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  • If they want to find something out, they turn to their cell phones.

  • Like most young people in this suburb of Paris, are you on social media or in Google?

  • E.

  • Prefer the social networks because the comments are more interesting?

  • E.

  • But there's lots of hate speech on social media.

  • Too many young people believe the conspiracy theories and Islamist propaganda disseminated there.

  • For instance, the Jews ruled the world that French President macron is a Satanist.

  • All fake news.

  • Yet many young people in France's poor suburbs believe it.

  • That worries Scotty Burner e have a lot of cousins like him.

  • E saw There was an incredible amount of fake news on social networks that was presented in a balanced enough way to make it believable.

  • It's often targeted at young people because they're on these networks and they're quite naive.

  • E.

  • When asked why they don't turn to newspapers or TV for reliable information, Scotty and will both say the French media often provokes antipathy towards Muslims, although they're not Muslims themselves.

  • When an attack occurs, it's normal to talk about it.

  • It is good to inform people, but not over and over nonstop.

  • They use different words, but they're letting Muslims new.

  • They're not welcome that if we close the borders, we'd be better off.

  • Take us and the Ku Klux Klan.

  • No one on Earth would associate the Ku Klux Klan with Christianity s.

  • So it's not OK to associate Muslims with these crazies who use terrorism to enforce their ideas.

  • But Picula ready three young people in France's bond lawyers feel stigmatized on now that Islamist terror has resurfaced in Europe.

  • Fake news is booming.

  • Teachers in troubled district's like this one finds their pupils are no longer willing to listen to facts in their eyes.

  • Teachers are part of the establishment and spreading lies.

  • It's worrying.

  • Students begin to question our knowledge.

  • It happens regularly that they call into doubt everything we're trying to teach them.

  • Scotty Bernard thinks teachers air going about things the wrong way on know too little about social media, which is a big problem.

  • So he's trying to do something about it.

  • Along with the journalists association he's founded YouTube channel Mature or liar to fight fake news.

  • Well, here's where we make the videos.

  • Welcome to Muto, where we decide for true from false with Melissa and Scotty, a dynamic duo.

  • The most important thing is to teach young people toe always look at where something comes from who put it online.

  • So their most recent video warns viewers about Islamist propaganda videos matures.

  • Message.

  • Be wary when people try to pull at your heartstrings.

  • Yes, yes, indoctrinates young people who've had a difficult time at home or at school and you want coping so well.

  • Emotionally.

  • Way.

  • Give them tips to developing a critical attitude when it comes to ideas that seem idealistic yet in reality are completely crazy way with help from scientists.

  • Mature also exposes fake news about the Corona pandemic way.

  • Have some questions.

  • We found a really crazy infographic on masks.

  • We'd like some clarification on things we didn't understand.

  • She let us Will thinks their YouTube channel is pretty cool.

  • It's good what they dio.

  • You really need to pay attention to stuff.

  • Mature is still in its infancy, but thousands of young people are already watching Scotty and Melissa's videos, and that makes them proud video.

  • If a young person who has seen one of our videos reflects a bit more when watching a dubious video, then we've already won.

If they want to find something out, they turn to their cell phones.

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