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  • I accept this sword for my sister, for my clan and for all of Mandalore.

  • Welcome, toe watch, Mojo!

  • And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10, man.

  • DeLoreans.

  • Our strength was once in our numbers.

  • Now we live in the shadows and only come above ground one at a time.

  • For generations, my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi.

  • Now that woman tarnishes the very name man DeLorean.

  • What do you think you're doing?

  • What does it look like?

  • Art for this list will be looking at the coolest, most iconic and important man DeLoreans from both the Star Wars cannon and legends.

  • Who's your favorite man?

  • DeLorean?

  • Let us know in the comments below number 10 Boca 10 Crees.

  • So you remember me?

  • Don't worry.

  • Death Watch is gone.

  • A leader warrior and morally complex character.

  • Boko 10 is everything you want from a man, DeLorean No outsider will ever rule.

  • Mandalore.

  • First introduced in Star Wars, The Clone Wars.

  • The character was originally a member of the terrorist organization deathwatch.

  • At this point in the history of Mandalore, there's was becoming a pacifist society, but a substantial and proactive faction of man DeLoreans wanted to return to their warrior roots.

  • Boko 10 was among them, though this leads the character to embrace some regrettable tactics and allies.

  • Boko tens honorable nature wins out in the end, over the course of the Clone Wars and rebels, she's proven herself to be a good friend and leader.

  • I accepted this sword for my sister, for my clan and for all of Mandalore.

  • Uh huh.

  • In 2020 Bo Katan made the jump to live action in the Man DeLorean.

  • I am Bo Katan of Clan Crease.

  • I was born on Manda.

  • Lauren fought in the perch.

  • I am the last of my line, and you are a child of the watch Number nine.

  • Duchess Soutine, Crees.

  • Some siblings are like two peas in a pod.

  • In the case of Boca 10 and Soutine, however, these sisters couldn't be more different.

  • Duchess Soutine, when first introduced, caught many Star Wars fans off guard.

  • Her peaceful version of Mandalore was a far cry from the warrior civilization we've been reading about for years.

  • She doesn't wear a helmet and might not even be recognized as a man.

  • DeLorean until she identifies herself a such but it's all the ways in which she deviates from the man DeLorean archetype that makes her stand out.

  • Not everyone on Mandalore believes that our commitment to peace is a sign of progress.

  • Stettin is a strong willed and influential politician with a grand vision for her people.

  • Her storyline is, sadly, a tragic one, but there's no denying her influence on Star Wars history.

  • Remember, my dear will be one I've loved you always e always will.

  • Number eight.

  • Gar Saxon has been a while since we had a fight like this.

  • Are you ready?

  • While there are many man DeLoreans on our list today who fit the description of hero or anti hero, we're considering characters from all across the ethical spectrum.

  • Gar Saxon was a member of deathwatch.

  • Unlike Boca 10, however, redemption was never really in the cards for him.

  • He was staunchly supportive of Darth Maul and would later serve Palpatine, becoming mandalas imperial vis a Roy and Governor I on Gar Saxon Imperial Vice Roy of Mandalore on you rebel on that my prisoner.

  • While Saxon isn't going to win any popularity contests, he's a perfect representation of the single mindedness common in man DeLoreans ah, warrior.

  • Through and through.

  • He might not be a figure to admire, but he earns his place on this list for his brutality, leadership and seriously cool set of armor.

  • Number seven previous HLA like Boca 10 and Gar Saxon previously was not content with the way of life established by the new man DeLoreans.

  • For generations, my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi.

  • Now that woman tarnishes the very name man DeLorean.

  • As the leader of Death Watch, he set out to return his people to their warrior roots after having his efforts thwarted.

  • On numerous occasions, however, he turned to Darth Maul for assistance.

  • Perhaps fortune brought us together.

  • It is the will of the false way can help you reclaim Mandalore Man DeLoreans Air, often cited as among the few non force wielding groups that can hold their own against the Jedi previous list, certainly lives up to that reputation.

  • When he inevitably came to blows with Darth, Maul previously showcased incredible skill and a unique fighting style worthy of his people.

  • Plus, considering he's not forced sensitive, you've gotta admit that he's pretty handy with a lightsaber.

  • Yeah, number six Tar Villa.

  • There's not a whole lot that we can know with certainty about Tar Villa.

  • But like many of the franchises most compelling characters, the mystery is part of this man.

  • DeLoreans appeal.

  • Legend tells that it was created over 1000 years ago by Tar Visa, the first man DeLorean ever inducted into the Jedi order.

  • As the story goes, Tarvisio was the first man DeLorean to become a Jedi.

  • Consider how formidable man DeLoreans are in the battlefield.

  • Okay, Now add four sensitivity and Jedi training.

  • On top of all of those man DeLorean skills, what you get is a warrior legend.

  • Well, you were just a baby, so you couldn't come.

  • But Father brought me here to see the statue of Tara Visa, Ancient man DeLorean ruler Tarvisio la's lightsaber.

