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  • Joe Avella: For the next several weeks,

  • I'm gonna be working from home.

  • Probably gonna get a lot of food delivered,

  • and I wanna make sure that I'm getting

  • my FDA-recommended daily caloric intake.

  • Today I wanna compare Taco Bell and Chipotle.

  • I wanna see what I have to order,

  • how much it's gonna cost...

  • uh, using sunlight, and it keeps changing.

  • It just got a lot darker, didn't it?

  • Oh, well.

  • I wanna see if I can get my daily

  • vitamins and minerals from each restaurant

  • and compare portion sizes

  • to see how big one meal will be.

  • As an American man, the FDA recommends

  • that I get between 2,000 and 3,000 calories a day.

  • I'm gonna go right in the middle.

  • [pop]

  • 2,500.

  • So, for some of the key vitamins and minerals,

  • the FDA website tells me how much

  • I'm supposed to get a day.

  • First vitamin, vitamin A.

  • Says I gotta get 900 mcgs RAE.

  • That stands for micrograms

  • of retinol activity equivalents.

  • [sighs] I don't know what that means.

  • Vitamin C: 90 milligrams.

  • Calcium: 1,300 milligrams.

  • Iron: 18 milligrams.

  • Sodium: 2,300 milligrams.

  • And protein: 50 grams.

  • Fiber: 28 grams.

  • Fat: 78 grams.

  • Here comes that sun again.

  • All right.

  • All that seems doable.

  • Gonna be a lot of meats,

  • fiber in the form of tortillas, right?

  • Rice and beans, cheese,

  • all those things that probably have

  • all those vitamins and minerals in it.

  • So, pretty confident I'll be able to get

  • all of those when trying to reach

  • my 2,500-a-day calories.

  • This is a website I found.

  • You gotta go. Sorry.

  • Nope, sorry. Can't be in this.

  • Nutritionix. Or Nutrition IX?

  • I can just click on the fast-food place

  • I'm gonna be ordering from.

  • Every time I select something,

  • it'll tell me all the nutritional facts,

  • how many calories,

  • all the things I'm gonna be measuring.

  • So that took all the math out of this for me.

  • Thank you very much, website.

  • Let's see what I can come up with.

  • I'm gonna start with Taco Bell first.

  • I feel like I'll have more of an opportunity

  • to, like, customize things that I'm getting.

  • I mean, I'll just start anywhere?

  • Uh...

  • I wanna do, like...oop. [scraping noise]

  • So, I like those Doritos tacos.

  • That's usually a staple item that I get.

  • Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Tacos.

  • I'm gonna go for the regular ones,

  • not the supreme.

  • I'll get two.

  • All right, two of those are only 330 calories.

  • I feel like that's not a lot.

  • I should point out that that's almost a quarter

  • of how much sodium I need for the day.

  • And that's not even clearly a quarter

  • of how many calories I'm gonna be getting today,

  • so I feel like sodium's gonna be an issue,

  • but let's keep going.

  • What else do I like?

  • I wanna get something that's just gonna, like,

  • fill up many categories as possible.

  • What is that thing,

  • the big thing.

  • That doesn't help at all.

  • Where they fold it a bunch of times.

  • Crunchwrap Supreme.

  • Black bean Crunchwrap Supreme.

  • Booyah.

  • What has vitamin C?

  • What has vitamin C?

  • Did I spell that right?

  • All right, broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower,

  • kale, kiwi, orange juice,

  • obviously, OK.

  • Peppers, sweet potatoes.

  • Love a 7-Layer Burrito.

  • Booyah.

  • Ooh! There we go.

  • [laughs]

  • Oh, yes! Vitamin C, 90%.

  • OK, OK, OK.

  • Now we are at a black bean Crunchwrap Supreme,

  • 7-Layer Burrito...

  • [scraping noise]

  • what's going on up there?

  • Two Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Tacos.

  • Cholesterol, 19%.

  • All right, sodium's at 92%.

  • I feel like this is gonna be a high-sodium meal.

  • What...

  • what has vitimin A?

  • OK, vit-A-min A.

  • Cod liver oil,

  • spinach, broccoli, all right.

  • So, extra lettuce helps with vitamin A.

  • Some sort of power bowl

  • to really, like, bump this thing up.

  • Gonna go with the veggie.

  • Add that on there,

  • a lot of vitamin C.

  • A lot of sodium. Only 1,700 calories.

  • Every time I add something into one pile,

  • another pile that I don't want to go up goes up.

  • Can I just search the thing?

  • Do I gotta, like, scroll down?

  • Come on.

  • [sighs]

  • Chicken enchilada nachos.

  • I like chicken enchiladas, and I like nachos,

  • so I have a feeling they're gonna be great.

  • Aw, crap. Are they not available?

  • [sighs] Come on.

  • I'm so hungry. This is driving me nuts.

  • [laughs]

  • Ugh, the light.

  • bing, bong, bing, bong

  • bong bong bong bong bong

  • baa

  • Let's throw a rice and bean burrito in there.

  • This is harder than it looks.

  • Uh, let's do two of those. OK, great.

  • Booyah! Got the calories, 2,500.

  • A little, a hair over 2,500.

  • Way more vitamin C than I need.

  • That's fine.

  • Definitely the calcium, definitely the iron.

  • K, so I've maxed out my fats,

  • I guess total fat, trans and saturated.

  • Is that bad?

  • I don't know if it's OK to go over on that.

  • Vitamin A feels like a lost cause.

  • Sodium is [laughs] so high.

  • But definitely looking good on the fiber.

  • A lot of sodium, a lot of sodium.

  • That was a bit more difficult

  • than I thought it was gonna be.

  • I feel like Chipotle's gonna be easier.

  • All right, the Chipolt.

  • I feel like it's pretty obvious.

  • Let's get a burrito.

  • Burrito.

  • Steak, fillings, what do I like?

  • Like the beans, the rice,

  • gotta get some veggies in there.

  • Yes, cheese, tomato salsa, guac,

  • lettuce, sour cream.

  • Like, this is what I would normally get,

  • and I wanna see how it stands up.

  • I love the green salsa.

  • All right, so let's add that in there.

  • What do we got here?

  • [laughs] One burrito's 1,300 calories?

  • [laughs]

  • OK. I could just get two burritos maybe.

  • 100% saturated fat,

  • sodium also out of control.

  • Carbs could be better.

  • Real good on fi-

  • I'm liking the fiber on this one.

  • Vitamin A, almost there, perfect.

  • Vitamin C, [snaps] booyah.

  • I feel like the guac was doing the heavy lifting

  • on that. Thank you, guacamole.

  • Calcium...[groans]

  • Might need some more cheese.

  • Iron, half.

  • I just wanna see what would happen

  • if I got two.

  • Even though we get almost everything,

  • the sodium's off the charts.

  • I wanna try and balance it out a little.

  • Let's look at some extras.

  • Guac, OK.

  • That's looking pretty good.

  • Not liking the calcium.

  • Side of queso.

  • Huh.

  • Sodium's ridic.

  • Fiber is high.

  • Vitamin A, oh, my goodness.

  • See, I wanna go into this burrito

  • and kinda...

  • a lot more vitamin C.

  • OK, so it looks like the fajita veggies

  • got a lot of vitamin C.

  • OK, cheese puts calcium over the top.

  • I played around with increasing the amounts

  • of various ingredients, but nothing seemed

  • to make a significant difference.

  • [sighs] So frustrating.

  • I need more calories, d-----.

  • Let's throw some chips in here.

  • Yeah, that did it.

  • That definitely did it.

  • Oh, yo.

  • God, the sodium, though.

  • I wanna see what happens when I take away

  • the queso.

  • Ooh, yeah, brought the calories down,

  • still hitting every vitamin.

  • Yo, what up, sodium went down.

  • OK, I think this is as good as I'm gonna get it.

  • I am feeling very good about this.

  • And, yeah, all right.

  • Time to order.

  • Taco Bell is ordered via Grubhub,

  • and Chipotle is coming via Doordash.

  • Yep, just leave it right there.

  • Deliveryman: Here?

  • Joe: Yep, all great. Thanks, buddy.

  • Thank you!

  • OK, here's the cost breakdowns

  • for each order.

  • Taco Bell: one 7-Layer Burrito, $3.99,

  • two Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Tacos, $4.38,

  • one Crunchwrap Supreme, $4.69,

  • Veggie Power Bowl, $5.69,

  • and two Cheesy Bean and Rice Burritos, $2.58.

  • With delivery fees, tax, and tips,

  • plus some reward,

  • total: $34.

  • [cha-ching]

  • Chipotle: chips and guac, $3.70,

  • one burrito, $8.43.

  • With tax, tip, and a bunch of other stuff,

  • $18.29.

  • [cha-ching]

  • Chipotle was almost half the cost

  • of the Taco Bell order

  • for roughly the same amount of calories.

  • The cost difference can add up over time.

  • The most obvious difference

  • is the amount of food.

  • This Chipotle order could be one meal,

  • whereas Taco Bell is a lot easier

  • to spread across the day.

  • So if you're the kind of person

  • who wants to get all their daily calories

  • in one sitting,

  • Chipotle's your best bet.

  • Taco Bell allows for way more variety.

  • I could have gotten a completely different order

  • that would have still had the same calorie amount.

  • On looks, Chipotle is way better.

  • We did double up on some ingredients,

  • but this just looks like it's brimming

  • with all the good stuff I want.

  • The Taco Bell looks flat.

  • It doesn't appear to have

  • as much going on inside.

  • Furthermore, Taco Bell has almost

  • 1,000 milligrams more of sodium.

  • Also it was way harder to get

  • all the vitamins and minerals

  • with my Taco Bell order.

  • Speaking of sodium,

  • the sauce packets aren't much help either.

  • They offer no calories, no nutrition,

  • and, of course, more sodium.

  • OK, Taco Bell, we get it.

  • Now, if you wanted to pick just one

  • specific daily nutrient,

  • you could try this.

  • Taco Bell:

  • vitamin C, which is roughly 75 milligrams,

  • just one order of chips and guac

  • could take care of that.

  • Vitamin A, this one's tough.

  • At best a supreme taco with double meat

  • and double cheese could account

  • for around 20% of your daily amount,

  • so maybe eat five of them?

  • The sodium on that would be over 4,000 milligrams,

  • so maybe don't.

  • Calcium, 1,000 milligrams.

  • You can get that with two Cheesy Gordita Crunches

  • with extra cheese.

  • You'll get all the iron you need

  • if you have two and a half

  • Beefy 5-Layer Burritos with extra meat and beans.

  • Chipotle.

  • You can knock out your vitamin C and vitamin A

  • with one steak salad with fajita veggies,

  • white rice, and guac.

  • For your calcium, just get one large queso

  • and another side queso.

  • [sigh] It's a lot of cheese. Don't do that.

  • For 20 milligrams of iron,

  • any serving of beans, barbacoa, or guac

  • has 10 milligrams of iron,

  • so mix and match two servings in your next order.

  • Let's take a look at portions.

  • I'll put a third of each order on a plate

  • to see what you'd have for one meal.

  • That makes sense, right?

  • Taco Bell. I cut up the burritos.

  • Take two of these.

  • Crunchwrap Supreme I'll cut like a pizza

  • and grab two slices.

  • The hard-shell Doritos tacos are easy to cut

  • because they've been sitting out for a while

  • and are soggy.

  • OK, maybe not.

  • That one was easier.

  • I'll add two of those.

  • For the Power Bowl, I'm just gonna eyeball it.

  • OK, so one portion of Taco Bell

  • is definitely a full plate.

  • Let's do Chipotle. [sighs]

  • If I was smart, I wouldn't have cut this

  • down the middle, because now I have to cut it

  • into three even parts.

  • Luckily I have a tape measure handy.

  • So I'll just take the length and divide by three.

  • OK, measure and cut.

  • So this is certainly more obnoxious

  • than Taco Bell.

  • Add the chips and guac.

  • I mean, yeah.

  • An obvious difference.

  • Taco Bell makes up for itself in volume for sure.

  • Obviously there's no perfect item

  • that has everything you need.

  • But if you were to get just one item

  • off of either menu, here's what I suggest

  • for high calories and a good amount

  • of your daily vitamins and minerals.

  • At Chipotle:

  • Hey, get out of there.

  • The Sofritas bowl.

  • This not-so-appetizing-looking bowl

  • comes in at 920 calories.

  • Get double sofritas, black beans, fajita veggies,

  • pinto beans, cheese, and queso, and sour cream.

  • You'll get 60% of your vitamin A,

  • 110% of your vitamin C,

  • 90% calcium, 60% of your iron,

  • and 47 grams of protein.

  • At Taco Bell, get the Veggie Power Bowl

  • with grilled steak.

  • Yes, I know, I added meat to the veggie thing.

  • A much more presentable option,

  • it has 540 calories but packs in

  • 80% of your vitamin C,

  • 10% of your vitamin A,

  • 20% iron, 25% of your calcium,

  • and 27 grams of protein.

  • OK, got everything portioned out.

  • So I'll be eating Taco Bell and Chipotle

  • for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

  • over the next few days. Great.

  • Chipotle was a lot cheaper, which I liked.

  • The customization was a lot easier.

  • I like Taco Bell gave me a lot of variety,

  • a lot of smaller things,

  • could mix it up a lot.

  • You know, I feel like I have to drink

  • a lot of water just to balance out

  • all that sodium.

  • OK, you can't sit on the laptop.

  • Just go...

  • [sighs]

  • [sighs]

Joe Avella: For the next several weeks,

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