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  • my shopping guide to getting the finest fish when I buy my fish only want the freshest on the best on if anyone knows how to get the best is Roger Kent Barton.

  • He's been buying and selling fish at the world famous Billions Gate Market in London for over 50 years.

  • I love fish.

  • I think it's the greatest food of all time.

  • I sell literally every variety there is.

  • I could feed you a different fish 365 days a year.

  • This guy really knows how to sniff out the good from the bad fish.

  • Smell different.

  • The longer it's around, the more fishy it was.

  • Smell.

  • When it's lovely and fresh, it doesn't smell whenever you're gonna bullet fish.

  • Don't be fun.

  • Get your nose right into it.

  • Don't go like they get it into it.

  • Smell it smells delightful.

  • It smells sly called salmon, and it's lovely.

  • Farah.

  • Monday It's a lovely fish.

  • The wait to tell good fish is look at it closely.

  • It's shining.

  • It's still got the bloom on it.

  • His eyes were bright.

  • Is yours looking?

  • The girl Lovely and red.

  • Put it in the bag for the gentleman, please.

  • people should always be asking about their fish.

  • What kind of fishing it?

  • Where does it come from?

  • A nice salmon.

  • £19.

  • It's a bargain at £20.

  • Rogers, right?

  • Someone's brilliant value on a great all rounder, really healthy and super delicious.

  • Here's a quick look at the different cuts on how to use them.

  • Man Whole salmon always impresses is fantastic stuffed on steamed, either in a fish kettle or in the oven wrapped in foil.

  • Stakes are great value on brilliant baked.

  • A side of salmon is perfect approaching home curing or bacon in pastry.

  • The fill it.

  • It's so versatile.

  • Easy, faster cook and great for pan frying.

  • Smoked salmon.

  • Delicious, cooked or raw.

  • I love it with scrambled eggs.

  • Broadly, there's white fish on this oily fish.

  • They come under two different sections.

  • Here we have white fish.

  • It's lovely.

  • It's God.

  • It's the best card in the world.

  • It comes to replace called Peterhead.

  • It's nice and white, the white of the better.

  • One of the most all official find mackerel there it is lovely color.

  • With most fish, the fresher they are, the harder they are.

  • If you're not well, you're ill.

  • have a macro sprats, otherwise known as top hats.

  • Here we have flatfish, these air.

  • No Nas place.

  • As you can see, they've got spots, the redder.

  • They are fresher.

  • They are.

  • It really is a lovely fish to read.

  • King George couldn't have better for fish fresh enough for royalty.

  • Follow your fishmongers advice and you'll never, ever have another dodgy Dover.

  • Sole again.

  • Muscles with celery and chili First prep the veg, chopped spring onions.

  • Charlotte's a clove of garlic on chili to taste, then thinly sliced celery at a bailey from time veg Ready?

  • Yeah, at oil to a pan on Friday season.

  • Then add mussels and stir muscles.

  • One of my favorite shellfish.

  • Cheap, healthy and delicious.

  • Cover and steam for a couple of minutes as the muscles open.

  • Add vermouth on aromatic 45 wine on 150 mil up.

  • Dry white wine on a high heat.

  • Reduce the liquid to create a source.

  • Discard any muscles that are still shut, then finished with creme fresh chopped parsley, minimal prep and cooked in less than 10 minutes.

  • My muscles was celery and chili.

  • Impressive, affordable on super speedy.

  • I've got some stunning on.

  • I mean stunning lobsters on.

  • I'll be cooking them very simply with chili and garlic butter serving them with Bloody Mary Linguini.

  • I'm gonna start with the past.

  • The source.

  • I love the indulgence in this dish.

  • If I was doing this for the kids and scrap the vodka, just do like a Virgin Mary.

  • But but a grown ups dish now.

  • Pan nice and hot spots available onions in seizing.

  • Touch a salt, pepper garlic.

  • Be nice and generous with the garlic is not just your average tomato sauce.

  • It's a royal stunning tomato sauce you're in for a big treat.

  • Season your onions and garlic.

  • The Tabasco that'll give that really nice lift a little pinch of celery salt spice that up with with the source.

  • It instantly colors the tomatoes goes.

  • Bring anywhere with the celery salt, Tabasco on that nice caramelized garlic, little light sprinkling of sugar.

  • All the worst of source was reduced down.

  • We got this nice, sweet, spicy, sticky, garlicky onion base glaze with a couple of spoons of vodka in lovely mhm who chopped tomatoes in We will touch of water.

  • Look at the color well, that source check this evening.

  • That's delicious Bring that up to the ball and cook it out 6 to 8 minutes.

  • Reduce it down.

  • Slowly turned down the gas.

  • Let that simmer with my source simmering, I can move on to a delicious bread crumb topping to dress my linguini Fire off my bed.

  • Cars get the nice and crispy, but don't put too much oil in there.

  • Otherwise, the bread will just absorb it, become greasy.

  • 50 Season them when they go really nice.

  • And golden brown 30 seconds before they come out.

  • Flat leaf, parsley Roll that through you bet comes.

  • That is gonna finish the linguini on top.

  • You hear Chris Bell before I cook the linguini.

  • I'm gonna make the chili butter that will flavor my lobster.

  • Get your chilling and slice it.

  • Want to take advantage of all those seeds?

  • Chilean Touch your soul.

  • A nice clothes.

  • Garlic.

  • Get some parsley.

  • Start breaking that down.

  • I'm looking for a lovely garlic chili paste.

  • Exactly like that.

  • Now don't overdo it with the butter.

  • Her butters are a great way to flavor fish on meat.

  • They could be used as a stuffing in dishes like Chicken Kiev or added towards the end of the dish as a delicious plays lobsters.

  • They're already cooked, so firmly placed lobster flat on your board.

  • There's a little crisscross here, lying there on line, going across.

  • Put the point of the knife in on, just pushed through the head.

  • Turn the lobster around, cut through the lobster, snap the legs off, snap the claws off.

  • Just get the back of your knife.

  • Crack them.

  • Yeah, spread that beautiful butter on.

  • Go into the heads is well, And then the clause.

  • Take off bits of the shell.

  • Get little bits of butter in there.

  • This could be done way in advance for me.

  • The longer that chili butter sits on top of that lobster, the better the flavor.

  • Especially when they hit the grill.

  • While my lobster firms up in the fridge, I can finish cooking my linguini water brought up to the boil, seasoned nicely on a little touch of olive.

  • All now, Linguini in first, that's gonna take the longest 8 to 10 minutes in.

  • It was the linguini starts softly at the bottom.

  • Just gently turn that around.

  • Always wait to Linguini is nice and soft.

  • That way.

  • You don't break those nice strands.

  • Give that a good mix getting it back on.

  • Bring that to the ball rapidly.

  • After 8 to 10 minutes, my linguini should be perfect.

  • You want it al dente.

  • Slightly firm.

  • Mhm.

  • Not too chewy.

  • Absolutely spot on train that you took Hollander.

  • Shake a little bit of water from the pastor into my source, and she goes, start twisting linguini around.

  • E want that bloody Mary spicing up the linguini?

  • Always hold up the center off the pan first and place onto the plate.

  • Let go of that nice big lump.

  • By doing this, you'll get a mountainous pile of spaghetti with more body on.

  • Generously cover that your crispy breadcrumbs.

  • Absolutely beautiful.

  • Yeah, last but not least, I need to cook my chilled her buttered lobsters on a smoking hot griddle that but has gotten really nice and firm.

  • So the idea is stopping that down on grinning.

  • The smell of that chili and garlic butter is extraordinary because the lobsters cooked.

  • All you're doing is grilling that delicious, spicy chili butter.

  • You just want that mark of the char quickly on the lobster.

  • Turn it over.

  • Smell is incredible.

  • Now get that on.

  • You can understand why it is proper special occasion food, because that is mind blowing grilled lobster with chili and garlic butter served with a boozy bloody Mary linguini, a sensational special occasion lunch.

my shopping guide to getting the finest fish when I buy my fish only want the freshest on the best on if anyone knows how to get the best is Roger Kent Barton.

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