  • The Dark saber is totally unique.

  • And following tars ascendancy is the ruler of Mandalore.

  • The Dark saber has been considered a symbol of leadership amongst the man DeLorean People we can Onley hope that we one day get to see this legendary man DeLorean, Jedi and Action number five cancerous Ordo, also known as Mandalore The Preserver.

  • My name's Candra Sorto.

  • I work for Dr Kang in the exchange.

  • The hours aren't great, but they promised me a fortune toe work for them.

  • I have nothing better to do.

  • Another man, DeLorean From a bygone era, Candra Sordo fought in the Man DeLorean wars, which spanned 16 years from 39 76 b b y.

  • 2 39 60 b b y.

  • While his name might not mean much to those who've only watched the movies and TV shows, Ordo is well known to those who played the nice of the Old Republic video games.

  • Normally, I do this myself, but everyone knows who I work for.

  • Also known as Mandalore the Preserver Cancerous, Ordo distinguished himself in combat during the Man DeLorean wars.

  • Though he and his fellow neo Crusaders were ultimately defeated by revenue, He and the legendary Jedi Slash CIF later became allies and friends at Ravens Encouragement Order would go on to unite the man DeLoreans and new and become one of the greatest leaders in the history of their civilization.

  • We've got what we came for.

  • We should get going.

  • Number four Sabine Wren Sabine Wren is cut from a different cloth, while Man DeLoreans tend to be a stoic, impersonal bunch Sabina is very much an individual, and she doesn't shy away from her feelings.

  • That might be the Man DeLorean way, but it's not my way.

  • Not anymore.

  • She is an artist and warrior, which makes for an oddly compelling combination.

  • What do you think you're doing?

  • What does it look like?

  • Art?

  • Sabine's artistry and willingness to push back against the status quo makes her an inspiration to many.

  • Thankfully, she's also got the combat skills to back it up.

  • Yeah, honestly, it's hard to imagine the crew of the ghost having made it through so many scrapes without her.

  • Sabine Wren might not be very good at following orders, but over time she evolved into a natural leader.

  • She would go on to play a pivotal role in the liberation of Le Thal.

  • Number three.

  • Mandalore.

  • The ultimate welcome to the Battle of Mellick or five revenue.

  • Wait, that laugh.

  • Mandalore is the ruler of the man DeLorean people and Planet Mandalore a bit confusing.

  • We know Mandalore being an honorific title.

  • However, each ruler adds a descriptor to distinguish themselves from mandalas past and future.

  • Thes titles in general tend to be pretty self aggrandizing, but is one of the greatest Mandalore in history, Mandalore, The ultimate actually lives up to the name Mandalore.

  • The ultimate sought to create the most powerful army in the galaxy.

  • To achieve this, he had to defeat the Republic and its jetty protectors.

  • This fearsome ruler led his people during the man DeLorean wars.

  • He ultimately fell at the hands of revenue.

  • But what, Mandalore, the ultimate accomplished up to that point was staggering.

  • Reverend singlehandedly slew Mandel arm.

  • He then activated a super weapon which destroyed an entire planet and everyone on it.

  • His conquests were far reaching and revitalize the man DeLorean people encouraging them to fully embrace their warrior heritage while also redefining what it meant to be a man.

  • DeLorean number two, Boba Fett.

  • We know we know this character status is a man.

  • DeLorean is contentious, and the same goes for his father, Jango Fett.

  • I recently encountered a man who wore man DeLorean armor.

  • Django fat Jango Fett was a common bounty hunter.

  • How he acquired that armor is beyond me.

  • It's been claimed that they were, in fact, just bounty hunters and man DeLorean armor.

  • Part of the confusion, however, stems from the fact that Boba Fett was introduced before the man DeLorean's.

  • It was his design and popularity that led to the creation of this warrior civilization.

  • And the rest, as they say, is galactic history.

  • What if he doesn't survive?

  • It's worth a lot to me.

  • With his incredible skill and no nonsense approach, Boba Fett has distinguished himself, is one of the most legendary bounty hunters in the trade.

  • Though he was long thought to have died in the SAR lack pit, his story isn't over yet.

  • Yeah, Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • E Number one Din Jarrin.

  • Yes, Boba Fett may have been the inspiration behind the man.

  • DeLoreans is a people, but Din Jarrin has brought them to the forefront of pop culture.

  • The titular character of the very first live action Star Wars, Siri's Jarrin has pushed the franchise and bold new directions to spectacular results and thanks to the serialized approach we've really gotten to know and love this helmeted hero.

  • He's got the skills we've come to expect from his people and takes great pride in following the man DeLorean Creed.

  • Take it off or I will.

  • Crafted in the mold of classic Western stars, he's a stoic protector, but underneath that Bester armor beats a heart of gold din jar and is the man DeLorean we've long been dreaming of, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for him.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

  • Check out this other recent clip from Watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

I accept this sword for my sister, for my clan and for all of Mandalore.

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