Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles -Welcome back. We're here with Dan Levy. And we are about to play a brand-new game called "Best, Worst, First." -♪ Best ♪ ♪ Worst ♪ ♪ First ♪ -Now, here's how it works. I'll hit this button here, which activates a random topic generator. It will land on a random prompt, like "Best pick-up line you have ever used" or "Worst lie you ever have told." Whatever it lands on, you have to tell the first story or memory that comes to our minds. Are you ready for this? -Okay. Yeah, I'm ready. -Alright, first up is "Best." [ Beeping ] Best late-night snack. Alright, I got one. -Ooh! -Dan, what is yours? -Okay. I have recently been doing -- I can only do a savory and a sweet together. So I have been doing gummies that I put in the refrigerator, because I like them cold and chewy, and then I do a popcorn. And, recently, my friend got me onto nutritional yeast, so I have been doing, like, a nutritional-yeast popcorn. And I was eating my gummies and popcorn, and it was kind of, I would imagine, lit only by the refrigerator, looked like a really intense late-night binge. And then I looked out my window, and there was someone just really concerned staring back at me from the apartment just across the way, so if you are going to late-night-snack, maybe lower the blinds, unless you want to just entertain people, or, in her case, I think she was looking at me like, "Poor thing." -My late-night snack is -- What I do is, if I ever get pizza, I order pizza, I order two pies. The second pie, I take out individual slices, put them in Ziploc bags, and freeze them. And then, when I feel like a late-night snack, I throw it in the toaster oven. And I know how to zhuzh it up perfect, and it tastes like a fresh slice. -Hot tips. -Welcome back to "Hot Tips." Okay, here we go. Next round, it's time for the worst. Here we go. Worst! -Alright. [ Beeping ] Okay. Worst fear. Dan. -I'll just -- I have no shame about this. My worst fear is moths and butterflies, which is a strange -- It's a strange fear to have. -That's the worst fear of all of the fears? -Listen, I'm owning it. They have powdery, very weird wings and they don't fly in any particular direction. And that -- Yeah, it's that. It's the frantic kind of flapping. -Yes, it's the flapping. -Inevitably, I think they're going to end up in my mouth. I can't rationalize this fear, Jimmy. -Wow. -All I can do is share it with you tonight. -Last round, it's time for "First." [ Beeping ] First concert? First...acting credit. That's interesting. Dan, first acting credit. -My first big opportunity was playing a murderous tech person in a Lifetime film where I was out to murder Mischa Barton. -What?! -And -- Yeah. And the fun plot twist is that we realized that I actually had also murdered her parents. But anyone who watches this Lifetime movie, if they were to actually put the pieces together, would realize that, in terms of the timeline of this character's life, I had to have murdered her parents when I was about 10 1/2 years old. So I don't want to say that this movie is a masterpiece or anything, but it's certainly something that shaped my career in really pivotal and fundamental ways. -I feel like we get Blumhouse on this and remake this into a giant feature film. I'm into it. -It would be a tough pitch. -First acting credit, weirdly, because, tonight, we also have the great Michael J. Fox on the show, his show "Spin City." -Canadian legend. -He is a Canadian legend. -Mm-hmm. -"Spin City." I was on an episode of "Spin City." I auditioned in New York City. And I played a photographer that, like, took a Polaroid picture of, like -- And I was so excited for the audition, I went in and I had this weird jacket that I got at a store called Structure that doesn't exist anymore. I don't know if you remember that. And I had this jacket on and this sweater, and I went in and I got the audition. I go, "Oh, my gosh." I go, "When do I go in for wardrobe or who do I meet?" Blah, blah, blah. And they go, "Just wear exactly what you wore in the audition." Dude, I'm going to find that movie, and we got to talk more about that when you come back. -Please don't. -I'm psyched about your new movie, "Happiest Season," is available on Hulu November 25th.
B1 worst late night dan beeping snack fear Best, Worst, First with Dan Levy 3 0 林宜悉 posted on 2020/11/19 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary