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  • All right, come back.

  • I'm here with Martha Stewart.

  • And you were going to show us how to make the perfect Thanksgiving turkey.

  • Well, here are some that are just They're survivors.

  • Aren't they beautiful?

  • Now, you should explain these air.

  • Your turkeys, is that right?

  • Yeah.

  • I live on Turkey Hill, and I always have turkeys at the turkey coop on.

  • They decided they would like to come and make an appearance on Conan eso.

  • Their mother is very proud of them.

  • Which one is the mother here, Actually?

  • Well, not that.

  • Not that one.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • So the boys now, I would think it would be difficult if you raise these turkeys, Don't you become emotionally attached to them, and then it's hard to kill them.

  • And these were pets.

  • So these will never be killed or eaten.

  • Never.

  • What happened to this guy here?

  • Well, that came that came from the store that came from Val.

  • Do.

  • Jeez.

  • Oh, ask Andy about that.

  • It's murder.

  • Do you ever do Ever When these ones are misbehaving?

  • Do you show them this one ever?

  • Uh uh huh.

  • Then they come and gobble at me.

  • Hello?

  • They gobbled.

  • They're so cute, aren't they?

  • Yeah, sure.

  • They're really cute.

  • Yeah, they're kind of gross looking, actually around the chin and looks I mean, they're just disgusting.

  • Um, they're men.

  • They're men, right?

  • Remember that.

  • Now he's getting mad at you.

  • He's so when you say things like that, look at him.

  • He's so beautiful.

  • All right, now what do we do here?

  • I wanted to show you because you expressed some interest in the putting the mosaic of sage under the skin of the turkey.

  • I was told that that just every boys adolescent fantasy, that's what eso You could do it.

  • You have to loosen the skin with your fingers.

  • And we've already loosen your for you so you can insert the sage leaves under the skin.

  • This is so gross.

  • All right.

  • Can you make a design revolution in here?

  • And when you reach way, way in, under the under the breast skin There.

  • It's so slimy.

  • This is why I go to Denny's.

  • Alright?

  • And then you put that there That doesn't you know you have to flatten it out.

  • It takes a while, but you have to slide it under and and then make a wonderful bread stuffing.

  • Do you like old fashioned bread stuffing with cranberries and celery apples?

  • Yeah, well, that's what this is.

  • This is already and we've even put some nuts in it with macadamia nuts and cashews.

  • And so you jam this in here?

  • Yeah.

  • You fill that in, tuck under the next skin.

  • You know, under here and you see cooking is cooking.

  • Is this is Thanksgiving?

  • It's offering.

  • Thanks, Thio, our Lord, for this wonderful holiday.

  • Oh, that's what it's about.

  • I just fixated on the eating part and then forgot, Right?

  • Right.

  • Be thankful for anyway.

  • Eso doing this?

  • It's not It's not really so hard, Koning.

  • You could do this.

  • It's better not to do with the fur jacket on.

  • So that's why I really wanted you to keep Okay, so you just keep jamming these leaves in here?

  • What do you mean?

  • You make a design?

  • You?

  • Well, you like that one.

  • If you look at it that the leaves air under the skin just perfectly.

  • You see that?

  • I thought those were legions of some kind of That's That's the sage.

  • I didn't know.

  • I thought it was a sick turkey.

  • No, no.

  • See that aren't they beautiful?

  • And then when you slice the turkey, you get this most delicious flavor of the sage leaves.

  • Oh, look under the skin.

  • So let them see this is really gross.

  • But how do you get that beautiful color, that golden, brown color way?

  • Have an article in our current issue?

  • The magazine called Turkey 100 to get a beautiful brown turkey like this hesitates.

  • He's really good, juicy and good crispy.

  • But she said, no.

  • It is very, very good, but I want to pick out the sage leaves.

  • Don't either.

  • Sage leaves and you baste the turkey.

  • You cover it with cheesecloth wallets roasting and based it with a mixture of white wine and a little bit of stock, and you just keep basting.

  • The secret to this turkey is basting all during the roasting time.

  • Now there are some people that cook foods for ridiculous amounts of time.

  • You know, sometimes people say, Oh, you've got to cook a turkey that's like a good month in the oven.

  • You gotta have it.

  • No, no, we do it for about 20 minutes a pound, and it's just succulent, delicious, juicy on.

  • You guys want some.

  • No, no, no.

  • They're vegetarians.

  • They never eat me.

  • He's got this one.

  • He's getting mad.

  • What's the matter?

  • Hey, baby, take it easy is getting mad.

  • Anything else we need to know?

  • Here.

  • I see you got gravy here?

  • Yes, and deglazing the pan for your gravy so that you have a gravy that doesn't have any fat.

  • That's very good to to no eso.

  • We try to make a real healthy Thanksgiving.

  • Is this healthy?

  • Is it really?

  • It's low in fat and everything.

  • That turkey is very low enough.

  • They say that, but the skin this thing is a heart attack right there.

  • Well, not the way, though.

  • This is pretty dried out and crispy.

  • You see, you're not eating a lot.

  • Does it taste fatty to you know?

  • Now it tastes good and I'm not allowed to have anything.

  • I have really high cholesterol.

  • I can't have anything that tastes good anymore.

  • Pretty much it's very sad.

  • I'm trapped in a spiral of hell that just won't stop.

  • But this is very good, though.

  • And do you want some turkey?

  • Sure.

  • Come here and come on over here.

  • Are you a good carver, Andy?

  • Because I can't do that with these gentlemen.

  • We're gonna take a break when we come back.

  • Mark Curry is gonna be here.

  • Squeezes coming up.

  • We'll see you a little bit, thanks to Marcus.

All right, come back.

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