvey Korman did, once again, "Blazing Saddles",

  • would come up and he did that sort of thing

  • where you know, how will get such a man?

  • Why am I asking you?

  • And when this came about,

  • the voice, it was perfect.

  • Yes, Shego, I'll get you.

  • I'll get that Kim Possible.

  • But there's not the manic,

  • I'm gonna take over the world sort of thing

  • that Dr. Drakken has.

  • I need Shego.

  • Where did Shego go?

  • Shego!

  • Shego!

  • And so it's gotta be really loud.

  • And he just kind of whispered Shego, he didn't really...

  • I don't know.

  • It was all right though.

  • I mean, you know, listen, Dr. Drakken

  • is a weird sort of guy.

  • If I had to give him a grade, I'd give him a C.

  • - Dude, be calmed by my saliva.

  • - [laughing] This party's getting hotter.

  • It's so hot, it's stupid.

  • Finn, dude, be calmed by my saliva.

  • Get me out of this cave.

  • - I didn't hear anything similar to what I do

  • in the cartoon.

  • It's basically my voice, but with a hug around it.

  • So basically it's me,

  • but I just kind of, aw gee, come on, man.

  • Hey, dude, let's go have some lunch of something.

  • Oh, I love you, everything burrito.

  • When I auditioned for Jake

  • he basically kind of wanted my regular voice,

  • but like, tweaked.

  • And so you know, I just kind of did him like this.

  • They said, you know, he's like

  • this guy's bigger brother.

  • Well, if I'm talking to kid,

  • I'm gonna try and treat him with kid gloves.

  • And be a cool big brother.

  • And the kind of warmth that the voice conveys,

  • I thought that it was right up the alley of this character.

  • It's gotta be really hard to do an impression

  • of my voice but with a hug around it.

  • To just be like,

  • okay, can you do a John DiMaggio impression?

  • Okay, now do an impression of him with a hug around.

  • That's gotta be difficult.

  • So I give it to this kid for even trying.

  • He gets an E for effort.

  • Bacon pancakes

  • That's what it's gonna make

  • Bacon pancakes

  • Bacon pancakes

  • Making bacon pancakes

  • Take some bacon and I'll put it in a pancake

  • Bacon pancakes

  • That's what it's gonna make

  • Bacon pancakes

  • Hello, everybody, my name's Jake.

  • I'm a dog.

  • - He sang the song okay.

  • He sang it in pitch, which is important.

  • If you're gonna sing the song, you gotta sing the song,

  • and he did.

  • He kind of went a little Pete the Puma on me.

  • He kind of went a little,

  • three or four lumps of sugar in my coffee.

  • Why does everybody do that?

  • Do I sound like that?

  • Do I sound like that?

  • A little bit?

  • Within that Pete Puma esque thing,

  • he dumbs it down,

  • and Jake, he's pretty smart.

  • I'm still kind of impressed that he sang the song in key

  • and he hit the notes,

  • and that last one, you know...

  • Bacon pancakes

  • Bacon pancakes

  • It's a hard one to hit.

  • Singing songs in character is difficult.

  • Like to sing in Bender's voice...

  • [mumbling]

  • When you sing in character,

  • you're really putting it to the test.

  • You're putting the character voice

  • through the gauntlet.

  • Because you have to hit notes.

  • It's not just conversational.

  • When I did Aquaman for "Batman: Brave and the Bold",

  • that was...

  • Who are you

  • Are you a man or a super man

  • You know, that was very bombastic and very Broadway,

  • 'cause the character's really Broadway like

  • and they wanted it like that.

  • So it was a lot easier to sing as that.

  • Which was kind of my voice just projected loudly.

  • Yes, old chum, you know, that sort of thing.

  • I give him a D.

  • That's a six out of 10.

  • I've been judging these impressions.

  • I wanna applaud everybody.

  • In fact, can we get everybody

  • in the room the applaud a little bit?

  • [applause]

  • There you go.

  • That's very nice, thank you very much.

  • No, because it's hard enough putting yourself out there

  • and doing that, and I certainly appreciate it,

  • it's very flattering.

  • What's that statement,

  • mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery?

  • Imitation, that's right.

  • That's my wife again, there you go.

  • Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,

  • so I really do appreciate all these impressions.

  • It's very kind.

  • And I'm sorry if I really trashed you.

  • I'm really sorry if I threw you under the bus.

  • I didn't mean to, I really didn't.

  • You did all right.

- Hey, it's me, Bender, yeah, that's right.

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